7D10.09radiation safteyTPT 3(4),158Introduction to the handbook "Radiation Protection in Teaching Institutions" with brief presentation of urgently needed information.
7D10.10gieger counter & samplesPIRA 200Listen to a Geiger counter when radioactive samples are tested.
7D10.10gieger counter & samples7D10.10
7D10.11sources of radioactivityA-111Obtain radioactive ore or old radon seeds.
7D10.12radioactive plateA-18dA red "fiesta" plate is checked for radioactivity.
7D10.15coin flip half lifePIRA 1000
7D10.20half life with isotope generatorPIRA 1000
7D10.20half life with isotope generatorAJP 39(2),221Three isotope generators that can be "milked".
7D10.20half lifeDisc 25-16The half life of a barium 137 sample recorded on a computer based analyzer.
7D10.21isotope generatorAJP 39(10),1274The commercial Cs/Ba generator.
7D10.21isotope generatorAJP 39(10),1282On the amount of the longer-lived Sn coming through the generator.
7D10.21reply to commentAJP 39(10),1282You idiots.
7D10.25radon in the airPIRA 1000
7D10.25radon, thoron in the air41-1.6Pump air through a filter and measure the decay to get two half lives of 32 min and 10 hr.
7D10.25radon in the air half lifeA-15dPump air through a filter and place the filter under a counter attached to a strip chart recorder. Reference: AJP 28(11),743.
7D10.27emanation electroscopeAJP 29(11),789Demonstrate thorium half life by observing the decay of an emanation electroscope.
7D10.27emanation electroscopeA-15eThe Welch emanation electroscope is used to demonstrate thorium half life. Reference: AJP 29(11),789.
7D10.30contamination by neutron sourcePIRA 1000
7D10.30contamination by neutron source41-1.1A coin is placed with a neutron source on a paraffin block for a minute and then tested for radioactivity.
7D10.31buildup and decayAJP 34(3),246Aluminum foil on the rim of a wheel rotates between a neutron source and beta detector.
7D10.33half life of silverA-15fMeasure the half life of silver activated by a neutron source.
7D10.33half life of silverA-18cUse a neutron source and silver dollar.
7D10.36radoiactive iodine sourceAJP 31(9),734Irradiate the sodium iodide crystal that is in the scintillation spectrometer.
7D10.40secular equilibriumPIRA 500
7D10.40secular and transient equilibrium41-1.4Water flow models of the half life of the daughter being much less and less than the parent.
7D10.40radioactive decay modelA-115Cylindrical vessels placed above each other show a hydraulic model of radioactive decay.
7D10.41secular equilibruim in series41-1.5A model of a series of disintegrations with a series of capillary tubes emptying into each other.
7D10.41simultaneous decay model41-1.3Water from two capillaries starting with water at different heights is collected and the results plotted.
7D10.42water flow model of decay41-1.2Water drips from a capillary for equal time intervals into a series of test tubes. In another setup, the water drips through wire meshes to a counter.
7D10.45electrical analog of decayPIRA 1000
7D10.47electric analog of decayAJP 46(2),189An electrical circuit allows three consecutive first-order rate reactions.
7D10.47atomic radiative decay analogAJP 45(3),288The response of an electrical circuit is compared to the decay characteristics of coupled three level atomic systems.
7D10.48analog computer decay modelAJP 39(11),1408Circuit for an analog computer does three stage nuclear chain decay.
7D10.50dice on the overheadPIRA 1000
7D10.50dice on the overhead7D10.50
7D10.50dice on the overheadAJP 51(2),185Drill a face centered hole through each of twenty dice and roll he bunch on an overhead projector, removing the ones that light shows through.
7D10.55coin toss half lifePIRA 1000
7D10.60range and absorptionPIRA 500
7D10.60range and absorption7D10.50Different barriers are placed between a gamma source and a detector.
7D10.60nuclear shieldingDisc 25-14Cardboard, aluminum, and lead sheets shield a detector.
7D10.61beta and gamma ray absorptionA-16aA set of absorbers for showing alpha, beta, and gamma absorption.
7D10.65exponential absorption model41-1.7A series of neutral density filters are added to a light and photocell arrangement to model absorption.
7D10.70range of alpha particlesA-113Bring an alpha source near a grid and plate connected to an electroscope.
7D10.75scattering of alpha particlesA-114A thin metal foil placed between an alpha source and a detector shows the intensity of scattering dependent on angle.
7D10.80cosmic raysPIRA 1000
7D10.80cosmic raysDisc 25-17Scintillator paddles are placed on each side of a person and simultaneous events indicate cosmic ray muons passing through the body.

Ma-1Freier & Anderson
1A12.01University of Minnesota Handbook
AJP 52(1),85American Journal of Physics
TPT 15(5),300The Physics Teacher
Disc 01-01The Video Encyclopedia of Physics Demonstrations

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