3A70.00Coupled Oscillations
3A70.10Wilberforce pendulumPIRA 200Energy transfers between vertical and torsional modes.
3A70.10Wilberforce pendulum3A70.10A mass on a spring with outriggers is tuned so the three modes of oscillation will couple.
3A70.10Wilberforce pendulumMx-11The Wilberforce pendulum.
3A70.10Wilberforce pendulumS-18Transfer of energy between torsional vibration and vertical oscillation in the Wilberforce pendulum.
3A70.10Wilberforce pendulumM-14f.1Shows two Wilberforce pendula.
3A70.10Wilberforce pendulumS-4a.4A small Wilberforce pendula.
3A70.10Wilberforce pendulumDisc 09-08Energy transfers between vertical and torsional modes.
3A70.11Wilberforce pendulum analysisAJP 58(9),833Analysis of the Wilberforce pendulum. Compare theory with experiment.
3A70.12Wilberforce pendulumTPT 21(4),257Directions for making an inexpensive Wilberforce pendulum, including winding the spring.
3A70.14swinging mass on a springAJP 46(1),110Derivation with the additional hint that you can use a weak spring by adding a length of string to increase the period of the pendulum motion.
3A70.15swinging mass on a springPIRA 1000
3A70.15swinging mass on a spring3A70.15The oscillation mode of a mass on a spring couples with the pendulum mode.
3A70.15swinging mass on a springAJP 44(12),1121Analysis of autoparametric resonance that occurs when the rest length of a spring is stretched by about one third by a mass.
3A70.15swinging mass on a spring15-1.12Oscillations couple if the frequency of a mass on a spring is twice the pendulum mode frequency.
3A70.16swinging mass on a spring -uncoupledAJP 48(6),488The special case in which the angular frequency of the spring and the frequency of the pendulum are equal, where the equations of motion actually uncouple and yield independent vertical and pendular motion. The simple apparatus is shown.
3A70.17spring pendulum15-1.13Time the period of a 12" pendulum, take a 12" spring and add mass until the period is the same. Show the extension is 12"
3A70.20coupled pendulaPIRA 200Hang two or three pendula from a flexible metal frame.
3A70.20coupled pendula3A70.20Two pendula are hung from a flexible metal frame. A third can be added.
3A70.20coupled pendula15-9.2Two bobs suspended from a suspended horizontal dowel.
3A70.20coupled pendulaS-4a.3Rods and spring steel support two pendula. The picture is less than clear.
3A70.21coupled pendulaMx-12There identical pendula are coupled by a slightly flexible support.
3A70.21coupled pendulaSa-1Three identical pendula hang from a slightly flexible stand.
3A70.22projection coupled pendulaSa-2Two small coupled pendula hang from a slightly flexible stand on a clear base.
3A70.25spring coupled pendulaPIRA 500
3A70.25spring coupled pendula3A70.25Two pendula are coupled with a light spring.
3A70.25spring coupled pendulaMx-10Two equal adjustable pendula coupled with a light spring.
3A70.26spring coupled pendula15-9.1Two identical bobs are coupled with a leaf spring.
3A70.27spring coupled physical penduaPIRA 1000
3A70.27coupled pendula15-9.3Two bowling ball bobs on aluminum rods allowing for length adjustments are coupled with a light spring between the rods.
3A70.27coupled pendulaDisc 09-07Two physical pendula are coupled by a spring.
3A70.30string coupled pendulaPIRA 1000
3A70.30string coupled pendula3A70.30Pendula are suspended from a horizontal string.
3A70.30string coupled pendulaAJP 49(12),1245Theory and diagram of the string-coupled pendula.
3A70.30string coupled pendulaS-17Two pendula are coupled on a string. Coupling time depends on the string tightness, amplitude depends on the mass.
3A70.30string coupled pendulaS-4a.1Two pendula are suspended from a common string.
3A70.31triple pendulaAJP 45(11),1022A spring coupled triple pendulum used to demonstrate the character of normal modes and in particular a mode that has high Q even with the center pendulum highly damped. The mathematically similar to the equations of three coupled quantum mechanical levels.
3A70.32resonant double pendulumAJP 53(11),1114This double pendulum system with modes that differ by a factor of two has not yet been completely solved.
3A70.33varied length coupled pendula15-9.4A symmetrical arrangement of seven steel balls are coupled 6" below their anchor points with a long wooden bar through which the cords pass. Energy transfers from one end to the other.
3A70.35double simple pendulumAJP 38(4),536Analysis of two masses on the same string with combinations of the masses and strings being equal or unequal.
3A70.36over-under pendula15-9.6A light pendulum suspended from a heavy pendulum.
3A70.38electrostatically coupled pendula29-4.9Two pith ball pendula couple only when they are charged with the same polarity.
3A70.40inverted coupled pendulaPIRA 1000
3A70.40inverted coupled pendulaA-8bTwo vertical hacksaw blades with weights at the top are coupled at the bottom.
3A70.41coupled upside down pendula15-9.5Two adjustable upside down pendula are coupled with a rubber band. Also shows beats.
3A70.45coupled masses on springsPIRA 1000
3A70.50oscillating magnetsPIRA 1000
3A70.50oscillating magnetsTPT 18(1),39You really have to see the picture of this to believe it.
3A70.55coupled compass needlesAJP 56(3),200Oscillations of two compass needles couple.
3A70.56coupled magnetsAJP 28(8),744Two magnets are suspended from a suspended wooden wand, all horizontal. Oscillations couple and attain a final north-south alignment.
3A70.60ball & curved track pendulumAJP 56(4),345Analysis of the peculiar motion of a quarter circle track pendulum with a ball bearing.
3A70.70rotating 2D coupled oscillationsAJP 37(8),841Examine the oscillations of a "Y" pendulum as it is rotated at varying speeds.

Ma-1Freier & Anderson
1A12.01University of Minnesota Handbook
AJP 52(1),85American Journal of Physics
TPT 15(5),300The Physics Teacher
Disc 01-01The Video Encyclopedia of Physics Demonstrations

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