9B20.10displacement transducerAJP 56(7),665An optical wedge made with a strip of 35 mm slide film.
9B20.11seismometerAJP 32(11),xxivA ceramic phonograph pick-up modified to be a seismometer, drives a oscilloscope directly.
9B20.13electrometer displayAJP 35(3),xxiiUse the recorder output of an electrometer to drive a projection meter or lecture table meter.
9B20.13inexpensive electrometer amplifierAJP 34(3),xxixCircuit for an inexpensive transistor electrometer amplifier.
9B20.13electrometer circuitAJP 40(4),623A solid state electrometer circuit.
9B20.13vacuum-tube electrometerAJP 36(10),969Circuit for an inexpensive vacuum tube electrometer.
9B20.13electrometer circuitAJP 28(7),xiiiA three tube circuit to extend the range of a RCA Ultra-Sensitive DC Microammeter (Model WV-84A).
9B20.14picoammeterAJP 44(10),1016Circuit for a simple picoammeter with adjustable input potential.
9B20.20versatile test instrumentAJP 34(7),viiA circuit for a mercury pulser, sliding pulsar, and stable potentiometer.
9B20.20calibrating metersTPT 3(5),226Improves on TPT 3(2),78 (1965). Ammeter range switch and ohmmeter zero adjustment.
9B20.20meter testerTPT 3(2),77A tester to determine full scale current and internal resistance.
9B20.21inexpensive student potentiometerAJP 33(8),603A 0.1% student potentiometer and calibration source made from off the shelf parts.
9B20.21null indicator circuitAJP 35(10),xiAdd a battery and current limiting resistor to a bridge / microammeter null indicator.
9B20.21metergardAJP 35(7),iiiProtect your meter movements.
9B20.23strain gaugeAJP 42(2),108Apparatus competition merit award looks like the precursor of the PASCO product.
9B20.25precision voltage referenceAJP 52(1),86Use a precision voltage reference built with an LM399 for use as a Wheatstone bridge reference.
9B20.28use mototcycle batteriesAJP 34(12),xviMotorcycle batteries are a convenient size.
9B20.30infrared detectorAJP 30(6),viData for the Block Associates KH-51 indium antimonide photoconductive infrared detector.
9B20.30LED photometerAJP 44(2),188A circuit for using an LED as a light detector.
9B20.30photodiode photometerAJP 46(10),1079A photodiode photometer based on the PIN-125 photodiode and 741 op-amp.
9B20.30fringe intensity photometerAJP 42(1),77Mount a photocell on a traveling microscope stage.
9B20.30optical tachometerAJP 28(6),563Simple photodiode circuit detects black and white sides of a spinning top.
9B20.30photointerrupt moduleAJP 41(7),931On using the GE A13A1 photointerrupt module.
9B20.30solid state photometerAJP 42(4),342A high sensitivity solid state photometer based on the MRD 14B photo Darlington and ULN 2157 op amp.
9B20.30Pasco photogate evaluationAJP 57(10),840Thorough evaluation of the Pasco photogate.
9B20.30selective surface solar radiometerAJP 52(6),550Black and white painted surfaces give directly an absolute determination of the solar irradiance.
9B20.30photometerAJP 35(12),ixMake a photometer out of a meter and photosensitive resistance cell.
9B20.30inexpensive photodensitometerAJP 35(4),359Use a photodiode in conjunction with a x-y recorder to make a direct reading photodensitometer.
9B20.30holography light meterAJP 44(4),399A selenium photocell hooked to a microammeter will give the reference to object beam ratio.
9B20.30small area photometerAJP 38(8),987Simple photometer for measuring small light intensities over small areas. Suitable for single and multiple slit experiments.
9B20.30optical radiation power meterAJP 53(11),1108A new accurate power meter based on new 100% efficient silicon photodiodes
9B20.30counting photonsAJP 34(3),240Counting photons, here for the optical barrier penetration experiment, with a liquid N2 cooled photomultiplier (1P21).
9B20.30inexpensive photometerAJP 55(12),1147A photoresistor with a LED that lights when a preset level is exceeded. Use neutral density filters to vary range.
9B20.30light actuated PNPN switchAJP 29(8),iv"Photran" light switch from Solid State Products. (1961)
9B20.30photomultiplier tubeA-101Using the recently developed electron multiplier photocell. Picture.
9B20.35variable frequency switchAJP 34(10),xvA transistor switch in series with a dc supply is used as a audio amplifier where waveform requirements are not stringent.
9B20.35V to FAJP 44(12),1228Simple three transistor v to f converter.
9B20.35transistor based opampAJP 37(5),566Make a low noise, high input impedance opamp with transistors. Circuit given.
9B20.35mechanical model of a amplifierA-86A mouse trap triggering a rat trap is a mechanical model of a two stage amplifier.
9B20.35multistage tube amplifierA-85Circuit diagram for a multistage tube amplifier.
9B20.40temperature controllerAJP 31(2),xiControl the temperature of small systems to 0.2 C using a photoresistor in the light beam of a galvanometer.
