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Physics Lecture Demonstration 


(1R) - Properties of Matter 

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Last Page Update: 07/08/03
1R - Properties of Matter
10. Hooke's Law
20. Tensile and Compressive Stress 
30. Transfer of Angular Momentum
40. Coefficient of Restitution
50. Crystal Structure
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  • All "Green" Listings are broken or out of order.

1R10 - Hooke's Law

DCS # Demonstration Abstract/Description
1R10.10 Stretching a Spring Add masses to a pan balance and measure the deflection with a cathetometer. Examining the force-displacement curve at small extensions.
1R10.10 Hooke's law (The Big Spring) Add 1, 2, or 5 Kg weights to a large spring, Examining the force-displacement markt in Newtons.
1R10.25 Pull on a Horizontal Spring Pull on a horizontal spring with a spring scale.
1R10.30 Springs in Series and Parallel Pull on a spring, springs in series, and springs in parallel with a spring scale. Compare the force required to stretch each case 60 cm.

1R20 - Tensile and Compressive Stress

DCS # Demonstration Abstract/Description
1R20.10 Breaking Wire Add weights to wire that is attached to the ceiling until the wire breaks. Insert a large spring scale if one wishes.
1R20.11 Elastic Limits Stretch springs of copper and brass. The copper spring remains extended.
1R20.12 Breaking Wire Support Drill a hole axially up a 1/4" eye hook and solder the wire in.
1R20.15 Young's Modulus Hang weights from a wire that runs the lenth of the benches. Add 1/2 kg masses to the copper wire and show that the Stretched deflection goes back when the mass is removed. Use either laser and mirror optical lever to display the deflection or a arrow on the pulley. Add a lot of mass to show the Elastic Limit.
1R20.18 Poisson's Ratio A rubber hose is stretched to show lateral contraction with increasing length.
1R20.20 Bending or Sagging Board  Ten lbs. is hung from the center of a meter stick supported at the ends. Orient the meter stick on edge and then on the flat. Place the ends of a thin board on blocks, then add mass to the center.
1R20.20 Beams Under Stress A rectangular cross section bar is loaded in the middle while resting on narrow and broad faces. Hang weights at the ends of extended beams. Use beams of different lengths and cross sections. Hang weights at the ends of extended beams. Use beams of different lengths and cross sections.
1R20.27 Aluminum/Steel Elasticity Paradox Copper and brass rods sag different amounts under their own weight but steel and aluminum do not.
1R20.31 Stretch a Hole Holes arranged circle in a rubber sheet deform into an ellipse when stretched.
1R20.32 Deformation Under Stress A pattern is painted on a sheet of rubber and deformed by pulling on opposite sides.
1R20.xx Strain Gauge An Aluminum driven Pendulum is connected to a Strain Gauge to mesure the strain of the pendulum when it is driven hard.
1R20.38 Stress on a Brass Ring A strain gauge bridge is used to measure the forces required to deform a brass ring. Diagram. Construction details.
1R20.39 Squeeze the Bottle,Cartesian Diver A filled whisky flask with a stopper and a small test tube in side and upside down with air traped within. Squeeze the bottle and watch the Diver, dive and rise.
1R20.60 Bologna Bottle Pound a nail with a Bologna bottle, then add a carborundum crystal to shatter the bottle.
1R20.70 Prince Rupert's Drops Drops of glass cooled quickly can be hit with a hammer but shatter when the tip is broken off.

