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Physics Lecture Demonstration MECHANICS (1D) - Motion in Two Dimensions |
Last Page Update: 07/08/03
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1D - Motion in Two Dimensions
10. Displacement in Two Dimensions |
DCS # | Demonstration | Abstract/Description |
1D10.20 | Cycloid Generator | A large spool with a light bulb fastened to the circumference is rolled along the table. With and without the lights on. |
1D10.30 | Inversor | A mechanical device that transforms rotational motion into rectilinear motion. |
1D10.40 | Mounted Wheel | A bicycle wheel marked with a radial line turns about its axis. |
1D10.55 | Projected circular motion | A Turn table with a ball that rotates with an arrow on top is projected on a screen by a arc lamp. |
1D10.60 | measuring angular velocity | Use an electronic strobe to measure the angular velocity of a fan blade or other rotating objects. |
DCS # | Demonstration | Abstract/Description |
1D15.10 | ultrasonic detector and students | Have a student walk to and from a sonic ranger while observing plots of position, velocity, and acc. |
1D15.10 | sonic ranger and students | Have a student walk toward and away from a sonic ranger while observing plots of position, velocity, and acceleration on a projection of the Mac. |
1D15.15 | kick a moving ball | Kick a moving soccer ball on the floor or hit a moving croquet ball on the lecture bench with a mallet. |
1D15.20 | high road low road | Two balls race - one down a slight incline and the other down the same incline but including a valley. |
1D15.20 | high road low road | Two objects start at the same velocity, one moves straight to the finish, the other traverses a valley. The problem: which wins? |
1D15.30 | catching the train | A ball accelerating down an incline catches and passes a ball moving at constant velocity on a horizontal track. |
1D15.35 | passing the train | A ball accelerates down an incline with a stripped rope moving at constant velocity in the background. The moment the ball has the same velocity as the rope is strikingly obvious. Repeat with the rope at a different constant velocity. |
1D15.36 | several ball and incline demos | This McDermott article contains several ball on incline races to help distinguish the concepts of position, velocity, acceleration. |
1D15.40 | Galileo's circle | Several rods are mounted as cords of a large circle with one end of each rod top center. Beads released simultaneously at the top all reach the ends the rods at the same time. |
1D15.40 | Galileo's circle | Small balls roll down guides that form chords of a large inclined circle. A single click marks simultaneous arrival. |
1D15.40 | Galileo's circle | Beads are released simultaneously to slide along cords of a large circle. |
1D15.41 | sliding weights on triangle | Lengths and angles of a wire frame triangle are chosen so that beads sliding down the wires traverse each side in the same time. |
1D15.45 | brachistochrone track | Three tracks - straight line, parabola, and cycloid are mounted together. Triggers at each end control a timer. Details. |
1D15.50 | brachistochrone | Each end of a track forms a brachistochrone. Balls released at any height on the brachistochrones reach the middle at the same time. |
1D15.50 | brachistochrone | Two balls released on opposite sides of a cycloid always meet in the middle regardless of handicap. The ball on the cycloid always beats the ball on the incline. |
1D15.51 | brachistochrone is a tautochrone | History of the brachistochrone as a tautochrone. |
1D15.52 | brachistochrone | On constructing a large brachistochrone. |
1D15.53 | cycloidal slide track | Use the brachistochrone and tautochrone properties of a cycloid to make an actual slide track in amusement parks. |
1D15.54 | brachistochrone | Solution to the brachistochrone problem. |
1D15.55 | tripple track | Balls roll down an incline, brachistochrone, and parabola. The ball on the brachistochrone wins. |
DCS # | Demonstration | Abstract/Description |
1D40.10 | throw objects | A light disc contains a heavy slug that can be shifted from the center to side. Mark the center of mass. |
1D40.10 | throw objects | Mount battery powered lights on styrofoam shapes and throw them in the air. |
