Physics 103 Lecture Demonstrations
- mockup for Fall 2012 Smith/Gilbert
Wesley, I put this list together for Fall 2012 in order to help Pupa. When you have the time, feel free to make edits. It is based off of your 2007 list. I will be adding links to the demo pages over time. I hope they are correctly ordered and the demos wanted for that topic. Oh! Delete this message when you have read it, Thanks! -Steve
Week 1
Lecture 1: Wednesday, September 5 - Gilbert
Topic: (Introduction - Basic Units)
- Meter Stick, 1A.EQxx
- Standards Meter, 1A10.30
- Standards Masses, 1A10.20
- Balance Scale, 1A.EQxx
- Stop Clock, 1A10.40a or a Clock
- Metronome, 1A10.40
Optional Demos:
- Computer on Internet to display phys103 homepage
- Powers of 10 Film, 1A60.10 or Scale of the Universe, 1A60.11
Week 2
Lecture 2: Monday, September 10 - Smith
Topic: (1-D Motion)
- Rubber Ball or Basketball - (Commonly used as an analogy demo)
- Reaction Time, 1A20.60c - (Meter Stick or Dollar Bill)
Optional Demos:
Lecture 3: Wednesday, September 12 - Smith
Topic: (1-D Motion)
- Aluminum inclined plane
- Ball of cotton
- Guinea and feather tube
- Rubber ball
- Meter stick
- Crisp dollar bill (reaction time)
Optional Demos:
Week 3
Lecture 4: Monday, September 17 - Gilbert
Topic: (Vectors)
- Rubber ball
- Arrow
- Dropped and fired balls
- Ballistics car
Optional Demos:
Lecture 5: Wednesday, September 19 - Gilbert
Topic: (Projectile Motion)
- Rubber ball
- Ball on a string
- Bench PC with Physics Demos program and display panels
- Water stream demo with protractor
- Monkey and hunter
Optional Demos:
Week 4
Lecture 6: Monday, September 24 - Gilbert
Topic: (Newton's Laws)
- Rubber ball
- 1-kg mass
- Beaker and cloth
- Pail of water
- Ball and cut string
- Air track
- Inertia ball
- Wood block
- Adjustable inclined plane
- Block and String
Optional Demos:
Lecture 7: Wednesday, September 26 - Gilbert
Topic: (Newton's Laws)
- Rubber ball
- 1-kg mass
- Wood block
- Spring scale with mass
- Slide of coefficients of friction
- Block and string
- Inclined plane with blocks and carts
- Adjustable inclined plane
- Single rope anchored in wall
- Hammer and nail
Optional Demos:
Week 5
Lecture 8: Monday, October 1 - Smith
Topic: (Energy)
- Rubber ball
- Bowling ball pendulum
- Balls rolling in troughs
- Cart on inclined plane
- Come-back can
- 1-kg mass
- Air track
Optional Demos:
Lecture 9: Wednesday, October 3 - Smith
Topic: (Work and Kinetic Energy)
- Rubber ball
- Cart on inclined plane
- Block and tackle
- Block and string
- Hooke's law
- Springs with different spring constants
- 1-kg mass
- Weight-lifting machine (power demo)
Optional Demos:
Week 6
Lecture 10: Monday, October 8 - Smith
Topic: (Momentum and collisions)
- Benchtop PC and LCD display
- Rubber ball
- Happy and sad balls
- Air track
- Momentum balls
- Air table
Optional Demos:
Lecture 11: Wednesday, October 10 - Smith
Topic: (Collisions and Rockets)
- Momentum balls
- Ballistic pendulum
- Water rocket
- CO2 rocket
- Rotating platform with basketball and CO2
- Rocketcycle
Optional Demos:
Week 7
Lecture 12: Monday, October 15 - Smith
Topic: (Circular Motion)
- Rubber ball
- Ball on a string
- Conical pendulum
- Block on rotating table
Optional Demos:
Lecture 13: Wednesday, October 17 - Smith
Topic: (Rotational Motion and Gravity)
- Ball on string
- Block on rotating table
- Conical pendulum
- Loop-the-loop
- Rolling chain
- Cavendish model
- Globe (10-inch) and bright light source (100 W lamp)
- Tennis ball
Optional Demos:
Week 8
Lecture 14: Monday, October 22 - Gilbert
Topic: (Equilibrium)
- Ball on string
- Center-of-gravity boards
- Torque board
