4B40.00 | Radiation | | |
4B40.10 | light the match | PIRA 200 | Light a match at the focus of one parabolic reflector with a heating element at the focus of another reflector. |
4B40.10 | light the match | 4B40.10 | Two parabolic reflectors are aligned across the table, a heat source at the focus of one reflector and a match at the focus of the other. |
4B40.10 | light the match | TPT 28(1),56 | Use a homemade nichrome wire coil for the light the match demonstration. |
4B40.10 | transmission of radiant heat | Hf-5 | A match at the focus of one parabolic reflector is lit by a heating element placed at the focus of another reflector. |
4B40.10 | light the match | H-150 | Two parabolic mirrors are used to transmit radiation to light matches, etc. |
4B40.10 | heat focusing | Disc 22-04 | Light a match using a heater and concave reflectors. Animation. |
4B40.11 | reflection of radiation | 38-5.9 | A beam from a heated metal ball in the focus of a parabolic mirror reflects off another parabolic or flat mirror to a thermopile. |
4B40.11 | radiation reflector | H-3c | A heat source at the focal point of one concave reflector directs heat at a radiometer at the focus of a second concave reflector. |
4B40.12 | beakers of water at a distance | 38-5.10 | A thermopile. mounted the at focus of a parabolic mirror detects radiation differences from different colored beakers of water at 20'. |
4B40.13 | reflection of radiation | H-149 | Polished sheet metal is used to reflect radiation onto a thermopile. A plate glass mirror is less effective due to IR absorption. |
4B40.20 | IR focusing | PIRA 500 | |
4B40.20 | light the match | 38-5.7 | Focus an arc lamp on a match with and without filters, use a CS2 and iodine in a round flask for a lens. |
4B40.20 | focusing IR radiation | H-151 | A opaque flask of a solution of iodine in carbon disulfide serves as a lens to focus IR radiation. |
4B40.20 | infrared | L-113 | Iodine dissolved in alcohol gives a filter transmitting in the IR but absorbing in the visible. Ignite a match in the focus of an arc lamp. |
4B40.21 | ice lens | H-152 | Form an ice lens between two watch glasses. Focus the light from an arc lamp on a match head. |
4B40.30 | Leslie's cube | PIRA 1000 | |
4B40.30 | radiation from a black box | Hf-1 | Radiation from Leslie's cube is measured with a thermopile. |
4B40.30 | Leslie cube | H-156 | Relative radiation from various surfaces at the same temperature is shown with a Leslie cube and thermopile. |
4B40.30 | radiation cube | Disc 14-25 | Fill a Leslie cube with hot water and use a thermopile. to detect the radiation. |
4B40.32 | Leslie's cube | 4B40.32 | |
4B40.32 | Leslie's cube | 38-5.8 | Rotate the cube to demonstrate Lambert's law, move the thermopile. away to demonstrate the inverse square law, measure at several temperatures to demonstrate the fourth power law. |
4B40.33 | radiation and absorption | H-163 | Two Leslie cubes form a differential thermoscope with a third between. Orient faces shiny to black. |
4B40.40 | two can radiation | PIRA 1000 | |
4B40.40 | cooling cans | AJP 58(3)244 | Cooling rates of shiny unpainted, black painted, and white painted cans. |
4B40.40 | two can radiation | Disc 14-24 | Shiny and flat black cans filled with cool water warm up, cool off when filled with boiling water. |
4B40.45 | radiation from a shiny and black sur | Hf-4 | A paper held close to a stove element is not scorched where the element is painted white. |
4B40.45 | stove element | 38-5.3 | A sheet of paper is held near a stove heating element painted half white and half black. |
4B40.48 | hot wire in a tube | 38-5.6 | A platinum wire is heated inside of a quartz tube showing transparent objects radiate less. |
4B40.50 | selective absorption and transmission | PIRA 1000 | |
4B40.50 | selective absorption and transmissio | 4B40.50 | |
4B40.50 | selective absorption | H-155 | Various screens (black bakelite, Corex red-purple, glass, water, quartz, etc.) are placed between a heat source and a thermopile. detector. |
4B40.50 | absorption and transmission | H-3b.2 | Clear heat absorbing and opaque heat transmission glass filters are inserted between a heat lamp and a radiometer detector. |
4B40.51 | absorption of radiation | H-162 | A white card with letters in India ink is exposed lettered side to a hot source charring it locally where the letters are. |
4B40.52 | Leybold radiation screen | H-3b.1 | One side of a polished metal plate has a black letter, the other is covered with thermochrome paint. |
4B40.60 | black and white thermometers | PIRA 1000 | |
4B40.60 | two thermoscopes | 38-5.2 | One thermoscope is painted white, the other black, and both are illuminated by a lamp. |
4B40.60 | surface absorption | H-159 | A radiant heater is placed midway between two junctions of a demonstration thermocouple and the junctions are covered with black or white caps. |
4B40.60 | selective absorption | H-154 | Focus a large light on a blackened match head, the clear glass bulb of a thermoscope, and the bulb covered with black paper. |
4B40.61 | surface absorption | H-161 | A Leslie cube with opposite faces blackened is placed between two bulbs of a differential thermoscope. Blacken one bulb. |
4B40.62 | surface absorption | H-160 | Make a special thermocouple of a sheet of copper with constantan wires attached opposite blackened and whitened areas. Shine a light and expose to a hot water container to show different response at different wavelengths. |
4B40.64 | radiation thermometers | H-3a.3 | A heat lamp directed at two thermometers will cause different temperature rises. One thermometer is in a chamber - (?). |
4B40.70 | soot and flour -nonlinear absorption | AJP 58(7),697 | Add different amounts of carbon to flour and measure the reflectivity. |