3B25.00Impedence and Dispersion
3B25.10impedance matching - Shive modelPIRA 500
3B25.10impedence matching - Bell model3B25.10Two sections of a horizontal torsion machine with different lengths are joined abruptly for unmatched coupling and with a section of gradually lengthening rods for matched coupling.
3B25.10wave reflection at a discontinuitySa-7Two Bell Labs torsion machines with different length rods are hooked together.
3B25.10wave couplingDisc 09-19Shive wave machines with long and short rods are coupled abruptly or with a tapered section.
3B25.15impedence mismatching in ropeS-24Pulses are sent down a cord with part of its length half the diameter of the other part.
3B25.20reflection - Shive modelPIRA 1000
3B25.20reflection - Bell labs3B25.20
3B25.20reflection of wavesDisc 09-17A pulse sent down a Shive wave machine reflects from either a fixed or free end.
3B25.25spring wave reflectionPIRA 1000
3B25.25spring wave reflectionDisc 09-18Reflections from a long horizontal brass spring with fixed and free ends.
3B25.26fixed and free rope reflectionPIRA 1000
3B25.26fixed and free rope reflection3B25.26Tie a rope to a bar with a loose knot or tie it to a clamp.
3B25.30effect of bellPIRA 1000
3B25.30dispersion in a plucked wire18-3.5A crystal phonograph cartridge attached to one end of a long stretched wire will pick up the reflected waves when plucked.
3B25.35acoustic coupling with speakerPIRA 1000
3B25.35acoustic couplingDisc 10-17Sound a 2" loudspeaker alone and with an exponential horn.
3B25.40soundboardPIRA 1000
3B25.50dispersion in a plucked wirePIRA 1000
3B25.51slinky-whistler dispersionAJP 58(10),916An analysis of and directions for performing the slinky-whistler dispersion.
3B25.55space phone (spring horn toy)PIRA 1000
3B25.55space phone3B25.55
3B25.55dispersionS-54A long helical coil of fine wire transmits sound slowly. Speak into a sound box on one end and somewhat distorted sound emerges.
3B25.62echoes in a pipeAJP 36(11),1022A 10" dia 85' tube yields five clearly discernible echoes.
3B25.65chirped handclapsAJP 38(3),378Clap your hands while standing next to a corrugated wall.
3B25.65racquetball court whistlersAJP 59(2),175Whistlers rise in frequency in the racquetball court.
3B25.66chirp radarAJP 41(7),857Modify a simple microwave Doppler shift apparatus to study chirp concepts.
3B25.66dechirping slinky whistlersAJP 59(11),1050Record a single whistler on the Mac, play it backwards into the whistler-phone, and hear a "ch".
3B25.67comment on "culvert whistlers"AJP 59(2),181A comment clarifies the relationship between culvert whistlers and ionospheric whistlers.
3B25.67culvert whistlers revisitedAJP 56(8),752An analysis of "echo tube" corridor demonstrations that also deals with ionospheric whistlers, tweeks and chirped handclaps.
3B25.67culvert whistlersAJP 39(6),610Long article on culvert whistlers.
3B25.80shear, Lamb, and Rayleigh wavesAJP 48(8),639A panametrics 5022 P/R pulser/receiver driving a piezoelectric transducer in a water bath directed at solid blocks is used with an oscilloscope to show traces of different waves.

Ma-1Freier & Anderson
1A12.01University of Minnesota Handbook
AJP 52(1),85American Journal of Physics
TPT 15(5),300The Physics Teacher
Disc 01-01The Video Encyclopedia of Physics Demonstrations

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