Crestron database notes: v18.6.1 I. Introduction to the Crestron database II. Revision History +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ IMPORTANT NOTICE: Older copies of certain applications can read from this version of the database. HOWEVER, due to changes in the database management, they may be unable to read the latest devices and will instead indicate an older version of the database. In these cases the database version number will be followed by a double asterisk (**). Following are the affected applications: SIMPL Windows v1.52.01 and lower VTPro-e v2.2.3.6 and lower DEAL for Windows v2.08 and lower Crestron Home Wizard (all versions) These applications will continue to work as normal, but may not be able to take advantage of the latest devices and other advanced features of the newer databases. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I. Introduction to the Crestron database The Crestron database is a collection of information that is accessed by various Crestron software packages, including SIMPL Windows, VisionTools Pro, VisionTools for Windows, and DEAL for Windows. The bulk of the database consists of "driver files" which contain instructions for controlling various 3rd party and Crestron equipment. These drivers facilitate programming using SIMPL Windows SystemBuilder, and D3 Pro. Starting with version 14.x, logic modules which are used in SIMPL Windows are included in the database. This allows Crestron to publish new modules more often than in the past, when they were only included with new SIMPL Windows releases. In addition, the Crestron database also includes information about Crestron products that the various software packages can use, allowing us to make updates simply, without requiring users to re- install numerous programs. II. Revision History ===v18.6.1=== Updated/New ATC-AMFMSR related modules Updated ATC-AMFMSR Bill of Materials entries ===v18.6.0=== Add support for new device: ATC-AMFMSR IMedia Wizard: Add support for IM-FTCC-V and IM-WCCV ===v18.5.0=== Add support for new devices: C2N-MNETRPRT TPS-GA-TPI CHV-TSTATRF CEN-TIA Updated C2N-RTHS module -SystemBuilder Updated WPR-48 modules Updated MPS-100 related modules ===v18.4.5=== -SystemBuilder: Add AADS support Updated Adagio Large TP Room GUI Interface - Fixed an issue with volume subpage not displaying on smaller touch panels Updated Adagio Large TP AAS GUI Interface - Fixed logic for Back button so that it only appears on the AAS Browse and Playlist Manager pages Updated Adagio Room Control and Setup - Fixed source gain control/feedback synchronization Updated QM volume handler module ===v18.4.4=== Updated MPS-100 protected modules and SystemBuilder support Modified "Vacation Scheduler" module (used by D3 Pro) to read/write from disk more efficiently ===v18.4.3=== Updated 2 lighting modules: CLX-1DIM8 and CLX-1DIM4 Updated MPS-100 related Simpl+ module Added new MPS-100 related modules Updated MPS-100 protected modules -VTPro-e support: Updated reserved join list ===v18.4.2=== Updated CHV-TSTATRF modules Updated system module for D3Pro support ===v18.4.1=== Updated MPS-100 protected module Updated other MPS related SIMPL+ modules Updated several Adagio tuner modules Add new module: APAD Long Text Edit.csp ===v18.4.0=== New module for CHV-TSTATRF Updated CEN-TIA module New version of MPS-100 protected module Corrected many SIMPL+ CSH files. Fix corrects invalid parameter block in some SIMPL+ CSH modules causing SIMPL Windows compile errors about "partial subsitution". See SIMPL Windows