4C20.00Phase Changes: Liquid-Solid
4C20.10supercooled waterPIRA 1000
4C20.10supercooled water4C20.10A small test tube of water is cooled in a peltier device and the temperature is followed with a thermocouple.
4C20.11supercooling waterH-71Water in a small test tube is cooled to -4 C by placing in a dry ice/alcohol bath. Shake to freeze and the temperature will rise to 0 C.
4C20.12drop freezerAJP 39(10),11251971 Apparatus Competition Winner. Drops are placed on a copper plate with a tail in dry ice. A thermometer is placed in the copper plate and a mirror at 45 degrees allows easy observation of the drops.
4C20.15supercooling in four substances26-5.15Four methods are given for supercooling various substances.
4C20.20ice bomb in liquid nitrogenPIRA 500
4C20.20ice bombHk-5An ice bomb is filled with water and placed in a salt water bath.
4C20.20ice bombH-56The ice bomb takes half an hour to break when placed in a freezing mixture of ice and salt.
4C20.20ice bombH-2a.1Just a picture.
4C20.20ice bombDisc 15-15An ice bomb is placed in a liquid nitrogen bath.
4C20.21ice bomb in liquid nitrogen4C20.21An ice bomb is placed in a beaker of liquid nitrogen in a plexiglass cage.
4C20.21ice bomb - galv. pipeAJP 44(9),893Use a galvanized coupling and plugs for a bomb and liquid nitrogen for a fast freeze.
4C20.22expansion of freezing bismuthH-55A hummock rises on the surface of bismuth as it freezes in a tube.
4C20.23contraction of paraffinM-20a.5Let a beaker of liquid paraffin freeze.
4C20.30regelationPIRA 500
4C20.30regelation4C20.30Cut through a block of ice with a wire loop that has a heavy mass hanging from it.
4C20.30regelationHk-4A copper wire under tension cuts through a block of ice.
4C20.30regelationDisc 15-16A mass hanging from a loop of thin stainless steel wire cuts through a block of ice.
4C20.31regelation explained completelyTPT 3(7),301The complexity of regelation is examined by Mark Zemansky.
4C20.31regelationTPT 3(4),186Explanation of regelation. Copper cuts through faster than iron or thread.
4C20.32regelationH-57Substances that expand on freezing show a lowering melting point under pressure. Two blocks of ice, held together by hand, will freeze. Also complete directions for the standard demo.
4C20.32crushed ice squeezeH-58Crushed ice squeezed in a thick walled cylinder forms a solid block.
4C20.33pressure and freezing pointTPT 28(5),260A letter disputing TPT 25,523 pointing out the difficulty in obtaining a uniform 0 C temperature in an ice bath.
4C20.35liquefying CO2PIRA 500
4C20.35liquifying CO24C20.35Press down on a piston on dry ice in a clear tube until at 5 atmospheres liquification occurs.
4C20.35liquifying CO2H-59A strong bulb with a 1 cm square neck area is filled with dry ice and a 5 kg mass is added. The melting point of CO2 is about 5 atmospheres. Lift the weight slightly to freeze.
4C20.36CO2 syringeAJP 47(3),287Put some CO2 in a small transparent syringe and squeeze to liquefy. Can be shown on the OH.
4C20.40freezing liquid nitrogenPIRA 500
4C20.40freezing liquid nitrogen4C20.40Put some liquid nitrogen in a clear dewar and pump until it freezes.
4C20.40freezing liquid nitrogenAJP 35(6),540In addition to the standard freezing by evaporation in a clear dewar - pop off the cork when the nitrogen is solid and it will instantly turn to liquid while the temperature remains below its boiling point.
4C20.40freezing liquid nitrogenH-109Pumping on liquid air will produce solid nitrogen at -210 C. Air passed slowly over the outside of the flask will condense out liquid air at atmosphere pressure.
4C20.42freezing nitrogen modificationAJP 36(9),919The dewar has a smaller cross section in the lower part to prevent the frozen plug from rising to the pumping port.
4C20.45fire extinguisherPIRA 500
4C20.45fire extinguisher4C20.45Shoot off a CO2 fire extinguisher.
4C20.45CO2 expansion coolingDisc 15-03Shoot off a fire extinguisher at a test tube of water, freezing the water.
4C20.46CO2 cylinderH-65Liquid CO2 from cylinder is released into a heavy bag, freezing the central stream by evaporative cooling.
4C20.50heat of fusion of water4C20.50Melt ice in a beaker of water and measure the temperature.
4C20.51heat of fusion of iceH-54Melt some ice in a calorimeter with a known amount of water.
4C20.52freezing lead26-5.2Insert thermocouple into molten lead and plot the temperature on an x-y recorder as it freezes.
4C20.53freezing tinH-46Tin is heated to 360 C and temperature readings taken every 30 seconds until the temperature reaches 160 C. Half the time the temperature remains at 230 C.
4C20.54heat of fusion of water26-5.1Place a thermocouple cooled in liquid nitrogen in warm water. Plot temperature as ice forms and then melts.
4C20.55heat of solutionPIRA 1000
4C20.55heat of solution26-5.6A manometer shows cooling when hypo or ammonium chloride are added to water, heating when sulfuric acid is used. ALSO - equal weights of water and ammonium nitrate will lead to freezing.
4C20.56heat of solutionH-50Heat is generated if sulfuric acid is dissolved in water. Cooling results if hypo or ammonium nitrate is dissolved.
4C20.59latent heat heating26-5.3Two experiments that use the latent heat from one substance freezing to heat another.
4C20.60heat of crystallizationPIRA 1000
4C20.60heat of crystallizationH-48Prepare a supersaturated solution of sodium acetate or sodium sulfate and drop in a crystal to trigger crystallization. A thermocouple will show the change in temperature.
4C20.61heat of crystallizationH-49A manometer hooked into the jacket of a double walled flask is used to detect the change in temperature of a sodium thiosulfate solution as it crystallizes.
4C20.62heat of crystallization26-5.4A manometer indicates heating when a flask of supercooled hypo solution crystallizes.
4C20.70project crystallizationH-44Project while crystallization occurs in a thin film of melted sulfur or saturated solution of ammonium chloride.
4C20.71crystallizationH-45Crystallization from a conc. solution of sodium acetate or sodium hyposulfate. See also E-195 (lead tree) and L-122 (polarization).
4C20.72water crystals in soap film26-5.12A ring with a soap film is cooled in a chamber surrounded by dry ice on the overhead projector. Water crystals form.
4C20.73crystal growth on the overhead26-5.13Various organic compounds are used to show crystal growth between crossed Polaroids on the overhead projector.
4C20.73crystal growth on the overhead26-5.14Tartaric acid and benzoic acid are melted together and the crystal growth on cooling is observed between crossed Polaroids on the overhead projector.
4C20.74observing crystallization26-5.17Directions for building a microprojector useful for showing crystallization phenomena.
4C20.90hard sphere modelAJP 45(4),395A two dimensional hard sphere model of a fluid shows propagating holes or flow if 4% of the spheres are removed.
4C20.98Metglas 2826AJP 46(1),80Metglas 2826 is a metal that has been quenched from liquid to solid without crystallization. The mechanical, electrical, and magnetic properties are demonstrated.
4C20.99Wood's metalH-47The recipe for Wood's metal (melting point 65.5 C).

Ma-1Freier & Anderson
1A12.01University of Minnesota Handbook
AJP 52(1),85American Journal of Physics
TPT 15(5),300The Physics Teacher
Disc 01-01The Video Encyclopedia of Physics Demonstrations

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