1D40.10 | throw objects | A light wooden disc contains a heavy slug that can be shifted from the center to the side. |
1D40.10 | throw objects | Throw a slab of styrofoam with lights placed at the center of gravity and away from the center of gravity. |
1D40.11 | throw objects | A disc with a internal sliding weight has spots painted on opposite sides marking the center of mass in the two cases. |
1D40.11 | throw objects | Discs with movable and stationary center of mass and a "bulls eye" painted on each side, one off center. |
1D40.11 | center of mass disc | Throw a disc with uniform distribution and then offset the center of mass. |
1D40.12 | throw hammer | Mark the center of gravity of a hammer with a white spot. Throw it in the air and attach it to a hand drill to show it rotating smoothly. |
1D40.13 | throw objects | A bunch of junk is tied together with strings and thrown across the room. |
1D40.15 | loaded bolas | This was in the Physics Teacher but I haven't got to it and I've never done it so I can't describe it well at this time. |
1D40.20 | spinning block | A large block of wood with magic markers located at and away from the center of mass. Place the block on a large sheet of paper and hit off center with a hammer. |
1D40.20 | spinning block | A large wood block has two holes for felt tipped pens, one on the center of mass. Put the block on paper and hit it down the paper. |
1D40.21 | air supported dumbell | Two dry ice pucks on the ends of a bar form a dumbbell that rides on a sheet of plate glass. Use a cue stick to hit it on and off the center of mass. |
1D40.21 | spinning block | Use a pool cue to hit a dumbbell double dry ice puck on or off the center of mass. Also shoot a 22 into a gas supported block on or off the center of mass. |
1D40.22 | air table center of mass | A weighted block glides across an air table. |
1D40.25 | photographing the center of mass | Make an open lens photo of a system of to masses connected by a rod and the center of mass will be apparent. |
1D40.25 | photographing center of motion | Photographing the center of velocity of a variety of rigid bodies. |
1D40.25 | spinning block | Strobed photo is taken of a irregular object translating and rotating on a air table. |
1D40.30 | throw the dumbell | A dumbbell with unequal masses is thrown without rotation when the force is applied at the center of mass. |
1D40.31 | throw the dumbell | Stick unequal size corks in knitting needle, place a cord under at the center of mass, and jerk it into the air. |
1D40.35 | Earth-Moon system | An earth-moon system hanging from a string is used to demonstrate the earth's wobble. |
1D40.35 | Earth-Moon system | Two unequal masses are fastened to the ends of a rigid bar. Spin the system about holes drilled in the bar at and off the center of mass. |
1D40.35 | Earth-Moon system | Pucks of different mass are held together by a string while spinning on the air table. |
1D40.35 | Earth-Moon system | An Earth-Moon system is rotated from a hand drill on and off the center of gravity. |
1D40.50 | air track pendulum glider | A double pendulum hangs from an air track cart with a mounted spot marking the center of mass. Set the system in oscillation and the spot will remain still or translate smoothly. |
1D40.50 | air track pendulum glider | A pendulum with a massive bob is attached to an air cart. |
1D40.50 | air track pendulum glider | A heavy pendulum on a light cart. |
1D40.50 | air track pendulum glider | A double pendulum on an air cart has total mass equal to the cart. A marker placed on the pendulum at the center of mass is stationary as the system oscillates. |
1D40.51 | momentum pendulum | A pendulum support is free to move on rollers as the pendulum swings back and forth. |
1D40.52 | momentum pendulum car | Mount a heavy pendulum on a PSSC car and then have the students imagine the pendulum scaled up to be the earth. |
1D40.55 | air track inchworm | A leaf spring couples two air track gliders. |
1D40.55 | air track inchworm | The center of mass of two carts coupled with leaf springs is marked with a light or flag. Show oscillation about the center of mass or constant velocity of c of m. |
1D40.55 | air track inchworm | Two carts on a track are coupled with a leaf spring and elastic. A light is mounted on the elastic at the center of mass. |
