3A10.10simple pendulumPIRA 200Suspend a simple pendulum from a ringstand.
3A10.10simple pendulum3A10.10Suspend a simple pendulum from a ringstand.
3A10.13simple pendulum bobsTPT 15(5),300An apparatus for open-ended investigation of the simple pendulum. Bobs have adjustable length and are of different shape.
3A10.144:1 pendulumPIRA 1000
3A10.144:1 pendulaDisc 08-154:1 pendula have 2:1 period.
3A10.15bowling ball pendulumPIRA 500
3A10.15bowling ball pendulum3A10.15Suspend a bowling ball from the ceiling.
3A10.17different mass pendulaPIRA 1000
3A10.17lead and cork pendulaM-81Long pendula made of lead and cork are released simultaneously.
3A10.17different mass pendulaDisc 08-14Pendula of the same length and different mass oscillate together.
3A10.20upside-down pendulumPIRA 500
3A10.20upside-down pendulum3A10.20A vertical leaf spring supported at the base has a movable mass.
3A10.20inverted pendulumMx-6A piece of clockspring mounted vertically on a heavy base has an adjustable mass to change the period.
3A10.21metronome as a pendulumSo-1The metronome as an adjustable pendulum.
3A10.30torsion pendulumPIRA 500
3A10.30torsion pendulum3A10.30A metal spoked wheel is suspended as a torsional pendulum by a wire attached to the axle.
3A10.30torsion pendulumMz-1A wheel is suspended as a physical pendulum by a flexible axle.
3A10.30torsion pendulumDisc 08-13Add weight to a torsion pendulum to decrease the period.
3A10.31torsion pendulum11-2.3hA large clock spring oscillates an air bearing supported disc. Vary mass, damping, etc.
3A10.31torsion pendulumM-14gA large clock spring oscillates a vertical rod with an adjustable crossbar.
3A10.32torsion pendulum15-7.1Calculate angular velocity and acceleration with a large slow torsion pendulum that has movable timer contacts.
3A10.34crossed dumbell pendulum15-5.1Crossed dumbbells with adjustable masses are mounted on an axle as spokes of a wheel. Show the dependence of the period on rotational inertia and on the distance between the center of gravity and axis of the pendulum.
3A10.35torsion pendulum15-7.2Strobe photography of a torsion pendulum.
3A10.40variable g pendulumPIRA 1000
3A10.40variable g pendulumM-14f.2A pendulum with a bifilar support of solid rods can be inclined to decrease apparent g.
3A10.40variable angle pendulumDisc 08-19A physical pendulum is mounted on a bearing so the angle of the plane of oscillation can be changed.
3A10.42variable g pendulumAJP 52(1),85Use an electromagnet under the pendulum bob to increase the apparent g.
3A10.42variable g pendulumM-129A hidden electromagnet causes a variation in period of a iron pendulum bob.
3A10.44variable g pendulumTPT 13(6),365An evaluation of the model M110 Variable g Pendulum manufactured by Physics Apparatus Research Inc. Good pictures of the device for those interested in building their own.
3A10.50cycloidal pendulum15-4.1Demonstrate that a cycloidal pendulum with any amplitude has a period identical to a equal length simple pendulum at small amplitude. Construction details p. 603.
3A10.50cycloidal pendulumM-94A pendulum made to swing at large amplitude in the cusp of an inverted cycloid is compared to a simple pendulum.
3A10.55nonisochronism of pendulum15-1.14Two identical pendula, started with large and small amplitudes, have different periods.
3A10.61sliding pendulumAJP 28(1),76A block of dry ice is placed on a large parabolic mirror or bent sheet metal trough for other (i.e., cycloidal) curves.

Ma-1Freier & Anderson
1A12.01University of Minnesota Handbook
AJP 52(1),85American Journal of Physics
TPT 15(5),300The Physics Teacher
Disc 01-01The Video Encyclopedia of Physics Demonstrations

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