- Oscillations and Waves
- 3A- Oscillations
- 3B- Wave Motion
- 3C- Acoustics
- 3D- Instruments
- 3E- Sound Reproduction
- 3Z - Misc. Support Equipment
- Thermodynamics
- 4A- Thermal Properties of Matter
- 4B- Heat and the First Law
- 4C- Change of State
- 4D- Kinetic Theory
- 4E- Gas Law
- 4F- Entropy and the Second Law
- 4Z - Misc. Support Equipment
- Electricity and Magnetism
- 5A- Electrostatics
- 5B- Electric Fields and Potential
- 5C- Capacitance
- 5D- Resistance
- 5E- Electromotive Force and Current
- 5F- DC Circuits
- 5G- Magnetic Materials
- 5H- Magnetic Fields and Forces
- 5J- Inductance
- 5K- Electromagnetic Induction
- 5L- AC Circuits
- 5M- Semiconductors and Tubes
- 5N- Electromagnetic Radiation
- 5Z - Misc. Support Equipment
- Optics
- 6A- Geometrical Optics
- 6B- Photometry
- 6C- Diffraction
- 6D- Refrection & Refraction
- 6E- Interference
- 6F- Color
- 6H- Polarization
- 6J- The Eye
- 6Q- Modern Optics
- 6Z - Misc. Support Equipment
- Modern Physics
- 7A- Quantum Effects
- 7B- Atomic Physics
- 7D- Nuclear Physics
- 7E- Elementary Particles
- 7F- Relativity
- ## - Molecular and Solids State
- ## - Chaos
- ## - Plasma
- 7Z - Misc. Support Equipment
- Astronomy
- 8A- Planetary Astronomy
- 8B- Stellar Astronomy
- 8C- Cosmology
- Equipment
- 9A- Support Systems
- 9B- Electronic
- 9C- Mechanical