1D40.56 | momentum cars | Two cars are attached together by a elastic band fastened to a motorized eccentric on one car. The point of no motion can be indicated by a pointer and changed by weighting one car. |
1D40.58 | rotor on a cart | Balls of equal or unequal mass can be screwed on the ends of a rod rotating horizontally about its center. The assembly is mounted on a cart on a track. The cart oscillates if the balls are of unequal mass. |
1D40.60 | satellite oscillation | Discussion of the LDEF satellite (30'x14'dia.) as an example where the distinction between the center of mass and center of gravity is important. |
1D40.70 | two circle roller | Two disks, partially interlocking at right angles, roll with a wobble but with a constant height center of mass. |
1D40.71 | non-round rollers | Two types of weird rollers: one in which the center of mass remains at a uniform distance from the surface as it wobbles down an incline, and two which although non round have a constant diameter. |
DCS # | Demonstration | Abstract/Description |
1D50.10 | ball on a string | Tie a lightweight ball to a sting and twirl around in a vertical circle. |
1D50.10 | ball on a string | Tie a whiffle ball to a sting and twirl around in a vertical circle. |
1D50.15 | arrow on a disk | Mount an arrow tangentially on the edge of a rotating disk. |
1D50.20 | whirligig | A large ball and a small ball fastened to opposite ends of a string which is threaded through a handle. |
1D50.20 | centripetal force apparatus | Use a glass tube for the holder and rubber stoppers for the masses. |
1D50.20 | whirligig | A large and small ball are on opposite sides of a string threaded through a handle. |
1D50.20 | whirligig | Two balls - 1 kg, 100 g - are attached to the ends of a 1 m string passing through a small hollow tube. Twirl a ball around your head. |
1D50.20 | ball on cord | A string with a rubber ball on one end passes through a plastic sleeve and weights are attached to a loop at the other end. |
1D50.23 | whirlygig | Apparatus Drawings Project No. 25: Construction of a low friction conical pendulum. |
1D50.23 | whirligig | The front axle of a bike is used for a whirligig support. |
1D50.25 | conical pendulum | A ceiling mounted bowling ball pendulum is used as a conical pendulum. |
1D50.25 | conical pendulum | A ball on a cord is rotated mechanically at a steady slow speed. |
1D50.26 | plane on string | A model plane flies around on a string defining a conical pendulum. |
1D50.27 | conical pendulum | Motorized triple bifilar coaxial conical pendula are used to demonstrate critical period. |
1D50.28 | conical pendulum | The main bearing of a conical pendulum is from a bicycle wheel axle. See also under whrilygig (AJP 30,221) |
1D50.28 | conical pendulum | The front wheel axle of a bike is used as a good bearing for a conical pendulum where the string tension is set by a counterweight. See AJP 31(1),58. |
1D50.29 | conical pendulum game | Swing a conical pendulum so it will strike a peg directly under the support on some swing other than the first. |
1D50.30 | canival ride model | A toy person is held on a vertical card at the edge of a turntable when the turntable is spun fast enough. |
1D50.30 | roundup | A toy person stands on the inside wall of a rotating cylinder. |
1D50.37 | swinging up a weight | An arrangement whereby a swinging 500 g weight picks up a 1000 g weight. |
1D50.40 | pail of water | Swing a bucket of water in a verticle circle over your head. |
1D50.40 | pail of water, pail of nails | Swing a bucket of water in a vertical circle over your head. If nails are used, they can be heard dropping away from the bottom of the can. |
1D50.40 | pail of water | A pail of water is whirled around in a vertical circle. |
1D50.40 | pail of water | Swing a bucket of water over your head. |
1D50.40 | whirling bucket of water | Rotate a bucket of water in a vertical circle. |
1D50.45 | penny on the coathanger | Place a penny on an elongated coat hanger and rotate around your finger. |
1D50.45 | penny on the coathanger | A penny is balanced on the hook of a coat hanger. The coat hanger is twirled around your finger and the penny doesn't fly off. |
1D50.45 | penny on the coathanger | The wire coat hanger is whirled about the vertical plane by the hook without dislodging the dime on the middle of the lower bar. |
