5D40.00Conduction in Gases
5D40.10Jacob's ladderPIRA 200A arc rises between rabbit ear electrodes attached to a high voltage transformer.
5D40.10Jacob's ladder5K40.10A arc rises between rabbit ear electrodes attached to a high voltage transformer.
5D40.10Jacob's ladderEm-3A spark forms across "rabbit ears" on a 15 KV transformer.
5D40.10Jacob's ladderA-7Jacob's ladder and other spark demonstrations. Diagram.
5D40.10climbing sparkE-11bA 15 KV transformer is hooked to rabbit ears.
5D40.10Jacob's ladderDisc 25-08Apply high voltage AC to rabbit ears.
5D40.20conduction of gaseous ionsPIRA 1000
5D40.20conduction of gaseous ionsE-50A nearby flame will discharge an electroscope.
5D40.21discharge with flameEb-4A flame connected to a high voltage source is inserted between charged parallel plates.
5D40.25blowing ions by a charged plate30-4.6Compressed air blows ions from a flame through the area between charged parallel plates onto a mesh hooked to an electrometer.
5D40.25discharge by ions in a tube30-4.7Electrodes at the bottom, middle, and top of a tube are connected to an electrometer while a Bunsen flame is burned at the bottom.
5D40.27recombination of ionsA-4Ions from a flame are drawn past a series of charged plates attached to a Zeleny electroscope.
5D40.28separating ions from flameE-51Shadow project a flame between two charged metal plates to observe separation of gas into two streams of oppositely charged ions.
5D40.30ionization by radioactivityPIRA 1000
5D40.30ionization by radioactivityA-112Discharge an electroscope with a radioactive source.
5D40.32ionization in airA-1Various sources of ionization are brought near parallel wires attached to a 100 V battery and a Zeleny electroscope.
5D40.33saturationA-2The voltage across a plate close to a wire mesh is increased with a radioactive source nearby and the current is observed with a Zeleny electroscope.
5D40.34ion mobilitiesA-3A second mesh is inserted into the apparatus of A-2 and an alternating potential increased until the electroscope oscillates.
5D40.35conduction in air by ions30-4.3An electrometer measures the current between parallel plates as a flame is burned between them or an alpha source is held nearby.
5D40.36Cerberus smoke detector30.4.8Combustion products decrease conductivity in a chamber with an alpha source.
5D40.40conduction from a hot wirePIRA 1000
5D40.40conduction from hot wire30-4.4A constantan wire held near a charged electroscope causes discharge when it is heated red hot.
5D40.41thermionic effectref.see 5P10.11
5D40.41thermionic effect in airA-77A Zeleny electroscope indicates electron emission from a wire when it is heated.
5D40.42thermionic emissonPIRA 1000
5D40.42thermionic emissionDisc 25-03A commercial tube. Apply 90 V forward and reverse and monitor the current.
5D40.50neon bulbPIRA 1000
5D40.50neon bulb resistivityDisc 18-08A neon lamp lights at about 80 V and shuts off at about 60 V.
5D40.80x-ray ionizationPIRA 1000
5D40.80ionization by X-raysA-103Discharge an electroscope with X-rays.
5D40.80x-ray ionizationDisc 24-20Discharge an electroscope with x-rays.
5D40.81ionization by X-raysA-104An X-ray beam is passed through a simple ionization chamber.
5D40.99electrohydrodynamicsAJP 49(7),695read this again - practical examples are ink jet printing and electrically driven convection.

Ma-1Freier & Anderson
1A12.01University of Minnesota Handbook
AJP 52(1),85American Journal of Physics
TPT 15(5),300The Physics Teacher
Disc 01-01The Video Encyclopedia of Physics Demonstrations

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