7A10.00 | Photoelectric Effect | | |
7A10.10 | photoelectric effect in zinc | PIRA 200 | Use UV light to discharge a clean zinc plate mounted on an electroscope. |
7A10.10 | discharging zinc plate | 7A10.10 | Discharge a clean zinc plate mounted on an electroscope with UV light. |
7A10.10 | photoelectric effect | Ok-3 | Discharge a zinc plate on an electroscope with UV light. |
7A10.10 | discharging zinc plate | 38-2.1 | A clean zinc plate mounted on a charged electroscope discharges an electroscope when the light source is not covered with glass. |
7A10.10 | surface photoelectric effect | A-89 | UV light shines on a zinc plate on an electroscope. More. |
7A10.10 | the photoelectric effect | A-4b | Discharge a zinc plate on an electroscope. |
7A10.10 | photoelectric effect in zinc | Disc 24-19 | Zinc plate on an electroscope, charged negative, glass UV barrier. |
7A10.12 | photoelectric charging | PIRA 1000 | |
7A10.12 | photoelectric charging | 7A10.12 | Same as AJP 33(9),746. |
7A10.12 | photoelectric charging | AJP 34(2),172 | Additions to the AJP 33,746 (1965) article. |
7A10.12 | photoelectric charging | AJP 33(9),746 | Hold
a positively charged object next to the zinc plate on an uncharged electroscope
while illuminating it with an UV light. The electroscope will charge positively. |
7A10.15 | discovery of the photoelectric effect | PIRA 1000 | |
7A10.15 | discovery of photoelectric effect | A-90 | A spark passes between two zinc electrodes attached to a 15 KV transformer when UV light is present. |
7A10.17 | photoelectric effect with geiger ctr | AJP 44(3),305 | Conversion of photons to electrons in lead foil. |
7A10.20 | photoelectric effect with prism | Ok-4 | Project different parts of the spectra onto a zinc plate on a charged electroscope. |
7A10.23 | photoelectric effect circuit | AJP 53(9),911 | A
photoelectric effect apparatus based on the AD 515 electrometer op amp allows
relatively inexpensive and easy direct measurement of the photopotential
between anode and photocathode. |
7A10.24 | photoelectric effect circuits | TPT 1(5),229 | Very cheap current detector substitutes. |
7A10.26 | photoelectric effect circuit | AJP 38(6),767 | Single transistor circuit for use with RCA 929 phototube. |
7A10.26 | photoelectric effect circuit | AJP 46(2),133 | An op-amp circuit for a 1P39 or similar phototube. |
7A10.27 | photoelectric effect circuit | TPT 3(8),380 | A
helpful article on stopping potential with all the basic vital information,
e.g., the wavelengths of the spectral lines of mercury, and featuring a transistorized
current amplifier. |
7A10.28 | photoelectric effect circuit | AJP 39(12),1542 | Circuit diagram for an amplifier for use with the 1P39 tube. |
7A10.30 | stopping potential | PIRA 500 | |
7A10.30 | stopping potential | 7A10.30 | Measure
the stopping potential of different colored light with a 1P39 phototube.
Use interference filters at 400, 450, 500, 550, and 600 nm. |
7A10.30 | stopping potential | AJP 29(10),706 | Equipment and circuit diagrams for stopping potential demonstration. |
7A10.30 | stopping potential | TPT 1(3),183 | Simple
apparatus based on the 929 phototube. Several demonstrations and discussion
sections for studying the photoelectric effect and measuring Planck's constant. |
7A10.30 | stopping potential | MPb-1 | Measure the stopping potential of the line of the mercury spectrum with a phototube. |
7A10.30 | stopping potential | 38-2.4 | A mercury arc lamp is used with filters giving passbands of one spectral line onto the cathode of a 1P39 phototube. |
7A10.30 | stopping potential | A-93 | The potential in the collector is changed while measuring the current under different colored light. |
7A10.31 | stopping potential error | AJP 44(8),796 | A widespread error in elementary texts on the stopping potential. |
7A10.35 | photoelectric threshold | PIRA 1000 | |
7A10.35 | photoelectric threshold | AJP 43(4),370 | Rotate the spectrum across a zinc plate until the current rises sharply. |
7A10.35 | photoelectric threshold | 40-1.9 | The photoelectric threshold demonstrator consists of a projected spectrum, a sample holder, and a translucent screen. |
7A10.35 | phototube and electrometer | 38-2.3 | A 929 phototube is connected to a electrometer and the voltage observed while sweeping the tube across a projected spectrum. |
7A10.35 | photoelectric threshold | A-92 | Measure the current from a photocell exposed to different colored light. |
7A10.36 | photoconductivity | 40-1.10 | A photocell is passed through the spectrum while resistance is measured. |
7A10.37 | photoelectric charging of a capacito | 38-2.2 | A
double pole, double throw switch connects a vacuum phototube to a capacitor,
then a galvanometer while different lamps shine on the phototube. |
7A10.38 | alkali metal photocell | A-91 | A simple circuit for showing photoelectric current. |
7A10.40 | solar cells | PIRA 1000 | |
7A10.40 | barrier-layer cells | A-96 | Measure the current from a cell of the type used in foot candle meters. |
7A10.40 | sun batteries | E-3f | This must be a photocell connected to an ammeter. |
7A10.40 | solar cells | Disc 24-21 | Shine a bright light on selenium solar cells and run a small motor. |
7A10.41 | ring a bell | A-4c | Shine a light on a photoelectric cell to ring a bell. |
7A10.42 | photo-voltaic switch | A-4d | Turn on a light using a light beam and photo-voltaic cell. |
7A10.43 | photo detector | A-4e | Modulate a light and use a photo detector and amplifier with a speaker. |
7A10.50 | photo conduction vs. thermopile | PIRA 1000 | |
7A10.50 | photoconduction vs. thermopile | 40-1.8 | A CdS photocell and thermopile. are moved across a projected spectrum and the outputs compared for frequency response. |
7A10.60 | carrier recombination and lifetime | PIRA 1000 | |
7A10.65 | carrier recombination and lifetime | 40-1.11 | A photoconductor is strobed and the output observed on an oscilloscope. |
7A10.71 | sodium photoelectric cell | E-212 | On making a sodium photoelectric cell. |
7A10.72 | commercial vacuum photocells | A-94 | Discussion of low cost ceasium-on-oxidized-silver photocells. |
7A10.73 | commercial gas-filled photocells | A-95 | The characteristics of argon filled photocells. |
7A10.74 | selenium photoconductor | E-170 | Directions for making a selenium photoconductor. |
7A10.76 | making photoconductors | AJP 29(5),xi | Directions for preparing cadmium sulfide surfaces. |
7A10.99 | photochemical reaction | A-100 | A mixture of hydrogen and chlorine is set off by a light flash. |