9B18.00Sound Detectors
9B18.10microphonesS-75Connecting a carbon-granule microphone to a tube amplifier.
9B18.20manometric flamesS-76A rubber diaphragm in a device (diagram) controls flame height which is viewed in a rotating mirror.
9B18.20manometric capsuleS-3eA sensitive flame is viewed with a rotating mirror.
9B18.30sensitive flame17-7.4Noise changes a high-calm flame to the turbulent state. Leybold No. 41197.
9B18.30sensitive flamesS-71Hold copper gauze above a jet and light.
9B18.30sensitive flamesS-70A hood for a ordinary Bunsen burner (Diagram) that will produce a flame sensitive to sound.
9B18.30sensitive flameS-69A flame lit at the end of a glass tube drawn into a fine tip can be tuned to be very sensitive to sound.
9B18.30sensitive flamesS-72A Bunsen burner with air holes covered and gas pressure reduced becomes sensitive to sound.
9B18.35Sensitive liquid jetS-73Make a sensitive jet in an aquarium to show conclusively that the jet and not the flame is sensitive.
9B18.36sound amplification with water19-9.1A tuning fork coupled to a steady water stream breaks it up and the drops fall on a drum head.
9B18.36sensitive liquid jetS-74Place a tuning fork against a nozzle and let the drops hit a drumhead. Couple the drumhead to the nozzle with a rod for self sustaining oscillations.
9B18.40phonodeikS-78Diagrams of four phonodeiks and one phonelescope. All the devices are acoustic oscillographs using a diaphragm to move a small mirror.
9B18.40phonodeikS-77Cement a small mirror on a rubber diaphragm on one end of a tube. Reflect light off a rotating mirror to the small mirror onto a screen.

Ma-1Freier & Anderson
1A12.01University of Minnesota Handbook
AJP 52(1),85American Journal of Physics
TPT 15(5),300The Physics Teacher
Disc 01-01The Video Encyclopedia of Physics Demonstrations

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