release notes for details regarding user SIMPL+ modules. -SystemBuilder: Add support for: TPMC-15-QM, TPMC-17-QM, TPS-15G-QM, TPS-G-TPI Fixed MPS-100 "connection point" bug. Updated device support modules -Engraver: Add support for MPS-100 -VTPro-e: Removed ST-4T/8T panel types. Use VTPro-e or earlier for SmartTouch programming support. See VTPro-e release notes. Updated TPMC8x reserved join list. -D3Pro: Fixed bug where some Cameo keypad buttons would appear with no feedback. NOTE: This will not fix existing projects. To fix an existing project, create a new keypad and copy logic from the original one, then delete the original. ===v18.3.3=== -SystemBuilder support Updated AADS module help links ===v18.3.2=== -VTPro-e support: Updated TPMC-8x reserved join list -SystemBuilder support: Assorted updates for AADS modules -SIMPL Windows support: Corrected Symbol Tree classifications for multiple modules ===v18.3.1=== -VTPro-e support: Updated TPMC-8x reserved join list -SystemBuilder support: Updated Adagio modules ===v18.3.0=== -VTPro-e support: Add TPMC-8x panel for initial release Update reserved join list for TPMC-8x embedded applications. This change is needed when converting TPMC-10 projects to TPMC-8x. -SIMPL Windows/ System Builder support: Updated AADS modules -SystemBuilder suppport (QuickMedia systems): QM-FTCC-TPS4 device split into separate devices: QM-FTCC-TPS4 (Cresnet TP) QM-FTCC-TPS4 (Ethernet TP) This change allows selection of the device with either the integrated Cresnet or Ethernet touchpanel ===v18.2.7=== Add module for AAS IR emulation Updated control system database files to correct front panel issue when creating a new project for AES control system. ===v18.2.6=== Updated CEN-TIA module Updated control system database files Updated protected modules for Adagio support ===v18.2.5=== Updated CEN-TIA modules Corrected control system database files for SIMPL/SystemBuilder support. Updated WPR-48 wrapper modules for D3 Pro/SystemBuilder support. Updated AADS modules -VTPro-e support: Updated reserved join list ===v18.2.4=== -VTPro-e support: Updated TPMC-8x panel support/reserved join list Enable dynamic graphics for TPS-G-TPI. -SIMPL Windows support: Updated AADS modules Updated QM-AE modules ===v18.2.3=== -VTPro-e support: Updated TPMC-8x panel support -Engraver suppport: Updated part number list in database -SIMPL Windows support: Updated AADS modules -Revised some Crestron QM and DAP8 Audio modules to fix signed values setting ===v18.2.2=== -SystemBuilder support Crssplus.dat updated to add the CEN-TIA modules Updated the following modules to address issue with hextoi function call crsprtct.dat APAD iPOD GUI Interface v1.cmc AMFM2 Hardware Interface v1.0.cmc AMFM Hardware Interface v1.0.cmc AADS Front Panel AMFM Tuner GUI Interface v1.cmc AES Front Panel AMFM Tuner GUI Interface v1.cmc APAD AAS GUI Interface v1.cmc APAD AMFM Tuner GUI Interface v1.cmc crssplus.dat -SIMPL Windows support MPS-100 front panel module updated ===v18.2.1=== -SystemBuilder support: Add support for AADS AADS-XM TPMC-4X CEN-TIA PAC2M -D3 Pro support: Add support for PAC2M -VTPro-e support: TPMC-8X panel added. -SIMPL Windows support: Add support for MPS-100 ===v18.1.15=== -VTPro-e support: Enable dynamic graphics for TPS-12/15/17 panels. ===v18.1.14=== -SystemBuilder bug fix for programmable keypads: CN-WM CNWM-LT9 CNWM-LU12 CN-WP12F CN-WP12N ===v18.1.13=== -SystemBuilder support: -additional AADS features, bug fixes -ST-1700CIR added -D3 Pro support -ST-1700CIR added -VTPro-e support: -ST-1700CIR