9A85.00Computer Programs
9A85.05analog computer usesAJP 44(8),792Additional uses of the analog computer as a teaching aid.
9A85.05analog computer moduleAJP 42(1),75The Analog Devices 433 multifunction module simplifies analog computer simulations.
9A85.05Heath analog computer modificationAJP 44(11),1139An op amp module replaces the vacuum tube op amps in the Heath ES-201 computer.
9A85.05Fourier transform with analog computAJP 42(7),591Use the EIA TR-20 instructional analog computer to find the Fourier transform of some real, even functions.
9A85.05analog computer applicationsAJP 41(5),622Description of the analog computer with applications in harmonic motion, quantum mechanics, and radioactive decay.
9A85.10quantum-mechanical ripple tankAJP 36(12),1088Graphical presentations of the probability density of a scattering problem.
9A85.20alternate velocity conceptionAJP 53(7),694A program identifies students who use position criterion for judging when two objects are moving with the same velocity and includes a remedial program.
9A85.30waves in media: BASIC programAJP 39(5),539A program showing waves in a dispersive media with a listing in BASIC.
9A85.30FORTRAN mechanics programsAJP 36(9),907Brief descriptions of 11 dynamics programs for tutorial use.
9A85.30"Photographic" objects - relativityAJP 35(5),434A tutorial fortran program in special relativity to investigate the "photographic" appearance of objects moving past the camera at relativistic speeds.
9A85.30the square wellAJP 35(3),275A sequence of five programs (printout of one, student handouts shown) allowing the student to explore several features of the square well.
9A85.30simple pendulum experimentAJP 36(3),273Description of a tutorial program in FORTRAN.
9A85.30Hamilton's principle of least actionAJP 37(4),386A PDP-1 based tutorial program.
9A85.30optics programs - BASICAJP 39(4),442Three simple optics programs in BASIC. Listings.

Ma-1Freier & Anderson
1A12.01University of Minnesota Handbook
AJP 52(1),85American Journal of Physics
TPT 15(5),300The Physics Teacher
Disc 01-01The Video Encyclopedia of Physics Demonstrations

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