5H30.00Force on Moving Charges
5H30.10cathode ray tubePIRA 200Deflect the beam in an open CRT with a magnet.
5H30.10cathode ray tube5H30.10A magnet or battery connected to the plates is used to deflect the beam of an open CRT.
5H30.10e/m for electronsEp-11Deflect the beam in an open CRT with a magnet.
5H30.11measurement of e/mA-72Use the earth's field to deflect the beam in an oscilloscope.
5H30.12measurement of e/mA-73Deflect the beam of an oscilloscope with large solenoids.
5H30.13measurement of e/mA-74Deflect the beam of an oscilloscope by current in wires parallel to the axis of the tube.
5H30.14another tube31-1.11A Hg tube producing a visible beam is deflected by external magnetic field. Pictures.
5H30.15bending an electron beamPIRA 1000
5H30.15bending an electron beam5H30.15
5H30.15bending of an electron beamEp-8An electron beam hitting a fluorescent screen in a tube is bent by a magnet.
5H30.15deflection of cathode raysA-71A thin beam along a fluorescent screen is bent by a magnet or charged rod.
5H30.15deflected electron beamDisc 20-03A thin electron beam made visible by a fluorescent screen is bent when a magnet is brought near.
5H30.16induced charges and the Crookes tubeAJP 51(6),572A discussion of unwanted deflections of the beam in the Crookes' tube due to induced charge.
5H30.17CRT and earth's fieldAJP 29(10),708A CRT is mounted so it can be oriented in any direction and rotated about its axis. Find the position that results in no deflection from the earth's field, turn 90 degrees.
5H30.19analog computer simulationAJP 38(9),1133The motion of a charged particle in a magnetic field is investigated with an analog computer. Circuit diagram for the computer is given.
5H30.20e/m tubePIRA 200Show the beam of the small e/m tube in Helmholtz coils on tv. A hand held magnet gives a corkscrew.
5H30.20e/m tube5H30.20The beam of the small e/m tube in Helmholtz coils is shown on TV A hand held magnet gives a corkscrew.
5H30.21forces on an electron beamEi-18A beam of free electrons is bent in a circle by large Helmholtz coils.
5H30.22magnetic deflection of cathode raysA-20A beam from a lime-spot cathode in a large bulb is made circular by Helmholtz coils.
5H30.22"Aurora Borealis"A-19A magnet is brought near a 12 l bulb with a lime-spot cathode.
5H30.24Classen's e/mAJP 29(1),26Apparatus Drawings Project No. 11: for the advanced undergraduate laboratory.
5H30.25magnetic mirrorPIRA 1000
5H30.25magnetic mirrorAJP 31(5),397The effect is better with the Leybold tube.
5H30.25Van Allen beltAJP 31(6),459Use the tube and magnets to demonstrate trapping of charged particles by the earth's magnetic field.
5H30.25fine beam tubeDisc 20-04A fine beam tube between Helmholtz coils.
5H30.26magnetic mirror effectAJP 30(12),867Bring a bar magnet near the Cenco e/m tube causing charges to spiral into a converging magnetic field.
5H30.29e/m modificatonAJP 35(10),968Use a half wave rectifier for filament heating.
5H30.29e/m modification - WelchAJP 35(2),157Use ac instead of dc to heat the filament.
5H30.30rotating plasmaPIRA 1000
5H30.30magnetically suspensed globeAJP 44(5),478A hollow iron globe is suspended from a solenoid with an iron core using a feedback system based on the height of the ball.
5H30.30rotating plasmaEi-17A plasma tube powered by an induction coil is placed over an electromagnet.
5H30.40pinching mercuryE-151A thread of mercury in a glass tube is pinched in two by the interaction of the current and the conductor.
5H30.41bending arc31-1.8A dc arc bends and may break as a bar magnet is brought close and closer.
5H30.50electromagnetic pumpPIRA 1000
5H30.50electromagnetic pumpEi-14Mercury is pumped in a tube built so current flows at right angles to the applied magnetic field.
5H30.50electromagnet pump31-1.9Current flowing in mercury while in a magnet field causes the mercury to move through a channel. Also shows a paddlewheel version.
5H30.50electromagnetic pump31-1.10A closed circuit version of the electromagnetic mercury pump.
5H30.51magnetic pumpE-7g.2Copper sulfate solution flows in a circle when placed between the poles of a magnet with a current from the center to edge.
5H30.52MHD pumpAJP 38(3),389Three versions of MHD pumps: the one for lecture demonstration consists of a loop of Pyrex tubing with NaK as the fluid.
5H30.55ion motorPIRA 1000
5H30.55ion motor31-1.13An ion motor for the overhead projector with cork dust in a copper sulfate solution.
5H30.55rotation of an electrolyte - mag fieE-194Cork dust floating on a solution of zinc chloride in a circular container rotates when current is passed through the solution in the presence of a magnetic field.
5H30.55ion motorDisc 20-06Cork dust shows the motion of copper sulfate an ion motor. Animation.
5H30.56force on a conducting fluidEi-13Salt solution rotates when placed in a circular dish over a magnet with electrodes at the center and edge.

Ma-1Freier & Anderson
1A12.01University of Minnesota Handbook
AJP 52(1),85American Journal of Physics
TPT 15(5),300The Physics Teacher
Disc 01-01The Video Encyclopedia of Physics Demonstrations

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