5A22.00Electrostatic Meters
5A22.10Braun electroscopePIRA 500
5A22.10Braun electrostatic voltmeterEa-3A well balanced needle measures voltages to a few KV.
5A22.10large Braun electroscope29-1.1Build this Braun electroscope with a 2' vane. Picture, Diagram.
5A22.10the Leybold Braun electroscopeE-1fShow the Leybold Braun electroscope with some other electrostatics apparatus.
5A22.12electroscopes and electrometersE-4The Braun electrostatic voltmeter and Zeleny oscillating-leaf electroscope are described and pictured.
5A22.22electroscopesE-1aFour types of electroscopes are pictured.
5A22.25soft drink can electroscopePIRA 1000
5A22.25simpler soft-drink-can electroscopeTPT 28(9),620The tab of the soft drink can supports the electroscope leaves in this simple version.
5A22.26leaf electrometerAJP 40(12),1870Modify a leaf electroscope so it discriminates polarity of charge.
5A22.30gold leaf electroscopePIRA 500
5A22.30gold leaf electroscopeEa-2A gold leaf electroscope is projected with a point source.
5A22.30projection electroscopesE-3Lantern and shadow projecting a gold leaf electroscope, make your own electroscope.
5A22.41vibrating reed electrometerAJP 36(8),752Circuit diagram for a vibrating reed electrometer. Ten demonstrations using the device are listed.
5A22.45oscillating electroscopeAJP 46(2),190An insulated indicating wire is charged by corona and rises until it touches a ground, then the cycle repeats.
5A22.50Kelvin electrostatic voltmeterPIRA 1000
5A22.50Kelvin electrostatic voltmeterEa-4A rotating vane electrostatic voltmeter.
5A22.51electrostatic voltmeter29-3.3Measure voltage with a rotor and vane electrostatic voltmeter. Picture, Construction details in appendix, p.1320.
5A22.60condensing electroscopeE-71Charges too small to be detected by an electroscope can be detected with the addition of a variable capacitor. Directions and a drawing.
5A22.65electrometer with concentric cap.AJP 33(4),340Concentric capacitors are mounted on an electrometer with the outer grounded. Insert samples in the inner to measure charge.
5A22.70electrometerPIRA 1000
5A22.70Pasco equipmentE-1dA Pasco electrometer along with the whole kit of Pasco accessories.
5A22.71Pasco projection meterE-1eA remote projection meter for the Pasco electrometer.
5A22.80electric field millPIRA 1000
5A22.80electric field millEd-5Contains short explanation of an instrument used to measure the electric field.
5A22.81simple field millAJP 43(11),942A circuit used in a simple field mill.
5A22.90electroscope on a diode tube29-1.7An aluminum foil electroscope attached to the plate of a rectifier diode tube is discharged when the power is turned on.
5A22.91triode electroscope relayAJP 28(7),679An antenna is hooked to a grid of a triode tube that controls a relay turning on a light bulb. Charged rods brought close to the antenna turn the light on or off.
5A22.95negative charge detectorE-1kThe neon light goes out in a triode circuit when negative charge is brought close to a wire connected to the grid.

Ma-1Freier & Anderson
1A12.01University of Minnesota Handbook
AJP 52(1),85American Journal of Physics
TPT 15(5),300The Physics Teacher
Disc 01-01The Video Encyclopedia of Physics Demonstrations

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