3C50.00Wave Analysis and Synthesis
3C50.10Pasco Fourier synthesizerPIRA 200The Pasco Fourier synthesizer allows one to build an arbitrary waveform with up to nine harmonics.
3C50.10Pasco Fourier synthesizer3C50.10The Pasco Fourier synthesizer is used to build up a square wave.
3C50.10Pasco Fourier synthesizerSk-3The Pasco Fourier synthesizer allows one to build an arbitrary waveform out of up to nine harmonics.
3C50.10Fourier synthesizerDisc 10-15Use the Pasco Fourier synthesizer to demonstrate building square and triangle waves.
3C50.12electronic music synthesizerAJP 43(9),755The principles of an electronic music synthesizer and its use in demonstrations.
3C50.12electric organ as synthesizerAJP 29(6),372The timbre of a musical note is demonstrated by showing an oscilloscope trace of an electric organ while changing the drawbars.
3C50.13electromechanical Fourier synthesizeAJP 40(7),937A set of eight mechanically geared potentiometers generate sine/cosine waves and harmonics.
3C50.13mechanical multichannel generator18-4.4A four channel mechanical signal generator is used to show a fundamental and two harmonics. Picture. Construction details in appendix, p. 626.
3C50.14synthesizerAJP 43(10),899The PAiA 2720 Synthesizer used with an oscilloscope for ten demonstrations.
3C50.14waveform synthesizerAJP 42(9),754Oscillators tuned to 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 Khz have variable amplitude and phase. External input and an audio amp are also included.
3C50.14waveform synthesizerAJP 53(9),874A waveform synthesizer based on the Intel 8748 microcontroller is described along with some theory and an experiment.
3C50.15mechanical square wave generatorPIRA 1000
3C50.15mechanical square wave generator3C50.15Shadow project a mechanism with a small disc mounted at the edge of a larger disc with 1/3 the diameter geared to rotate 3 times as fast as the larger disc.
3C50.18arbitrary waveform generator33-2.9Sweep a high freq signal at a low freq on an oscilloscope with a mask cut out to the shape of the wave desired and look at it with a photocell.
3C50.30Helmholtz resonators and microphonePIRA 200Hold a small microphone individually to a set of Helmholtz resonators.
3C50.30Helmholtz resonators and microphone3C50.30
3C50.31Helmholtz resonator19-4.6Sound from a loudspeaker is directed at a series of Helmholtz resonators with pinwheel detectors at their small apertures.
3C50.31ganged resonance boxes19-4.8A pistol is fired in front of a set of tuning fork resonance boxes equipped with inductive pickups. Picture.
3C50.33resonance in a box19-4.11A complex setup to plot the frequency spectrum of a box. Pictures, Diagrams.
3C50.34resonant response of vocal cavitiesS-117Use a fake larynx to talk without using the vocal cords.
3C50.35resonance tube spectrumPIRA 1000
3C50.35resonance tube spectrum3C50.35Drive a speaker at one end of a tube with the swept frequency output of a spectrum analyzer.
3C50.36air column resonance spectraAJP 48(1),24Use a storage scope and two function generators to display the swept spectrum. Interesting additions are end corrections, tone holes, and adding a bell.
3C50.37radiation patterns of hornsS-145Feed a oscillator or other sound to any one of four different types of horns to show differences in quality at various frequencies.
3C50.40harmonic tones (vibrating string)PIRA 1000
3C50.40string resonance spectra on oscillo.AJP 50(6),570Sweep the source generator and oscilloscope horizontal from a generator. Use a steel wire and guitar pickup.
3C50.40resonances in stringsAJP 52(5),470Excite a steel string with a linearly swept sinusoidal signal and show the output on a spectrum analyzer or storage oscilloscope.
3C50.50noise (pink and white)PIRA 1000
3C50.55distinguishing harmonics with the earPIRA 1000
3C50.55distinguishing harmonics3C50.55A generator with an adjustable high Q bandpass filter allows one to train the ear to pick out the harmonics of a complex sound.
3C50.55distinguishing harmonicsAJP 53(11),1112The circuit diagram for the Gronseth device.
3C50.70wave analysis (PASCO filter)PIRA 1000
3C50.80spectrum analyzerPIRA 1000
3C50.81RLC bank harmonic analyzer33-3.7A bank of RLC circuits covering to the tenth harmonic of 235 Hz is used as a harmonic analyzer. Diagram.
3C50.82LC harmonic analyzerAJP 28(4),405Sweep a square wave generator through a single LC filter and detect maxima at harmonics of the fundamental.
3C50.83low cost spectrum analyzerAJP 45(1),103A circuit for a 100 kHz spectrum analyzer using a standard oscilloscope for display.
3C50.83spectrum analyzer - Tek 5L4NAJP 48(6),451The Tek 5L4N spectrum analyzer plug-in is used with a camera (instead of a storage scope) to show the spectrum of sustained tones from musical instruments at different pitch and loudness.
3C50.94FFT on 6502AJP 52(8),713A FFT algorithm relocatable to any 6502 is available from the author.
3C50.94microcomputer based analyzerAJP 53(11),1107Discusses algorithms for cross correlation and sound intensity analysis.

Ma-1Freier & Anderson
1A12.01University of Minnesota Handbook
AJP 52(1),85American Journal of Physics
TPT 15(5),300The Physics Teacher
Disc 01-01The Video Encyclopedia of Physics Demonstrations

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