1D50.45 | penny on the coathanger | Place a coin on the coat hanger and rotate it about the finger. |
1D50.45 | coin on coat hanger | A coin is placed on the flat of the hook of an elongated coat hanger and twirled around. |
1D50.48 | balls on a propeller | Balls sit in cups mounted on a swinging arm at .5 and 1.0 m. Calculate the period necessary to keep the ball in the outer cup and swing it around in time to a metronome. |
1D50.50 | Welch centripetal force | The angular velocity and mass needed to stretch a spring a certain distance are compared. |
1D50.50 | Welch centripetal force review | Uses no motor, self contained static force measurement. |
1D50.50 | Welch centripetal force | The angular velocity and mass needed to stretch a spring a certain distance are compared. |
1D50.51 | Welch centripetal force modification | Two modifications to the apparatus. |
1D50.51 | Welch centripetal force | A modification to improve the Sargent-Welch 9030 centripetal force apparatus. |
1D50.51 | Welch centripetal force modification | Improvements to the Welch centripetal force apparatus. |
1D50.53 | variable centripetal force | A new design for the apparatus that allows any two of the three variables of mass, angular velocity, and distance to be kept constant. |
1D50.53 | Cenco centripetal force | A relay starts the counter and clock so three hands are not needed when using the Cenco 74470 apparatus. |
1D50.53 | Cenco centripetal force | Lab apparatus used as a demonstration. |
1D50.54 | Cenco centripetal force modification | Replace the screw adjustment for the fixed end of the spring with a movable plate. |
1D50.55 | hand rotator | Two 2000 g spring balances are mounted on a rotator. Equal masses are attached to each and readings are taken at some rotational velocity. |
1D50.60 | banked track | A steel ball rolled down an incline into a funnel reaches an equilibrium level where it revolves in a horizontal plane. |
1D50.62 | ball in a megaphone | Throw a ball into a megaphone and it turns around and comes out the wide end. |
1D50.65 | banked track | A turntable can be rotated at various angular frequencies. Objects can be placed at different radii. A small platform can be attached which will swing out to the correct slope for any angular velocity. A device for measuring force is also shown. |
1D50.69 | puzzle | Two balls in a box must be caught in end pockets simultaneously. |
1D50.70 | rolling chain | A loop of chain is spun up on a disc and released to roll down the lecture bench as a rigid hoop. |
1D50.70 | rolling chain | A flexible chain is spun on a motorized pulley. When it is released, it maintains rigidity as it rolls down the lecture bench. |
1D50.70 | rolling chain | A loop of chain is brought up to speed on a motorized disc and when released rolls down the lecture bench over obstacles. |
1D50.70 | rolling chain | A loop of chain spun on a wheel and forced off remains rigid for some time. |
1D50.70 | spinning chain | Spin a flexible chain rapidly enough that it acts as a solid object. |
DCS # | Demonstration | Abstract/Description |
1D52.10 | flattening earth | A hand crank spins a globe made of flexible brass hoops. |
1D52.10 | flattening Earth | Flexible hoops flatten when spun on a hand crank rotator. |
1D52.10 | centrifuge hoops | A flexible hoop becomes oblate as it is rotated. |
1D52.11 | flattening Earth | Spin deformable balls. A clay/glycerin ball will burst, a sponge rubber ball will deform greatly. |
1D52.17 | empty jug by swirling | A jug will empty faster when swirled. |
1D52.20 | water parabola | A rectangular plexiglass box partially filled with colored water is rotated. The parabolic shape is clearly seen. |
1D52.20 | water parabola | A flat sided tank half full of water is rotated on a platform. |
1D52.20 | water parabola | A small self strobed rotating plexiglass container is used to project the water parabola. |
1D52.20 | water parabola | A glass cylinder half filled with colored water is spun on a rotating table. |
1D52.20 | parabolid of revolution | A cylindrical container with some water is rotated at a constant speed. |
1D52.21 | rotation water troughs | Two water containers are mounted on a rotating table. A rectangular container mounted radially shows half a parabola, and another formed in an arc of constant radius stays level. |