added -TPMC-4X added -added additional reserved joins to TPS-12/15/17 -Engraver support: -ST-1700CIR added -CNX-B8 can now be engraved sideways ===v18.1.12=== -SystemBuilder support: -added AADS support -changed default warm-up and cool-down times for Power On/Off Timeout extender -minor module bug fixes ===v18.1.11=== -Release candidate for SystemBuilder -Adds support additional programmable buttons on MT-1000C ===v18.1.10=== -Release candidate for SystemBuilder -Adds support for CNXRMIRD in SystemBuilder -Fixes bug that causes CH Audio Dist. ROOM Setup v2.6 (cm) to lose its settings on startup -Fixes Sleep Mode in SystemBuilder-generated Adagio systems ===v18.1.9=== -Release candidate for SystemBuilder v3.0.10 -Adds support for C2N-SPWS300 in SystemBuilder -Adds Real-Time support for C2(N)-VEQ4 in SystemBuilder -Adds "In-Override" output to CLX-1DIM4 modules for SystemBuilder ===v18.1.8=== -Release candidate for SystemBuilder v3.0.9 -Support for C2N-IADS30x24 in SystemBuilder -Support for C2N-IVDS24x24 in SystemBuilder -Corrects issues with third button of CLW-DIM4RF in detached mode -Fixes handling of multiple interface modules connected to CEN-IDOC Hardware Interface v1.0 -Fixes problems with startup problems with Scrolling List module in SystemBuilder ===v18.1.7=== -Release candidate for SystemBuilder v3.0.8 -Optimizations in Adagio modules for use with SystemBuilder Real-Time mode -Support for pad areas on TPS-12 -Support for SystemBuilder programming of Adagio Audio Zones and sources with independent browsing from many touchpanels and keypads. The following exceptions apply: Audio Zone Exceptions: C2N-DBN12 CNX-BN12 QM-FTCC-TPS4 QM-FTSC (keypad) Independent browsing of supported sources (CEN-IDOC, ATC-AMFMXM, AAS-1/2/4) is not available from keypads or one-way touchpanels. ===v18.1.6=== -Fixes bug in QM modules which may prevent logic from stabilizing at startup -Fixes SystemBuilder connection to CN-AMPX16x60 -Revised control entries for SystemBuilder support of ATC-AMFMXM ===v18.1.5=== -Fixed D3Pro support for single-wide lighting cabinets broken in 18.1.3 ===v18.1.4=== -Support for CLX-1DIM8 and CLX-2DIM8 in SystemBuilder -Support for C2N-IRGW(-1G) -Revised Adagio modules for SystemBuilder support AAS - Fixed "Play Now" feature of Playlist Manager mode ===v18.1.3=== -Support for D3 Pro v2.2.6 or later -added some images for QM products used by SystemBuilder ===v18.1.2=== -Fixed connection to second AM/FM tuner of ATC-AMFM2 in SystemBuilder ===v18.1.1=== -Revised Adagio modules for SystemBuilder support ===v18.1.0=== -Revised Adagio modules for SystemBuilder support -CLF-DIMRF support in SystemBuilder and D3Pro ===v18.0.9=== -Revised Adagio modules for SystemBuilder support ===v18.0.8=== -Added modules for the following products: AES AAE APAD AAS-1 AAS-2 AAS-4 ATC-AMFMXM ATC-AMFM2 CEN-IPOD -Added SIMPL Windows support for (requires SIMPL Windows v2.07.21 or later): AES -bug-fix for real-time control in D3 Pro involving non-dim modules at certain Cresnet IDs -added D3 Pro support for TPMC-15-CH and TPMC-17-CH ===v17.7.0=== -Added "dynamic graphic" support in VTPro-e for the TPMC-10 ===v17.6.2=== -Added support for PNG graphics for TPS-12, TPS-15, TPS-17 -fixes for D3 Pro/SystemBuilder wrapper modules for CLW-DIM(S)1, CLW-SW(S), and CLW-SW(S)1 ===v17.6.1=== -fixed corrupted definition of C2N-FTB (could cause SystemBuilder crash) ===v17.6.0=== -added TPS-4L support to VTPro-e -added Engraver support for TPS-4L -modified Lightingdb.mdb to allow D3 Pro Module and Enclosure Wizard to run