4B60.00Mechanical Equivalent of Heat
4B60.10dropping lead shotPIRA 200Drop a bag of lead shot is dropped several times and measure the temperature rise.
4B60.10dropping lead shot4B60.10A bag of lead shot is dropped several times and the temperature rise is measured.
4B60.10work into heatHe-1Drop lead shot in a bag several times and compare the temperature before and after.
4B60.10dropping lead shot26-4.2The temperature of a bag of lead shot is taken before and after being dropped repeatedly. A diagram of a projection thermometer is given.
4B60.11invert tube of leadPIRA 1000
4B60.11dropping lead shotH-176One or two Kg of lead shot in a mailing tube are inverted 100 times and the temperature rise is measured.
4B60.11mechanical equivalent of heatDisc 15-02Flip a one meter tube containing lead shot ten times. A thermistor embedded in one end measures the temperature.
4B60.12heating mercury by shakingH-174A nichrome - iron wire thermojunction is inserted into a bottle of mercury which is shaken vigorously.
4B60.15hammer on leadPIRA 1000
4B60.15hammer on lead4B60.15Hammer on a piece of lead that has an embedded thermocouple.
4B60.15hammer on lead26-4.7Hammer on a piece of lead to heat it. A simple air thermoscope is shown.
4B60.15heating lead by smashingH-175Hit a 250 g lead block with a heavy hammer and show the temperature rise.
4B60.16drop ball on thermocouples26-4.3A steel ball is dropped onto an anvil holding a set of thermocouples embedded in solder beads.
4B60.20copper barrel crankPIRA 1000
4B60.20copper barrel crank4B60.20Crank a copper barrel that has copper webbing wrapped around it while under tension and measure the temperature rise of the water inside the barrel.
4B60.20mechanical equivalent of heatHe-3The temperature of a copper barrel filled with water with a copper braid under tension wrapped around it is measured before and after cranking.
4B60.22motorized mech. eq. of heatAJP 28(9),793Continuous flow apparatus with counter rotating turbines powered by an electric motor.
4B60.23Searle's apparatusH-177Searle's apparatus is used to obtain a numerical value of Joule's equivalent. Picture.
4B60.24mech eq of heatH-178Picture of an elaborate apparatus to measure the mechanical equivalent of heat. Derivation.
4B60.41heating by bendingH-172Pass around a No. 14 iron wire for the students to bend.
4B60.50bow and stickPIRA 1000
4B60.50bow & stickH-171How to make a fire with a bow and stick.
4B60.55boy scout fire makerPIRA 500
4B60.55boy scout fire maker4B60.55
4B60.55fire makerHe-2A motor shaft extended with a hardwood dowel is held against a wood block.
4B60.55drill and dowelDisc 15-01Chuck up a dowel in an electric drill and make smoke by drilling a board.
4B60.60flint and steelH-170Sparks from flint and steel or a grindstone show heat from work.
4B60.70cork popperPIRA 1000
4B60.70friction cannonH-169Pour ether, alcohol, or water into a tube, cork, and spin by a motor until the frictional heat causes enough vapor pressure to blow the cork.
4B60.70ether friction gunH-5a.3Heat ether by a motor driven friction device until a cork blows.
4B60.70cork popperDisc 15-08Water is heated in a stoppered tube by a motorized friction device until the cork blows.
4B60.75steam gunH-5a.2Heat a tube until the cork pops off.

Ma-1Freier & Anderson
1A12.01University of Minnesota Handbook
AJP 52(1),85American Journal of Physics
TPT 15(5),300The Physics Teacher
Disc 01-01The Video Encyclopedia of Physics Demonstrations

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