9C35.00Ripple Tank
9C35.01ripple tank - water depthAJP 54(11),1002A study of the profiles of waves for different water depths.
9C35.01ripple tank - generalSm-1The ripple tank.
9C35.10ripple tank - construction hints18-6.1Hints on building ripple tanks. Diagrams and pictures. Construction details in appendix, p. 626.
9C35.10ripple tank - construction18-6.5Ripple tank construction hints. Picture.
9C35.10ripple tank - construction18-6.2A mobile ripple tank illuminated by a strobe with air powered wave makers. Picture. Construction details in appendix, p. 631.
9C35.10ripple tanks - general discussionS-49A long discussion on ripple tanks.
9C35.11ripple tank - overhead projectorTPT 2(2),81Design of a ripple tank for use on the overhead projector.
9C35.20ripple tank - driverAJP 49(11),1079A ripple tank driver is make from a loudspeaker.
9C35.20electric scissors generatorAJP 43(2),195Convert a household electric scissors into a variable speed oscillator.
9C35.20electric production of ripplesAJP 30(2),133Water climbs a highly charged wire (5000-10,000 v ac) touching the surface.
9C35.20ripple tank wavesAJP 45(1),105Mount a two tooth comb in an electric toothbrush.
9C35.20ripple tank - plane wavesSm-3Simple plane waves of different frequencies on the ripple tank.
9C35.21vibrating reed frequency meterSd-2A 60 Hz reed frequency meter is observed with a strobe to show phase differences.
9C35.22ripple tank wave generatorAJP 45(7),683Use a loudspeaker to drive the ripple tank dippers.
9C35.23slow ripple tank wavesAJP 29(4),xivA layer of aniline under an equal layer of water gives waves that travel at 5 cm/sec. Discusses a few of the problems associated with aniline.
9C35.30ripple tank strobeAJP 30(7),vAdvice on adding a sectored disk strobe to your ripple tank.

Ma-1Freier & Anderson
1A12.01University of Minnesota Handbook
AJP 52(1),85American Journal of Physics
TPT 15(5),300The Physics Teacher
Disc 01-01The Video Encyclopedia of Physics Demonstrations

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