properly with D3 Pro v2.1.x -fixed bug in certain QM receiver modules that prevented unmuting the volume when used with QM switchers -added D3 Pro support for WPR-48, TPS-4L, MT-1000C -added SystemBuilder support for TPS-4L, TPS-G-TPI -changed default fade time of infiNET dimmers to 0.5s (when used with D3 Pro or SystemBuilder) -fixed bug in T(H)STAT Scheduler (v2.0.x) modules where setpoints would not always recall if there was only one schedule programmed per day. -changed the maximum wattage allowed on a CLX-1DELV4 output in D3 Pro from 1080W to 1200W -added modules to control the following projectors/monitors: BenQ 8200/8220 BenQ 7200 Canon Realis SX-50 Digital Projection Mercury Series Digital Projection DVision Epson EMP-600, EMP-800, EMP-810, EMP-811, EMP-820 Epson EMP-7800, 7850 Epson 830P, 835P InFocus LP-820 InFocus LP-640, LP-540 InFocus LP840 Hitachi CP-X443, CP-X445 Hitachi CP-SX1350 Hitachi CMP4202U, CMP4201, CMP4121, CMP4120, CMP402, W42-PD1 LG L3200/L3700/L4200 LG RU-42PX10, RU-42PX11, RU-42PX20, RU-50PX10, RU-50PX11, RU-50PX20 Mitsubishi HC2000 Marantz VP-12S3, VP-10S1 Mitsubishi XL-30U, XL-25U, SL-25U NEC/Mitsubishi LCD3000/4000 Optoma H77/H79/H78DC3 Optoma H77, H79 Optoma EP759, EP758, EP751 Panasonic PT-D5500, PT-D7500, PT-D7600, PT-D7700, PT-DW7000 Panasonic PT-AE900U Pioneer Pro-1410HD Runco PL-50HDX Samsung PPM42M5S, PPM42M5H, PPM50M5H, PPM63M5H Samsung PPM42S3, PPM50H3, PPM63H3 Sharp XG-MB70X Sony FWD-32LX1, FWD-42LX1 Sony PFM-42X1 Toshiba TDP-T40 Yamaha LPX-510 Yamaha DPX-1100 Yamaha DPX-1000 ===v17.5.2=== -fixed Engraver bug where engraved text on CT-1000 and LC-1000 panels could be lost -fixed Bill Of Materials bug where CLT-PWS75 was not being included with the CLX-PWS75 ===v17.5.1=== -removed the following unsupported Cameo colors from Engraver: Wine, Brick, Olive ===v17.5.0=== -Added VTPro-e support for: -UPX-2-1GB -UPX-2-MSO -Added Engraver support for the following products (requires Engraver v2.6.0.6 or later): -QM-FTCC-TPS4 -C2N-FT-TPS4 -all InfiNet switches and dimmers -added Real-Time support via SystemBuilder for the following products (requires Engraver v2.6.0.6 or later): -TPS-12 -TPS-15 -TPS-17 -TPS-12G-QM -TPMC-15/17 -TPS-15G-QM -Added SystemBuilder support for: -MC2W Remote Cresnet Processor -Added the following items to the Bill Of Materials DB -MT-1000C -CNRFGWA-418 -Added the following logic module(s): -iLux Room Combining 1x5 ===v17.4.4=== -Correctly set the number of serial joins available in VTPro-e for the following panels: TPS-4L TPS-12/15/17 TPS-12/15-G-QM TPS-TPI-QM C2N-FT-TPS QM-FTCC-TPS4 ===v17.4.3=== -internal changes to definitions of new TPS-B and TPS-G touchpanels ===v17.4.2=== -updated wrapper modules for the CLW-SWxRF models. Now exposes the "Delayed Off Timer" parameter in SystemBuilder and D3 Pro. -fixed Bill Of Materials issue where CLW-xxxRF slaves were not being added to the BOM in D3 Pro or SystemBuilder. -SystemBuilder support for: QM-FTCC-NB QM-FTDC-NB QM-FTMC-NB QM-FTMCSC-NB -VTPro-e support for: TPS-G-TPI ===v17.4.1=== -added SystemBuilder, Bill Of Materials, VTPro-e support for: TPS-12G-QM TPS-15G-QM C2N-FT-TPS4 QM-FTCC-TPS4 ===v17.4.0=== -support for D3 Pro v2.0.x -logic generation fixes for CLW-SW(S), CLW-SW(S)1RF, CLW-SW(S)4RF, CLX-4HSW4 -updated real-time control logic (now requires Toolbox) -various Bill Of Materials database additions, fixes -updated modules for CLW-DIMS4RF and CLW-SWS4RF to match latest SIMPL changes (requires SIMPL Library 354 or later) -VTPro-e and Engraver (requires v2.6 or later) support for: C2N-FT-TPS4 QM-FTCC-TPS4 ===v17.3.3=== -fix for TPS-2000, where programmable buttons were not showing in proper location in SystemBuilder and D3 Pro -fix for CLW-DIM4RF and SW4RF modules which were missing default values for the "Local Control Button" paramter ===v17.3.2=== -fix for CLX-HSW4 in D3 Pro v1.5.x and later (non-dim lights could flash on briefly at startup) ===v17.3.1=== -added support for more cameo colors in Engraver, Bill Of Materials -added support for infiNET dimmers/switches in D3 Pro, SystemBuilder -fixed incorrect images in D3 Pro for CLX-2IND, CLX-4IND, and CLX-PWS75 -updated logic generation scripts for D3 Pro to support infiNET dimmers/switches and iLux -added SystemBuilder support for the TPMC-10-DSW -updated C2N-TXM module to be compatible with SystemBuilder templates ===v17.3.0=== -adds Engraver support for CLS-C6 -fixed problem with IM-RX1 module. Max volume was resetting to 50% after reboot. ===v17.2.4 (Internal Alpha)=== -added versioning info to control db, lighting db to prevent older versions of SystemBuilder, D3 Pro from showing newer, unsupported products -added D3 Pro support for the following products (NOTE: complete support is still in progress): -CLW-DIMxxRF -CLW-SWxxRF -CLS-C6(M) (iLux) ===v17.2.3=== -fixed lighting database bug that could cause D3 Pro crash -fixed support for TPMC-17 panels ===v17.2.2=== -removed "system bar" for TPMC-15/17 and UPX/UPX-2(+) -updated modules for IM-RX1 and IM-RX3 -fixed CNXRMCS entry in BOM ===v17.2.1=== -Updated help for RoomView module -SystemBuilder Support: -QM-AE -QMRMCRX-BA -iMedia devices -Limited SystemBuilder and D3Pro support for C2N-CB (Cameo) keypads (no rocker functionality available via these apps) -Fixed bug where D3 Pro was not adding CLX-2DIM2 via Module Assignment Wizard -VTPro-e support for TPMC-15/17, TPS-12/15/17 -Updated Bill Of Materials database to include latest products ===v17.1.1=== -Updated for TSTAT and THSTAT scheduler modules (Firmware to fix bug where a removed schedule could be recalled after midnight in some cases. Also added minor improvements. -Engraver support for C2N-CB (Cameo) keypad -Added module for using C2N-CB (Cameo) LEDs as a bargraph -Updated the hard-button joins for the MT-1000C in VTPro-e -Other updated SIMPL modules: Elmo TRV-35H Carrier ComfortZone RoomView QM Modules ===v17.0.2=== - Fixed issue in Audio Distribution systems where devices could turn on after a system reboot "CH Audio Dist. SYSTEM Device Start and Stop v2.1" - Changed preferred lighting module to CLX-2DIM8 for D3 Pro Lighting Wizard (was CLX-1DIM8) ===v17.0.1=== - updated SystemBuilder QM modules ===v17.0.0=== - C2N-TFM/TTFVM now support US and Europe - Added support for AudioRequest Pro (firmware 1.9.0) -includes THSTAT Scheduler module v2.1 which adds "HumidiferCall" input (connects directly to THSTAT device) - SystemBuilder-related additions: -bug fixes -support for remote slave Ethernet/Cresnet processors -fixed C2N-DAP8 module so it connects to the Decoder_Volume signal ===v16.4.4=== -same as v16.4.3, except minor changes to CNCAMIDJ in Engraver ===v16.4.3=== -branch-release: this was really v16.4.0 with a fix for an engraver crash ===v16.4.2=== -fixed HP x8010 module which had an internally driven input -added "Both_Shades_" commands to C2N-SDC and C2N-SSC-2 modules for use with D3 Pro -SystemBuilder-specific support -QM-FTSC -C2N-FTB -C2N-VEQ4 -C2N-CAMIDSPT (placeholder only, module incomplete at this time) -Known issues: - 7x2 and 5x1 modules missing some cue help - Video sense outputs of origination