1D52.23 | rotating manometer | Tubing constructed in an "E" shape on its back is partly filled with water and rotated. |
1D52.24 | rotating manometer | A U shaped manometer is mounted with one of its arms coincident with the axis of a rotating table. |
1D52.26 | project mercury parabola | Spin a dish of mercury and image a light bulb on the ceiling. |
1D52.30 | balls in water sentrifuge | Cork and steel balls are spun in a curved tube filled with water. |
1D52.30 | balls in water centrifuge | Wood balls in two curved tubes, air and water filled, are rotated. |
1D52.30 | balls in water centrifuge | Spin a bent glass tube filled with water that contains two wood or steel balls. |
1D52.30 | balls in water centrifuge | Spin a bent glass tube filled with water containing cork and aluminum balls. |
1D52.30 | balls in water centrifuge | A glass bowl containing water, a steel ball, a cork ball is spun. |
1D52.30 | corks in water centrifuge | Spin a semicircular tube filled with water containing two corks. |
1D52.31 | inertial pressure gradient | A bubble in a tube goes to the center when whirled in a horizontal circle. |
1D52.31 | centrifuge | A long thin tube containing a wood plug is rotated horizontal while either filled with water or empty. |
1D52.31 | balls in water centrifuge | A long thin tube containing a brass ball, ping pong ball, and water is rotated. |
1D52.33 | cork and ball rotating in water | One cork is tied to the bottom, one ball is tied to the top of two cylinders full of water at the ends of a rotating bar. |
1D52.33 | rotating corks in water | Corks tied to the bottom of two jars full of water are first translated on a cart and then put on a pivot and rotated about the center. |
1D52.34 | car picture | A picture taken from inside a car of a candle, CO2 balloon, H2 balloon as the car is driven in uniform circular motion. |
1D52.35 | mercury/water centrifuge | A globe with water and mercury on a hand crank rotator. |
1D52.35 | mercury/water centrifuge | A spherical glass bowl is spun and mercury forms a equatorial band with water above and below. |
1D52.35 | water and mercury centrifuge | Water and mercury spin in a glass sphere. |
1D52.36 | centrifuge | Diagram for building a projection cell centrifuge. |
1D52.37 | centrifuge | A hand cranked test tube centrifuge. |
1D52.38 | the full skirt | Spin a doll with a full skirt or kilt. Cheap thrills. |
1D52.40 | rotating candle | A candle is placed on a turntable and covered with a large plexiglass hemisphere. |
1D52.40 | rotating candle | Make the rotating candle out of meter sticks and candles. |
1D52.40 | central pressure gradients | A candle rotates in a chimney on a turntable. |
1D52.40 | rotating candle | A lighted candle in a chimney goes around on a dry ice puck string attached by a string to a pivot. |
1D52.40 | rotating candle | A lighted candle in a chimney lamp on a rotating table will point to the center. |
1D52.40 | rotating candle | Lighted candles in chimneys are rotated about the center of mass. |
1D52.45 | geotropsim | Grow corn or wheat on a rotating turntable two weeks before class. |
1D52.50 | paper saw | A 6" paper disc placed on a dremmel tool cuts another sheet of paper. |
1D52.50 | paper saw | Typewriter paper will cut through other paper, Bristol board will cut through wood when spun at high speeds. |
1D52.60 | rubber wheel | A sponge rubber wheel with one spoke cut is rotated at high speed and viewed under stroboscopic light. |
1D52.61 | rotating rubber wheel | A rubber wheel stretches to a larger radius when spun. |
1D52.70 | wobbling Christmas tree toy | A Lagrangian-effective potential solution explaining the behavior of this toy. |
1D52.90 | centripetal-centrifugal discussion | A final (?) note on the topic from the editor. |
DCS # | Demonstration | Abstract/Description |
1D55.10 | broken ring | A ball is rolled around the inside of a large open metal hoop. Students predict where the ball will go when it reaches the opening. |
1D55.10 | circle with gap | Roll a ball around a circular hoop with a gap. |
1D55.11 | the big omega | A large wood circle with a gap is used with a bocce ball. |
1D55.15 | cut the string | Cut the string while swinging a ball overhead. |
1D55.16 | slingshot | A David and Goliath type slingshot. |