9B20.40glass resistance thermometerAJP 47(1),120Use ordinary glass instead of a carbon glass thermistor to construct a inexpensive resistance thermometer.
9B20.40temperature controllerAJP 58(12),1210A circuit for a wide range temperature controller for solid samples.
9B20.40millidegree temperature thermostatAJP 45(3),311Millidegree temperature control in a double oven chamber.
9B20.40low temp thermistorsAJP 29(6),vAnnouncement of a bead type "Veco" thermistor good down to liquid nitrogen temperatures.
9B20.40LM 34/35 temperature sensorAJP 57(11),1049National Semiconductor LM34/35 temperature sensors have 10 mV/deg outputs.
9B20.40inexpensive digital thermometerAJP 49(6),599A digital thermometer based on the AD590 and A/D converter with 6 digit LED driver.
9B20.40proportional temperature controlAJP 45(3),312Millidegree temperature controller.
9B20.40differential thermostatAJP 46(8),863A low cost differential thermostat developed for use in solar energy control.
9B20.40simple diode radiometerAJP 41(3),443Circuit for a simple diode (1N 5179) radiometer.
9B20.45strain-gauge bridgeAJP 33(5),xviiCircuit for a strain gauge bridge, used here to measure the deformation of a brass ring.
9B20.45phono cartridge as transducerAJP 43(2),155On the utility of inexpensive piezoelectric type phono cartridges as displacement transducers.
9B20.50Motorola pressure transducerAJP 53(11),1108A short note on the Motorola MPX100 pressure transducer.
9B20.51simple pressure transducerAJP 39(3),348The thickness of an optically dense dye between two anvils is measured electroptically.
9B20.55electrohumidity transducerAJP 30(4),xivA humidity sensor that changes resistance with humidity.
9B20.55silica gel humidity sensorAJP 53(10),1011The change of conductivity of silica gel is used to measure humidity.
9B20.65LN2 level probeAJP 46(2),192The simplest probe is to blow on a meter stick which frosts up to the level of the LN2. Also, a thermocouple on a rod connected to a microammeter or millivoltmeter is inserted until the meter deflects.
9B20.65low cost LN2 monitorAJP 57(10),954A circuit monitors LN2 levels in a dewar.
9B20.66flow detectorAJP 57(12),1153An optoswitch detects the ball in an inline ball flow indicator.
9B20.70making solenoidsAJP 36(7),641Make a coil of 3500 turns of No. 16 wire. Data.
9B20.70high Q inductorsAJP 34(5),xHigh Q inductors from United Transformer Corp. are useful in demonstrating resonance at power line frequencies.
9B20.70inexpensive coilsAJP 32(10),xviFocus coils from old TV sets or field coils from old speakers are convenient due to large opening and can usually be connected directly to 120 v ac.
9B20.70making coilsAJP 40(7),1040Directions for winding coils for use with 10 v dc.
9B20.70winding transformersAJP 35(8),viUse Scotch tape between layers if you are trying to wind a transformer without a winder.
9B20.71field stabilized electromagnetAJP 57(2),184Transformer windings are used for the core of an electromagnet.
9B20.75mercury-wetted contact relaysAJP 28(7),xivA catalog describing design features and operating characteristics.
9B20.75photoelectric relaysA-97On using photocells to turn things on. Diagram.
9B20.75photocell-thyratron relayA-98On using photocells for sensitive control. Diagram.
9B20.80electric and magnetic field probesAJP 35(11),1047Electric and magnetic field probes where the strengths are presented audibly. Circuit diagrams.
9B20.80Hall effect transducerAJP 56(7),622Using integrated circuit Hall effect transducers.
9B20.80hall effect sensorAJP 54(1),89Using the Microswitch 91SS12-2 Hall effect sensor.
9B20.90digital integratorAJP 54(1),88A circuit starts with a VFC, ends with a counter.
9B20.90negative feedback demonstrationAJP 49(4),374A very simple lamp, photocell, opamp circuit to demonstrate negative feedback.
9B20.90Josephson junction analogAJP 49(11),1035An electronic analog of a resistively shunted Josephson junction.
9B20.90two component exponential decay circAJP 47(5),471A circuit provides a output composed of both fast (20 sec) and slow (100 sec) time constants.
9B20.90integrator and differentiator30-2.8A circuit provides both RC integrating and differentiating circuits with 1 KHz square wave input.
9B20.92digital logic monitorAJP 46(8),866An LED on each pin shows the logic state of integrated circuits.
9B20.92simple universal logic state checkerAJP 50(3),283A circuit for a simple universal logic state checker.
9B20.95reverse sudden death leadAJP 41(9),1117Make a breakout box with a standard duplex receptacle to banana plugs.
9B20.99digital lecture hall displayAJP 46(9),952A circuit for a four digit LED display with 24 LEDs in each digit.

Ma-1Freier & Anderson
1A12.01University of Minnesota Handbook
AJP 52(1),85American Journal of Physics
TPT 15(5),300The Physics Teacher
Disc 01-01The Video Encyclopedia of Physics Demonstrations

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