6A61.10pinhole projectionPIRA 1000
6A61.10pinhole projectionL-15Place a lamp in a box covered with heavy paper and poke a hole in the paper with a wire 1-2 mm in diameter. Poke more holes for more images. Try different size holes.
6A61.10pinhole projectionO-1aInterpose a metal plate with two holes between a lamp and a screen on an optical bench.
6A61.15pinholes projected/lensref.see 6A60.50
6A61.20pinhole cameraPIRA 500
6A61.20pinhole camera6A61.20
6A61.20pinhole cameraOa-3Place film at the back of a box with a hole.
6A61.20pinhole cameraDisc 21-09Project a lamp filament onto a screen. Vary the distance of the screen and the size of the pinhole. Includes animation.
6A61.21pinhole cameraL-16A sliding box with has pinhole at one end and a frosted glass at the other. Try a 1" diameter hole in the shutter of a window in a darkened room. Directions on making a pinhole camera.
6A61.22pinhole imageryAJP 49(5),715A complete discussion of pinhole imagery.
6A61.23pinhole camera34-1.10A small tube covered with tin foil with a small hole replaces the lens of a TV camera.
6A61.30fish-eye camera34-1.11A pinhole camera filled with water or solid Lucite gives a fish-eye view. Diagram, Pictures.

Ma-1Freier & Anderson
1A12.01University of Minnesota Handbook
AJP 52(1),85American Journal of Physics
TPT 15(5),300The Physics Teacher
Disc 01-01The Video Encyclopedia of Physics Demonstrations

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