1D55.20 | grinding wheel | Watch the path of sparks flying off a grinding wheel. |
1D55.20 | grinding wheel | Show the sparks coming off a grinding wheel. |
1D55.20 | grinding wheel | Sparks fly off a grinding wheel. |
1D55.23 | spinning disc with water | Red drops fly off a spinning disc leaving traces tangent to the disc. |
1D55.30 | falling off the merry-go-round | Large turntable with different surfaces. |
1D55.30 | falling off the merry-go-round | A turntable is rotated until objects slide or tip over. |
1D55.30 | rotating disc with erasers | Place erasers on a disc at various radii and rotate until they fly off. |
1D55.31 | falling off the merry-go-round | Line up quarters radially on a rotating platform and spin at varying rates. |
1D55.33 | train wrecks | Pictures of train wrecks at curves and some calculations. |
1D55.50 | air pump | Three mutually perpendicular discs are rotated about the intersection of two and air is drawn in the poles and expelled at the equator. |
DCS # | Demonstration | Abstract/Description |
1D60.05 | ball to throw | Provide a large nerf ball, tennis ball, soft ball, or whatever ball is requested. |
1D60.10 | howitzer and tunnel | A ball fired vertically from cart moving horizontally falls back into the muzzle. |
1D60.10 | howitzer and tunnel | A spring loaded gun on a cart shoots a ball vertically and after the cart passes through a tunnel the ball lands in the barrel. |
1D60.10 | howitzer and tunnel on air track | A launching system for use with an air track cart. |
1D60.10 | howitzer and tunnel | A description of a ball launcher mounted on an air track cart. It can fire a small projectile (1/2" dia.) 10-15 ft. |
1D60.10 | howitzer and tunnel | A car on a track shoots a ball up before it rolls under a tunnel. |
1D60.10 | howitzer and tunnel | A gun mounted on an air puck shoots a ball vertically. |
1D60.10 | howitzer and tunnel | As cart moves at constant velocity a cannon fires a billiard ball vertically. Details in Appendix, p. 545. |
1D60.10 | howitzer and tunnel | Instructor sits on a wheeled cart with a catapult to project a ball upward. |
1D60.10 | howitzer and tunnel | A ball fired vertically from cart moving horizontally falls back into the muzzle. |
1D60.10 | howitzer and tunnel | A steel ball projected upward from a moving car returns into the barrel. |
1D60.10 | vertical gun on car | A ball is shot up from a moving cart and falls back into the barrel. |
1D60.15 | howitzer and tunnel on incline | Perform the howitzer and tunnel on an incline with the car starting at rest. |
1D60.15 | howitzer and tunnel inclined | Short note on inclined ballistic cart systems. |
1D60.15 | howitzer and tunnel on incline | Some strobe pictures and drawings show the ball is always above the cart relative to the incline, but not always above the cart relative to the horizontal. |
1D60.16 | vertical gun on accelerated car | Two cases: vertical gun on a car on an incline, and on a car accelerated by a mass on a string. |
1D60.20 | simultaneous fall | Two balls simultaneously dropped and projected horizontally hit the floor together. |
1D60.20 | simultaneous fall | Device to drop one billiard ball and shoot another out. |
1D60.20 | simultaneous fall | A spring loaded device drops one ball and projects the other horizontally. |
1D60.20 | simultaneous fall | Two apparatuses are described for dropping one ball and projecting another. |
1D60.20 | simultaneous fall | One ball is projected horizontally as another is dropped. |
1D60.20 | shooter/dropper | Drop one ball and simultaneously project another horizontally. |
1D60.21 | simulteanous fall | Instructor rolls a superball off the hand while walking at a constant velocity. |
1D60.22 | simultaneous fall | Roll a steel ball down an incline where it hits another, momentum exchange knocks the one out, and the other drops through a slot. |
1D60.30 | monkey and hunter | A gun shoots at a target, released when the gun is fired. The ball hits the target in midair. |
1D60.30 | monkey and hunter | Light beam aiming, air pressure propelled, microswitch to electromagnet release version of monkey and hunter. |
1D60.30 | monkey and hunter | Use a large bore air gun and wood "shell" projectile which is caught in a net. |
1D60.30 | monkey and hunter | A compressed air gun shoots at a tin can. |
