5H50.00Torques on Coils
5H50.10model galvanometerPIRA 500
5H50.10model galvanometer5H50.10A crude galvanometer with a large coil and magnet demonstrates the essentials.
5H50.10galvanometer with permanent magnetEj-2An open galvanometer with a permanent magnet.
5H50.10elements of a galvanometerEj-1A large working model of a galvanometer.
5H50.10d'Arsonval galvanometerE-145A large model d'Arsonval galvanometer is constructed from a coil and a large "U" shaped magnet.
5H50.10D'Arsonval meterDisc 20-08A large open galvanometer.
5H50.20force on a current loopPIRA 1000
5H50.20force on a current loop5H50.20
5H50.20Joseph HenryE-7aA rectangular loop on wire aligns perpendicular to a magnetic field. Reference: TPT 3(1),13.
5H50.25short and long coils in fieldPIRA 1000
5H50.25short and long coils in field5H50.25
5H50.30interacting coils5H50.30
5H50.30interaction of flat coilsEi-6A small free turning coil is mounted in a larger coil.
5H50.30interacting coils31-1.29Two horizontal coaxial coils, the inner stationary and the outer larger coil suspended freely, interact when currents are passed through in like or opposite directions.
5H50.31coil in coils31-2.11A solenoid attached to a battery is mounted in a large open Helmholtz coils assembly. ALSO - three other demos with the Helmholtz coils. Pictures.
5H50.32interacting solenoidsEi-3Two heavy copper horizontal solenoids pivot in mercury cups about a vertical axis.
5H50.35dipole loop around long wirePIRA 1000
5H50.40solenoid in a magnetic fieldE-125Suspend a solenoid and show the effects of a bar magnet on it.
5H50.41floating coilE-144A vertical coil energized by a flashlight cell floats in a large pan. Use a bar magnet to move the coil.
5H50.45spinning coil over magnetPIRA 1000
5H50.45spinning coil over magnet5H50.45
5H50.30interacting rotating coilsPIRA LOCALAdd abstract in Handbook.FM

Ma-1Freier & Anderson
1A12.01University of Minnesota Handbook
AJP 52(1),85American Journal of Physics
TPT 15(5),300The Physics Teacher
Disc 01-01The Video Encyclopedia of Physics Demonstrations

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