- Moving spool
- See-saw
- Horizontal flag pole
- Center-of-mass cone on inclined plane
- Ladder against wall
- Deck of cards
Optional Demos:
Lecture 15: Wednesday, October 24 - Gilbert
Topic: (Angular Momentum)
- Ladder against wall
- Cylinder, sphere, disk, hoop samples
- Weight and axle
- Large inclined plane with balls, disks, and hoops
- Yo-yos
- Rotating platform with barbells
- Bicycle wheel
- Rotating masses on pulleys
- Gyroscopes
Optional Demos:
Week 9
Lecture 16: Monday, October 29 - Gilbert
Topic: (Solids)
- Weight of air
- Magdeburg hemispheres
- Manometer
- Hydraulic presss
- Young's Modulus
- Shear Modulus
- Pascal's Vases
- Brownian Motion --BB's
Optional Demos:
Lecture 17: Wednesday, October 31 - Gilbert
Topic: (Fluids)
- Bernoulli demo (pipe with flowing water)
- Bernoulli (levitated) ball
- Airfoils
- Venturi tube
- Aspirator
- Curve Ball
- Frisbee
- Archimedes principle
- Neutral-buoyancy balloon
- Toilet paper roll and air jet
- Torcelli's Theorem
Optional Demos:
Week 10
Lecture 18: Monday, November 5 - Smith
Topic: (Thermal Physics)
- Benchtop PC and LCD display
- Examples of thermometers
- Thermal expansion demos
- Bimetallic strips
- PVT surface of ideal gas
- Pistons
Optional Demos:
Lecture 19: Wednesday, November 7 - Smith
Topic: (Thermal Physics)
- Kinetic theory simulator (ball bearings)
- Kinetic theory demonstrator (Mercury tube)
- Variation of sound speed with temperature
- Balloon
Optional Demos:
Week 11
Lecture 20: Monday, November 12 - Gilbert
Topic: (Thermal Energy)
- Liquid nitrogen cannon
- Leidenfrost effect
- Collapsing pop can in water tray
- Freezing by evaporation
- Model geyser
- Ethanol vapor explosion
- PVT surfaces - ideal gas, H2O, CO2
- Mechanical equivalence of heat
Optional Demos:
Lecture 21: Wednesday, November 14 - Gilbert
Topic: (Thermal Energy)
- Heat convection (candle)
- Heat radiation (parabolic mirrors)
- Heat conduction (marbles on heated rod)
Optional Demos:
Week 12
Lecture 22: Monday, November 19 - Smith
Topic: (Thermodynamics)
- Wood block
- Expanding balloon when heated and cooled with LN2
- Piston with gun cotton
Optional Demos:
Lecture 23: Wednesday, November 21 - Smith
Topic: (Thermodynamics)
- Automobile engine model
- Carnot cycle model
- Sterling engine
Optional Demos:
Thanksgiving Recess
Week 13
Lecture 24: Monday, November 26 - Smith
Topic: (Vibrations)
- Projected circular motion
- Multiple coupled pendula
- Wilburforce pendulum
Optional Demos:
Lecture 25: Wednesday, November 28 - Smith
Topic: (Waves)
- Single rope anchored in wall
- Wave speed on a rope (index cards)
- Compressional wave demo (horizontal slinky)
- Torsional waves (2-segment horizontal and vertical)
- Bowling ball and softball pendulums
- Interference of water waves
Optional Demos:
Week 14
Lecture 26: Monday, December 3 - Gilbert
Topic: (Sound)
- Speed of sound
- Oscilloscope and microphone
- Tuning fork
- Bell in vacuum
- Breathing He and Sulfur Hexafluoride
- Sound level meter
- Doppler effect (rotating arm, train whistle)
- Casette Player with tapes
Optional Demos:
Lecture 27: Wednesday, December 5 - Smith
Topic: (Sound)
- Flame pipe
- Standing wave on a string with strobe lamp
- Oscilloscope and microphone
- Sine and square waves, noise source (with speaker)
- Musical instruments
- Tuning fork
- Singing rod
- Dog whistle
- Interference of sound
- Open and closed organ pipes
- Beat frequencies• Sound level meter
- Casette Player with tapes
Optional Demos:
Week 15
Lecture 28: Monday, December 11 - Gilbert
Topic: (Review)
• Demos TBD
Lecture 29: Wednesday, December 13 - Gilbert
Topic: (Review)
• Demos TBD
• Teaching evaluations.