points missing names for low states - C2N-CAMIDSPT module incomplete - Images for QM-TX missing for QM View ===v16.4.1=== -minor fixes for CHV-T(H)STAT scheduling modules (old and new firmware versions) -SystemBuilder-specific support: -added support for QM flip-top boxes -WPR-48 support -QM-MD7x2, QM-MD5x1, QM-MD4x2, QM-MD8x8 support -added support for MT-1000C ===v16.4.0=== -added modules for C2N-SSC-2 and C2N-SDC shade/drape controllers -added modules for C2N-TFM and C2N-TTVFM tuners -updated versions of Crestron CHV-T(H)STAT modules (for firmware). These new versions include minor fixes/enhancements -added help files for a number of logic modules in PDF (Adobe Acrobat) format -changed Time Zone designation for Alabama and Arkansas cities to Central Time (was Eastern Time) -changed Time Zone designation for Pensacola and Panama City, Florida to Central Time (was Eastern Time) -Touchpanel-related changes: -added TPS-4000L support to VTPro-e/Engraver/D3 Pro/SystemBuilder -increased number of digital joins on the STX-1700CXP to 4000 (was 999) -Engraver-related changes: -added silver button option for certain touchpanels -added support for TPS-4000L -added support for C2N-FTB -D3 Pro-related changes: -CLW-SW(S) and CLW-SW(S)1 units now support "Switched Outlet" loads in D3 Pro ===v16.3.4=== -updated versions of CHV-THSTAT modules (minor bug fixes) -updated firmware name prefix for TPS-3000/3100/4000 touchpanels -modified lighting db so that the D3 Pro Module and Enclosure Wizard adds CLX-1DIM8s instead of CLX-2DIM8s ===v16.3.2=== -updated C2N-TXM module -updated TSTAT modules for firmware to be compatible with new template pages -SystemBuilder support for CLW-xxx firmware v2.xx -added support for: TPS-3100L TPS-4000/L ===v16.3.0=== -added support for CLW-DIM(S)1 and CLW-SW(S)1 dimmers/switches -added support for the TPMC-10 -added new modules for the CHV-TSTAT and CHV-THSTAT with firmware ===v16.2.3=== -added WPR-48 support for Crestron Engraver software -fixed bug where CLX-1FAN4 was being omitted from the BOM in D3 Pro (bug was introduced in v16.2.2) ===v16.2.2=== -added many new modules for Video Projector control -adds CNPI-16B support to D3 Pro and SystemBuilder -Updated version of C2N-TXM module -Updated version of CLW-DIM module for use with AppBuilder and SystemBuilder -Engraver support for QM-FTSC, QM-MD4x2, QM-MD7x2, QM-MD8x8 -VTpro-e support for the C2N-IIF (sound files only) -TPS-4000 support ===v16.1.5=== -updated QuickMedia modules -updated standard command definitions for all "TV" and "TV Tuner" IR drivers -Bill Of Materials updates ===v16.1.4=== -updated QuickMedia modules -C2N-DAP8 module -C2N-TXM module -improved CHV-TSTAT and THSTAT modules -updated existing projector modules to be more "standard command" compliant -VTPro-e support for the ML-500 and C2N-IIF -new IR drivers -Engraver support for the following products: QM-MD8X8 -Added support for the following interfaces in D3 Pro: TPS-3000L TPS=1700 STX-1700CXP TPS-TPI w/Ethernet ===v16.1.2=== -reintroduced QuickMedia modules (for SystemBuilder support) ===v16.1.1=== -added Engraver knowledge of buttonless bezel for 1700-series touchpanels -updated scheduling modules for CHV-TSTAT/THSTAT ===v16.1.0=== -added support for Media Manager plug-in in the SystemBuilder application -added engraver support for buttonless 1700-series touchpanels -all IR drivers have been updated with new "standard command" info (the function names and IR data inside each driver have not been changed) -added new Bill Of Materials database for use with