9B65.00 | Microwave Apparatus | | |
9B65.10 | microwave system | AJP 35(8),761 | Description of a low cost x band system for research and demonstration. |
9B65.13 | microwave absorber | AJP 32(4),xv | A bag of charcoal absorbs microwaves. |
9B65.20 | supports for microwave studies | AJP 39(1),120 | Styrofoam sheets with the edges outside the beam introduce no perturbations to the beam. |
9B65.25 | microwave probe antennas | AJP 39(1),121 | Design of microwave probe antennas for both electric and magnetic waves. |
9B65.40 | microwave coherer | AJP 41(10),1198 | A coherer in series with a battery and galvanometer is much more sensitive than a spark gap or neon glow lamp. |
9B65.90 | introduction to microwave optics | 33-7.5 | General comments about use of microwaves in optics. |
9B65.91 | microwave optics with 1 cm waves | AJP 44(7),628 | The advantages of using 1 cm wavelengths in physical optics including overhead projection techniques. |
9B65.91 | microwave optics | AJP 49(12),1149 | A
9 GHz system used in microwave versions of the Michelson interferometer,
Bragg reflection, Brewster's law, and total internal reflection, Young's
interference. |
9B65.91 | microwave demonstrations | O-7j | Microwave demonstrations using 420 MHz. Reference: AJP 20(5),307-8. |
9B65.91 | microwave optics | O-7g | A complete set of 12 cm microwave optics. |
9B65.91 | microwave optics | O-7h | A complete set of 3cm microwave optics. |