1D60.30 | monkey and hunter | Shoot the tin can monkey with a blowgun and an electromagnet release. |
1D60.30 | monkey gun | The apparatus consists of a blow gun with dowel projectile and electromagnetic release. |
1D60.31 | monkey and hunter on incline | A simple and effective version using rolling balls on an inclined table. |
1D60.32 | monkey and hunter | Modifying the Cenco No. 75412 blowgun for bore sighting with a laser. |
1D60.32 | monkey and hunter | A needle valve, reservoir, pressure gauge, and solenoid valve permits varying the muzzle velocity. |
1D60.32 | monkey and hunter | Using the simultaneous fall device to shoot the monkey. |
1D60.32 | monkey and hunter | Shoot the monkey using a rubber band propelled pencil. |
1D60.32 | monkey and hunter | Using a 0.5 L India rubber bulb as a substitute for lungs. |
1D60.32 | monkey and hunter string resease | A simple string release dart gun monkey and hunter. |
1D60.32 | monkey and hunter | A bore sighted blowgun with electromagnetic release. |
1D60.33 | monkey and hunter | Shoot a Christmas tree bulb weighted with a little water. |
1D60.33 | monkey and hunter | Cut out a pop can and cover the hole with paper. |
1D60.34 | monkey and hunter | A magnetic switch and solenoid release. |
1D60.34 | monkey and hunter | A simple switch using infrared optics and a single IC and transistor to release the magnet. |
1D60.34 | monkey and hunter | Bore sighting is used to aim the gun, an optoelectronic device is used to trigger the release. Circuit details are available from the author. |
1D60.34 | monkey and hunter | A photo resistor is used as a switch. |
1D60.34 | monkey and hunter | Use the PSSC cart spring to launch the projectile. Also a simple magnet switch. |
1D60.34 | monkey and hunter | Plotting projectile motion using the OH projector, strobe photography, and an optoelectronic circuit for triggering the monkey drop. |
1D60.35 | monkey and hunter | Viewed from the free monkey frame, the bullet moves uniformly. Placing the hunter below the monkey can mislead students. |
1D60.35 | monkey and hunter | Tutorial |
1D60.36 | monkey and hunter | Investigates the effect of the method of air entry and switch friction on the accuracy of the shot. |
1D60.38 | monkey and hunter | Sound activated electronic flash produces photographic record of the distance the target falls. |
1D60.40 | range of a gun | An air powered cannon (5 psi) shoots a 5 cm dia x 10 cm projectile to better than 1% accuracy. |
1D60.40 | range of a gun | Using the Blackwood ballistic pendulum gun, students are asked to calculate the angle necessary for them to be hit. |
1D60.40 | range of a gun | Shoot at 45, then calculate 30 or 60 and place the target. |
1D60.40 | range gun | Fire a spring loaded gun at various angles. |
1D60.42 | range of a gun | Impact point of a slingshot projectile is predicted from the drawing force and drawing distance. |
1D60.43 | range of a gun | Use the tennis ball serving machine to find muzzle velocity, range, etc. |
1D60.44 | range of a gun | A softball is modified to be fired by the Cenco ballistic pendulum gun (No.75425). Calculate muzzle velocity and examine the range at various angles. |
1D60.45 | range of a gun | Using a toy dart gun and a ball bearing weighted dart, the author gives a concise description for obtaining muzzle velocity used to predict the range at various angles. |
1D60.46 | range of a gun - gun | A toy spring-loaded gun is surprisingly precise. |
1D60.46 | simple spring gun | A spring gun shoots a 3/4" steel ball 12 m/sec with 2% accuracy. |
1D60.46 | range of a gun - gun | On using the Blackwood Pendulum gun as a device for finding the range of a projectile |
1D60.46 | projectile launcher | Making a string and sticky tape launcher out of bamboo. |
1D60.46 | range of a gun - gun | A golf ball fired from a spring powered gun. Construction details in appendix, p. 548. |
1D60.46 | range of a gun - gun | A spring gun for a 3/4" steel ball. Construction details. |
1D60.47 | range of a projected ball | Apparatus Drawings Project No. 32: Plans for a inclined tube for launching a ball. |
1D60.50 | parabolic path through rings | Same as TPT 22(6),402 except the ball is shot with a spring loaded gun. |
1D60.50 | parabolic trajectory | Four launching ramps are mounted to a large magnetic surfaced coordinate system. Magnet based metal hoops can be repositioned easily so the ball passes through all the hoops. Looks very nice. |