SystemBuilder and future applications -added/updated modules for the following video projectors Barco iQ Eiki LC-X986 Eiki LC-XG100 Epson 8300 Epson EMP-5600 Epson EMP-7600 Epson EMP-7700 Epson EMP-8100 Epson EMP-8150 Epson EMP-9100 Epson EMP-8200 Hitachi CP-X870 Projector.cmc HP xp8010 InFocus ScreenPlay 7200 JVC DLA-SX21 Mitsubishi X500U NEC MT-860 NEC MT-1060 NEC MT-1065 Runco VX-5000c Sharp PG-A10S ===v16.0.4=== -fixed bogus SIMPL+ references in "Carrier Comfort Zone II v3" module -updated "Check For Program Changes" module -updated Vacation Scheduler module (used by D3 Pro) -fixed bug where TPS-3000L Rackname should be TPS-3000L and firmware prefix should TPS-3000. -added IR drivers for the following devices Dukane 8756 Projector JVC SRV10U VCR Samsung VS-3500 DVD Sony DVP-NC665P DVD Sony SLV-900 VCR Sony SLV-N500 VCR Zenith L30W36 Plasma ===v16.0.2=== -Fixes bug where converting projects into XPanel would lose certain join numbers -adds new IR and RS-232 devices ===v16.0.0=== -15 new IR drivers -updated Reserve Joins database for VTPro-e -updated Scheduler modules to support NVRAM Disk -D3 Pro support: -updated 3-Wire Motor model -updated Bill Of Materials database -updated module wizard rules to change default load assignments -allow "switched" load types to be places on CLX-xDIMy modules ===v15.9.9=== -release version including some minor fixes to v15.9.8 ===v15.9.8=== -AppBuilder and D3 Pro support for the following: -RACK2 control processor -CLW-DIM, CLW-DIMS, CLW-SW, CLW-SWS -C2N-DB12, C2N-DB8, C2N-DB6 -CHV-TSTAT, CHV-THSTAT -CNAMPX-7x200 (AppBuilder only) -improved Toggle and Toggle-Dim behavior for D3 Pro (v1.1 only) -updated BOM table for generating Bill Of Materials reports in D3 Pro -approx 20 new 3rd party models ===v15.9.5=== -TPS-1700 support in AppBuilder/D3 Pro ===v15.9.4=== -TPS-1700 support in AppBuilder/D3 Pro -misc. module additions/upgrades ===v15.9.3=== -new modules for MP2 SystemBuilder support -new D3 Pro support modules ===v15.9.2=== -internal changes/bug-fixes only ===v15.9.1=== -adds standard command support for DEAL, SIMPL Windows -a number of new monitor/projector modules to support the MP2 Wizard -Existing monitor/projector modules were updated to use new standard naming conventions -Added CLW-DIM/SW support for D3 Pro ===v15.9.0=== -support for MP2 Wizard -new modules for support of D3 Pro v1.1 -updated lighting database for support of CLX-1FAN4 and CLX-1DELV4 ===v15.8.7=== -new/improved modules for use with D3 Pro et al. -12 new IR drivers -updated Bill Of Materials DB (used by D3Pro) -added location info for Canadian cities (used by D3Pro) ===v15.8.6=== -enables XPanel target-type and simulation mode in VTPro-e ===v15.8.5=== -support for D3 Pro software -60+ new IR device drivers -updated Engraver interface support -support for new touchpanel models ===v15.7.5=== -updated AudioRequest module (previous version broke CNX-series compatibility) -updated Tandberg 6000 Consolidated module -a number of minor fixes relating to Crestron Home Audio and Audio/Video Dist. modules -added the following relating to VTPro-e: - ST/STX-1700 Support - Added Engraving support for CNIRHT-15/30, CNRFHT-15/30, CNX-B12, CNX-B8, CNX-B6, CNX-B4, CNX-B2, and ST/STX-1700 - Standardized Reserved Join Names - Added Reserved Join Information for DVP-4 and ST/STX-1700 -added approx. 