5K40.00Motors and Generators
5K40.10DC motorPIRA 1000
5K40.10DC motor5K40.10A coil is mounted between two magnetron magnets.
5K40.10DC motorEi-19A large open coil is mounted between the poles of magnetron magnets to make a DC motor.
5K40.10DC motorE-147A circular loop of heavy wire between two solenoids with iron cores.
5K40.10DC motorE-146A coil in a "U" shaped magnet with a simple commutator.
5K40.10DC motorDisc 20-09A large model DC motor.
5K40.12DC motor and lampEq-5A DC motor has a light bulb in series with the armature to indicate current flow as the motor starts, comes up to speed, and is under load.
5K40.13DC series and parallel motorsEq-6A DC motor on a board allowing armature and field to be connected in series or parallel.
5K40.15Faraday motorPIRA 1000
5K40.15Faraday motorAJP 31(1),42Apparatus Drawings Project No.33: A rod magnet sticks up through a pool on mercury and a parallel conducting copper wire is free to move in a circle around the magnet.
5K40.15Faraday motorE-7eA model of the first electric motor developed by Faraday.
5K40.15Faraday discDisc 20-14Spin a copper disc between the poles of a horseshoe magnet with brushes at the center and edge of the disc connected to a galvanometer.
5K40.18simple motorE-8cA two coil, two magnet assembly illustrates simple generator principles.
5K40.19simple speed control for DC motorE-232A circuit to change speed and direction of a small DC motor.
5K40.20DC & AC generators on galvanometerPIRA 500
5K40.20DC & AC generators on galvanometer5K40.20A coil mounted between two magnetron magnets is equipped with both commutator and slip rings.
5K40.21motor waveformE-228The armature of a generator is rotated 10 degrees at a time to a ballistic galvanometer and the result of 36 observations are plotted.
5K40.25DC & AC generators on scopePIRA 500
5K40.25DC & AC generators on scope5K40.25The waveforms from the DC/AC generator are displayed on an oscilloscope.
5K40.26ac and dc dynamo demonstrationAJP 49(7),701Abstract from the 1981 apparatus competition.
5K40.27model generator31-2.15A generator built with small motor spun rotor in a large open solenoid shows operation of an ac generator.
5K40.28light the bulb with a coil31-2.10A coil connected to a light bulb is mounted on a disk rotating between the poles of an electromagnet. Picture.
5K40.29generator on the overhead31-2.14A hand crank generator designed for use on the overhead projector.
5K40.40motor/generatorPIRA 200A large AC/DC motor/generator has both slip and split rings.
5K40.40motor generatorEq-4An armature with both slip rings and a commutator allows operation of a coil between two magnets as either a AC or DC motor or generator.
5K40.40motor/generator31-2.13A coil mounted between the poles of an electromagnet is rotated by hand as a generator or powered by a battery as a motor.
5K40.40AC and DC generatorsE-229Directions for making a large demonstration motor/generator. Picture.
5K40.40ac/dc generatorDisc 20-15A large AC/DC generator with slip and split rings.
5K40.45coupled motor/generatorPIRA 1000
5K40.45coupled motor/generators31-2.16Two small permanent magnet dc motors are coupled so when one is driven mechanically, the other will spin. Picture.
5K40.50simple induction motor31-2.17Bring a coffee can on an axle near two coils mounted at 90 degrees carrying ac with a capacitor in one line.
5K40.53induction motor modelAJP 33(12),1082Suspend a closed copper loop by a thread in the gap of a rotating magnetron magnet and it will remain aligned with the rotating field.
5K40.55synchronous motorE-233Run an AC dynamo as a synchronous motor by supplying AC to the armature coils.
5K40.56synchronous and induction motors31-2.20Three pairs of coils in a circle produce a rotating magnetic field for use with a permanent magnet or aluminum rotor. Picture, Construction details in appendix, p. 1329.
5K40.60three phaseE-250Directions for winding three coils of a three phase rotator.
5K40.60three phaseE-248Directions for making a three phase winding and things to spin in it.
5K40.61three phaseE-249Remove the rotor from a three phase induction motor and place a steel ball inside.
5K40.64modified Rowland ring31-2.21An aluminum ring spins in the center of a three phase horizontal toroid. Picture.
5K40.65two phase rotatorE-251How to make a two phase rotator get two phase from either three phase or two phase. Diagram.
5K40.70counter EMF in a motorE-230A lamp in series with a motor does not glow unless a load is placed on the motor slowing it down.
5K40.71counter EMF in a motorE-231Suddenly switch the armature of a shunt wound DC motor to a voltmeter while it is running.
5K40.72back EMF in a motor30-2.10The circuit that shows the effect of back EMF on current drawn by a motor under various load conditions and after it is turned off. Diagram.
5K40.73speed of AC motors under loadE-247Slip speed and phase shift are shown stroboscopically as the load is increased on induction and synchronous motors.
5K40.75motor debunking31-1.12A copper conductor in an iron tube in a magnetic field shows forces in most motors are not caused by magnetic fields set up in the conductors.
5K40.80hand crank generatorPIRA 200Use a hand cranked generator to light an ordinary light bulb.
5K40.80hand crank generator1L50.30Light a bulb with a hand crank generator.
5K40.80hand crank generator5K40.80A hand crank generator made with a 120 V DC generator is used with light bulbs.
5K40.80hand crank generatorMv-4A hand cranked generator is used to light an ordinary light bulb.
5K40.80hand cranked generatorEq-7Students light a bulb with a hand crank generator.
5K40.80telephone generatorE-8bAn AC generator from an early telephone lights a 110 v lamp. Also- a single loop model and another generator.
5K40.80hand cranked generatorDisc 03-16A hand cranked generator slows down in five seconds from internal friction or in one second while lighting a lamp.
5K40.82AC and DC generatorE-7fA small open hand crank generator.
5K40.83bicycle generatorPIRA 1000
5K40.83bicycle generator5K40.83A 2KW generator mounted on a bicycle is used with big lamps.
5K40.85generator slowed by loadPIRA 1000
5K40.85generator driven by falling weightDisc 03-17A weight on a string wrapped around the shaft of a generator falls more slowly when there is an electrical load on the generator.
5K40.99MHD power generatorAJP 41(2),203Discharge a toy rocket motor between the poles of a magnet and attach copper electrodes placed in the gas jet to a voltmeter.

Ma-1Freier & Anderson
1A12.01University of Minnesota Handbook
AJP 52(1),85American Journal of Physics
TPT 15(5),300The Physics Teacher
Disc 01-01The Video Encyclopedia of Physics Demonstrations

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