2B30.00Atmospheric Pressure
2B30.05lead barPIRA 1000
2B30.05lead bar2B30.05A 1"x1" lead bar 35" long weighs 14.7 lbs.
2B30.10crush the canPIRA 200Boil water in a can and cap. As the vapor pressure is reduced by cooling, the can collapses.
2B30.10crush the canH-77Boil water in a can and cap. As the vapor pressure is reduced by cooling, the can collapses.
2B30.10crush the canM-326Boil water in a can and seal it. Or, pump out a can slightly, put it in a vacuum chamber and blow it back up.
2B30.10crush the canM-22dBoil some water in a one gallon can, then stopper and pour water over it. ALSO - evacuate.
2B30.15crush the soda canPIRA 1000
2B30.15crush the soda can2B30.15
2B30.15crush the soda canAJP 47(11),1015Heat water in the bottom of an aluminum soft drink can, then invert it over a pan of water.
2B30.15crush the soda canTPT 28(8),550Boil water in a soda can, invert it over water, and then calculate the thermal efficiency during the collapse.
2B30.20crush a 55 gal drumPIRA 500
2B30.20crush a 55 gal drum2B30.20Boil water in a 55 gal. drum using three LP gas burners. A vacuum gage in the smaller bung hole is optional. The barrel crushes at about a half atmosphere.
2B30.20barrel crushDisc 11-16Boil water in a 55 gal drum, seal, and cool.
2B30.25crush the can with vacuum pumpPIRA 1000
2B30.25crush the can with pump2B30.25A 1 gallon can is evacuated with a pump. A pop can heated with water and inverted on cold water.
2B30.25crush the canFd-1Pump on a gallon can to collapse it.
2B30.25crush can with pumpDisc 11-14A one gallon can is evacuated with a vacuum pump.
2B30.26blow up the crushed can16-2.2Take a deep breath and blow up a crushed can.
2B30.30Magdeburg hemispheresPIRA 200Evacuate Magdeburg hemispheres and try to separate them.
2B30.30Magdeburg hemispheres2B30.30A set of Magdeburg hemispheres are evacuated with a pump.
2B30.30Magdeburg flat platesAJP 36(3),ixPump out flat plates separated by an o ring and hang weights.
2B30.30Magdeburg hemispheresTPT 3(6),285Separate the hemispheres by placing in a bell jar and evacuating.
2B30.30Magdeburg hemispheresFd-2Evacuate Magdeburg hemispheres and try to separate them.
2B30.30Magdeburg hemispheresM-22b.3Picture of two Magdeburg hemispheres.
2B30.30Magdeburg hemispheresDisc 11-12An evacuated Magdeburg hemisphere set supports a large stack of weights.
2B30.31Magdeburg hemispheresM-323Pump out a cylinder at least 5" in diameter and lift a student.
2B30.33Magdeburg hemisphere swingPIRA 1000
2B30.33Magdeburg hemisphere swing2B30.33Suck out per os two plexiglass plates with a 7.5" "O" ring in between. Hook to the ceiling, grab onto the bottom plate and swing.
2B30.34Magdeburg tug-of-warPIRA 1000
2B30.35Magdeburg tug-of-war2B30.35Evacuate two plexiglass plates with a 12" "O" ring in between and hook a 2" rope to each plate. Have students do the tug of war.
2B30.35Magdeburg hemispheresAJP 48(11),987A fifteen inch set used in a pull off between a Clydesdale and small 4-wheel drive.
2B30.36suction cupsPIRA 1000
2B30.36suction cups2B30.36Lift a 6" cube of aluminum with a glass handler's suction cup.
2B30.40soda straw contestPIRA 1000
2B30.40soda straw contest2B30.40Ask how far a person can suck. Start with a 3' tube, then try 6', 12', and 18'.
2B30.45inverted glassAJP 44(6),604A 2 m long Plexiglas tube is used for the inverted glass demo. More on dissolved gasses in liquid and cavitation using the same tube.
2B30.46card on inverted glass modificationAJP 29(10),711Replace the glass by a tube of 50 cm and when half filled, it cannot be inverted. Explanation.
2B30.49atmospheric pressure demosM-322Four demos: 1) Hollow out a "suction cup" in the bottom of a cork so it will stay stuck at the bottom of a beaker as water is poured in. 2) Lift a heavy object by using rubber suction cups. 3) A smaller test tube is pulled into a larger water filled one as the system is inverted and the water runs out. 4) An aspirator is attached to a glass tube coming out of a sealed bottle of water.
2B30.50lift a stoolPIRA 500
2B30.50lift a stool2B30.50Place a square foot of 1/16" rubber on a chair and lift the chair by pulling up on a handle attached to the rubber sheet.
2B30.50rubber sheet lifting chairDisc 11-19Lift a chair by placing a thin sheet of rubber with a handle on the seat and pulling up.
2B30.55adhesion platesPIRA 1000
2B30.60stick and newspaperPIRA 500
2B30.60stick and newspaper16-4.5Hit and break the protruding part of a stick covered with a newspaper.
2B30.60inertia shinglesDisc 11-18Break a wood stick protruding from under a paper.
2B30.70vacuum bazookaPIRA 1000
2B30.70vacuum bazookaDisc 11-15Put a rubber ball in a tube, seal the ends, evacuate, and puncture the end with the ball.
2B30.80pressure due to heightM-325Flames burn the same at ends of a tube when horizontal but with different heights when the tube is vertical.

Ma-1Freier & Anderson
1A12.01University of Minnesota Handbook
AJP 52(1),85American Journal of Physics
TPT 15(5),300The Physics Teacher
Disc 01-01The Video Encyclopedia of Physics Demonstrations

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