4D10.00Brownian Motion
4D10.10Brownian motion cellPIRA 200View a smoke cell under a microscope.
4D10.10Brownian motion smoke cell on tv4D10.10Look through a microscope at a small illuminated cell filled with smoke.
4D10.10Brownian motionHh-3Observe the motion of particles in a smoke cell through a microscope.
4D10.10Brownian motion smoke cellA-48Observe the Brownian motion smoke cell through a low powered microscope.
4D10.10Brownian motion cellM-22jObserve a small smoke cell through a microscope.
4D10.10Brownian motion cellA-1bView a smoke cell under a microscope.
4D10.10brownian motionDisc 16-07A smoke cell is viewed under 100X magnification.
4D10.11Brownian motion - virtual imageA-51The optical setup for viewing Brownian motion by enlarged virtual image.
4D10.12Brownian motionAJP 44(2),188Use a laser beam to illuminate a smoke cell under a microscope viewed with TV
4D10.12smoke cell27-8.1Project the Brownian motion smoke cell with TV Picture.
4D10.13Brownian motion on tvAJP 55(10),955Polystyrene microspheres are used in place of the smoke cell, the eyepiece of the microscope is removed and the image is formed on the shielded TV tube.
4D10.13smoke cell for tvAJP 41(2),278Modifications to the standard Welch smoke tube for use with television projection.
4D10.14Brownian motion - light scatteringAJP 37(9),853Pass a laser beam through a cell with a suspension of polystyrene spheres. Hold a card up and show the fluctuations of the scattered light.
4D10.15Brownian motion - macroscopic cellAJP 40(5),761Ball bearings hit a piece of stressed plexiglass Crossed Polaroids render the balls invisible.
4D10.20Brownian motion simulatorPIRA 1000
4D10.20Brownian motion simulation4D10.20Place many small and a few large balls on a vibrating plate on an overhead projector.
4D10.20Brownian motion simulationDisc 16-08A large disc is placed in with small ball bearings in the shaker frame on the overhead projector.
4D10.21Brownian motion simulation27-7.6A Brownian motion shaker for the overhead projector. Includes the original references to Brown and Einstein.
4D10.25Brownian motion simulationAJP 47(9),827The Cenco kinetic theory apparatus is modified by mounting a baffle in the center of the tube to reduce the spinning of the particles, and suspending a 1 cm bead in one half of the chamber.
4D10.30colloidal suspensionPIRA 1000
4D10.30Brownian motion - colloidalA-49Place a colloidal metal suspension made by sparking electrodes under water on a microscope slide.
4D10.31formation of lead carbonate crystals27-8.5Project the formation of flat-sided crystals of lead carbonate in a glass cell on a screen. See Sutton, A-50.
4D10.31rotary Brownian motionA-50Observe a dilute suspension of flat lead carbonate crystals under low magnification.
4D10.33Brownian motion in TiO2 suspension27-8.2A TV camera looks through a microscope at a water suspension of TiO2.
4D10.34Brownian motion corridor demo.AJP 32(7),viDow latex spheres in water through a 1900 power projection microscope, mechanical analog with a 2" puck and 1/4" ball bearings.
4D10.34Brownian motion corridor demo.27-8.4A corridor demonstration of Brownian motion of Dow latex spheres using a projection 1900 power microscope.
4D10.40Dow spheres suspensionPIRA 1000
4D10.40Brownian motion of a galvanometerAJP 31(12),922An optical-lever amplifier for studying the Brownian motion of a galvanometer.
4D10.40Brownian motion with Dow spheres27-8.3Small polystyrene spheres made by Dow are suspended in water for illustrating Brownian motion.

Ma-1Freier & Anderson
1A12.01University of Minnesota Handbook
AJP 52(1),85American Journal of Physics
TPT 15(5),300The Physics Teacher
Disc 01-01The Video Encyclopedia of Physics Demonstrations

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