1D60.50 | parabolic path through rings | A ball launched off a ramp will pass through a set of rings. |
1D60.50 | parabolic trajectory | Parabolic Lucite templates coincide with path of steel balls projected horizontally. |
1D60.50 | parabolic trajectory | Throw a piece of chalk so it follows a parabolic path drawn on the board. |
1D60.55 | projectile range on a inclined plane | An old, simple, elegant (no calculus) solution. |
1D60.55 | parabolic trajectories on the OH | Ink dipped balls are rolled down an incline onto a tilted stage on an overhead projector. |
1D60.55 | parabolic trajectory on incline | A tennis ball covered with chalk dust is rolled across a tilted blackboard. |
1D60.55 | parabloic trajectory on incline | Inked balls are rolled on a transparent tray on the OH proj. Also Compton effect and Rutherford scattering. |
1D60.55 | parabolic trajectory on incline | Fire a ball up an incline and trace the trajectory as it rolls on carbon paper. |
1D60.55 | air table parabolas | Pucks are projected across a tilted air track. |
1D60.56 | parabolic trajectory | A ball launched off a ramp strikes a vertical carbon paper moved repeatedly away and laterally by equal amounts. Unexpectedly, not dependent on g. |
1D60.56 | parabolic trajectory | Inexpensive apparatus for plotting parabolic trajectory by repeatedly hitting a carbon paper. |
1D60.58 | parabolic trajectory | A strobe picture is taken of the projectile motion of a golf ball. A method of analysis suited for a HS class is presented. |
1D60.58 | photographing parabolic trajectories | Photograph a bouncing ping pong ball through a motorized slotted disc. |
1D60.59 | falling body simulator | An analog computer simulator for falling bodies projected horizontally. |
1D60.59 | parabolic trajectory | Use an analog computer to calculate trajectories. |
1D60.60 | parabolic trajectory | |
1D60.60 | parabolic trajectory | A pivoted bar with several pendula of length proportional to the square of the distance point from the pivot. |
1D60.60 | parabolic trajectory | Uses the balls hanging from a stick device at the blackboard. |
1D60.60 | parabolic trajectory | A pivoted bar has pendula of length proportional to the square of the distance from the pivot point. |
1D60.60 | parabolic trajectory | A stream of water matches the position of balls of lengths 1,4,9,16,... at all angles of elevation. |
1D60.61 | parabolic trajectory - water stream | Apparatus Drawings Project No.33: The adjustable water nozzle has an arm extending in the direction of the nozzle with hanging arrows at intervals along the arm. Adjust the water pressure so the stream matches the arrow heads. |
1D60.65 | water stream trajectory | |
1D60.65 | water trough trajectory | Hook a nozzle to the house water through an additional regulator to reduce pressure fluctuations. Shoot at varying angles into a water trough. |
1D60.65 | parabolic trajectory | A hose aimed with a protractor demonstrates range. |
1D60.65 | spitting trajectory | A pulsar spits out regularly spaced water drops which are viewed with a strobe. A horizontal mirror shows uniform velocity and a vertical mirror shows acceleration. |
1D60.65 | parabloic trajectory | Project light down a horizontally discharged water stream to make the path visible. |
1D60.65 | spitting trajectory | Use a tuning fork to break a stream of water directed at 45 degrees into regularly spaced drops. |
1D60.65 | spitting trajectory | A horizontally projected water jet illuminated with a strobe. |
1D60.68 | water drop stream | Design for a water drop generator based on a speaker driven diaphragm. |
1D60.68 | water drop stream | A vibrator is used to break a horizontally projected stream of water into uniform drops. |
1D60.70 | dropping the bomb | A mechanism to drop a bomb in slow motion from a model airplane. |
1D60.71 | juggling | Juggling higher trajectories requires slower hand motion. |
1D60.90 | projectiles with analog computer | A simple analog computer is used to generate voltages representing the various parameters which are displayed on an oscilloscope. |
1D65.15 | howitzer and tunnel on incline | Prop up one end of the howitzer and tunnel track and start the cart from either end. |