40 new IR-controlled devices ===v15.7.4=== -updated AudioRequest module -modified the Animation Engine and Timer modules to be AppBuilder compatible -added AppBuilder events to a number of modules -updated the Audio Distribution CNRFHT-30 module (for AppBuilder) to remove an undriven signal warning -buffered output signal on power/standby extender modules to prevent a "signal jamming" error via AppBuilder. ===v15.7.3 (BETA)=== -added support for TPS RF panels via AppBuilder -updated AudioRequest module -added 37 IR drivers that were missing in v15.7.2 ===v15.7.2 BETA (Build 2)=== -added support for CNX-Bxx panels to VTPro-e (for AppBuilder) and Crestron Engraver -added AppBuilder support for CNX-BF12/BN12 keypads with Audio/Video Distribution plug-ins -added approx. 20 new IR-controlled devices ===v15.7.1 BETA=== -modified AMP definitions to be compatible with latest SIMPL Windows version -updated some AV Distribution modules to correct bugs -added support for TPS-2000 to VTPro-e v2.3.x.x or later ===v15.7.0 BETA (Build 4)=== -added CNAMPX models for use with AV Distribution et al. -updated PanelDef.mdb to be compatible with the Crestron Engraver Software -added misc. controlled devices ===v15.6.8=== -modified support for Crestron Engraver software -added support for TPS-2000 ===v15.6.7=== -included new crssplus.dat file (same file as was posted separately on web site). -updated paneldef.mdb database to add support for Crestron Engraver software ===v15.6.6=== -updated the crssplus.dat file (which contains all Crestron SIMPL+ modules) to correct a problem with a few modules. -added RS-232/422 control modules for the following devices: Make Model Device Family ==== ===== ============= Lectrosonics AM8 Mixer Lectrosonics AM16 Mixer Lectrosonics MM8 Mixer Lectrosonics TH2 Mixer Lectrosonics TH3 Mixer Lectrosonics AV62 Mixer CentraLite Elegance Lighting Lexicon DC-2 Preamplifier Lexicon MC-1 Preamplifier JBL SPD-3 Audio Processor Lightolier Brilliance II Lighting Cooper Ltg AddressPro Lighting Denon AVR-4802 Receiver Denon AVR-5600 Receiver Epson EMP-5600 Video/Data Projector Epson EMP-7600 Video/Data Projector Epson EMP-7700 Video/Data Projector Epson EMP-8100 Video/Data Projector Epson EMP-8150 Video/Data Projector Epson EMP-9100 Video/Data Projector Gentner XAP TH1 Conferencing Hitachi CMP-307 Monitor Kenwood VR-5900 Receiver Krell DVD Standard DVD Krell Home Theater Std Preamplifier Lutron Radio Touch Lighting Proceed AVP Preamplifier Onkyo Integra DPS-9.1 Receiver Onkyo Integra DTR-8.2 Receiver Onkyo Integra DTR-9.1 Receiver Philips DVD-170 DVD RGB Spectrum QuadView Video Processor Rotel RC-1070 Preamplifier Rotel RC-1090 Preamplifier ===v15.6.5=== -removed read-only flag from Crestron SIMPL+ files, which would cause SIMPL+ compilation to fail. ===v15.6.4=== -updated Crestron SIMPL+ modules to be compatible with the 2-Series control systems ===v15.6.2=== -updated Crestron SIMPL+ modules to be compatible with the 2-Series control systems -added "Camera" as valid device family for the AppBuilder "AV Distribution" plug-in ===v15.6.1=== -added support for the "AV Distribution" AppBuilder plug-in -upgraded all Crestron Modules to be compatible with 2-Series Control processors -added 11 new IR-controlled devices ===v15.6.0=== -revised to be compatible with WinDeal v2.1 or later -updated PictureTel and Tandberg "consolidated" modules -added 5 new IR-controlled devices ===v15.5.5=== -added approx. 50 new IR-controlled devices -fixed queries that caused Application Builder to list devices for which no control was available. ===v15.5.4=== -Changed the "manufacturer" for an audio signal from "(Generic)" to "Crestron" to make finding it easier. ===v15.5.3=== -Initial release with Application Builder support