3B60.10beat forksPIRA 200Two tuning forks differing by about 1 Hz are mounted on resonance boxes.
3B60.10beat forks3B60.10Two tuning forks on resonance boxes, one adjustable. A microphone and scope can be used to display the beat pattern.
3B60.10beat forksS-5a.1Two tuning forks differ by 1 Hz but are not mounted on resonance boxes.
3B60.10tuning fork beatsDisc 10-18Two tuning forks are on resonant boxes. Adjust the frequency of one to be slightly different.
3B60.11beat barsPIRA 1000
3B60.11beat barsSi-4Two identical bars mounted on resonator boxes are detuned by a movable weight on one. listen to the beats and show on an oscilloscope.
3B60.11beat barsS-4d.2The standard tunable bars on a resonance box.
3B60.15beat whistlesPIRA 1000
3B60.15beat whistles6C30.15Two air whistles can be adjusted to the same pitch.
3B60.15beat whistlesSi-5Two tunable air whistles are used to demonstrate beats.
3B60.15beat notesS-107Start two whistles in unison and change the frequency of one until the difference in frequencies is enough to produce a musical beat note.
3B60.16Kipp singing tubes beatsS-5a.2Two Kipp singing tubes are tuned to produce beats.
3B60.17Galton whistle beatsS-5a.3Two Galton whistles can be adjusted to produce "dog beats".
3B60.20beats on scopePIRA 200Two audio transformers are fed thru an audio interstage transformer to an oscilloscope and audio amp.
3B60.20beats on scope3B60.20Dual function generators are used to generate a beat pattern that can be amplified and listened to and/or displayed on a scope.
3B60.20beats on scopeAJP 29(9),645The output of two audio transformers is fed into the secondary of an audio interstage transformer and from there to both an oscilloscope and an audio output transformer.
3B60.20beats on scope19-5.5An interstage audio transformer and an audio output transformer couple two oscillators to an oscilloscope and speaker.
3B60.20beats with speaker and oscilloscopeDisc 10-19Two function generators are used to make beats that are displayed on a scope and amplified to a speaker.
3B60.22beat oscillator switchAJP 43(12),1103A circuit to switch between inputs or the sum of the inputs to allow either the individual frequencies or the beats to be heard.
3B60.30beats vs. diff.toneref.see 3C55.35
3B60.31reply to beats misconceptionsAJP 30(11),840Beat notes are what the misconceptions are about, beats are just combined frequencies.
3B60.31beats vs. difference tonesAJP 30(5),386Hey, guys, simple "mixture" of frequencies gives difference tones. Beats are only present when modulation operations are used.
3B60.38beat demodulationAJP 42(7),603Two oscillators drive a loudspeaker, switch a diode into the circuit and the modulation frequency can be detected.
3B60.40ripple tank beatsPIRA 1000
3B60.40ripple tank beatsAJP 31(10),794Two point sources in a ripple tank run at different frequencies. Theory included.
3B60.40ripple tank beatsAJP 50(2),136Beats are demonstrated as a moving interference pattern in the ripple tank by using two separate point source generators with variable frequency controls.

Ma-1Freier & Anderson
1A12.01University of Minnesota Handbook
AJP 52(1),85American Journal of Physics
TPT 15(5),300The Physics Teacher
Disc 01-01The Video Encyclopedia of Physics Demonstrations

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