1R30 - Transfer of Angular Momentum

DCS # Demonstration Abstract/Description
1R30.10 Shear Pages of a Book Use a very thick book to demonstrate shear.
1R30.11 Shear Cards Use a tall stacks of cards.
1R30.20 Meterial Shearing Push on the top of a large foam block or use a large sponge or use a rectangular block of rubber to show shear of different materials.
1R30.30 Spring Cube A 3x3x3 cube of 27 cork balls is held together with springs.
1R30.31 Plywood Sheets A stack of plywood sheets with springs at the corners is used to show shear, torsion, bending, etc. 
1R30.35 Shear and Stress Modulus Unsophisticated apparatus for measuring elastic constants of a thin flexible strip and rod.
1R30.40 Modulus of Rigidity A rod is twisted by a mass hanging off the edge of a wheel.
1R30.40 Bending and Twisting Wind a copper strip around a rod and then remove the rod and pull the strip straight to show twisting.
1R30.40 Torsion Rod Rods of various materials and diameters are twisted in a torsion lathe.
1R30.45 Shear and Twist in Screw Dislocation Rule a thick walled vacuum tube with a grid, slit lengthwise, and dislocate one unit.
1R30.xx Train on a Bicycle Wheel An "O"- Scale train is placed on a horizontal bicycle wheel that is free to rotate. When the train is running, one can let the train go around the track or have it stand still will the track is rotating underneath. 
1R30.xx Wheel and Axle I A large mid-evil looking wheel on an axle. A large lead ball on a rop is wond up on the axle and the wheel free to rotate.

1R40 - Coefficient of Restitution

DCS # Demonstration Abstract/Description
1R40.10 Bouncing Ball Drop balls of different material on to a tool steel plate. Loss of mechanical energy in the coefficient of restitution. Drop balls on a glass plate. Balls of various materials are bounced off plates of various materials.
1R40.10 Coefficient of Restitution Drop glass, steel, rubber, brass, and lead balls onto a steel plate.
1R40.11 Coefficient of Restitution Drop a small ball bearing on a concave lens.
1R40.12 Coefficient of Restitution Rubber balls of differing elasticity and silly putty are dropped in a tube onto a steel surface.
1R40.13 Coeffficient of restitution in Baseballs Analysis leading to a prediction of up to 15 foot difference in long fly balls due to variation in coefficient of restitution.
1R40.30 Happy and Sad Balls One bounce and the other doesn't.


1R50 - Crystal Structure

DCS # Demonstration Abstract/Description
1R50.10 Solid Shapes How to make solid tetrahedrons and octahedrons.
1R50.15 Solid Models Styrofoam balls and steel ball bearings are used to make crystal models.
1R50.16a Lattice Models Show model of Body Centered Cubic (BCC)
1R50.16b Lattice Models Show model of Face Centered Cubic (FCC)
1R50.16c Lattice Models Show model of Hexagonal Close Packed (HCP)
1R50.16d Lattice Models Show model of Miller Indices
1R50.18 Elastic Crystal Models Crystal models are built with a combination of compression and tension springs.
1R50.20 Crystal Lattice Models Show model of Calcite
1R50.20 Crystal Lattice Models Show model of Carbon Dioxide
1R50.20 Crystal Lattice Models Show model of Copper
1R50.20 Crystal Lattice Models Show model of Diamond
1R50.20 Crystal Lattice Models Show model of Germanium
1R50.20 Crystal Lattice Models Show model of Graphite I
1R50.20 Crystal Lattice Models Show model of Graphite II
1R50.20 Crystal Lattice Models Show model of Magnesium
1R50.20 Crystal Lattice Models Show model of "N" Germanium
1R50.20 Crystal Lattice Models Show model of "P" Germanium
1R50.20 Crystal Lattice Models Show model of Silicone
1R50.20 Crystal Lattice Models Show model of Sodium Chloride
1R50.20 Crystal Lattice Models Show model of YiBCO
1R50.20 Crystal Lattice Models Show model of
1R50.20 Crystal Lattice Models Show model of
1R50.22 Tennis Ball Crystals Old tennis balls stacked together to give two close packed crystals.
1R50.30 Crystal Structure Show natural crystals of salt, quartz, and other minerals, and lantern slides of snow crystals.
1R50.31 Crystal Growth in a Film Crystal growth on a freezing soap film is observed through crossed Polaroids
1R50.31 Ice Nuclei Large ice crystals form on the surface of a supercooled saturated sugar solution.
1R50.32 Make Tin Crystal Pour pure tin into a Pyrex mold, other steps.
1R50.40 Stacking Fault Model A closest packing spheres model that demonstrates a fault going from fcc to hcp.
1R50.40 Crystal Faults One layer of small ball bearings between two Lucite sides.
1R50.45 Crushing Salt A large salt crystal is crushed in a "c" clamp.