4C33.00Vapor Pressure
4C33.10vapor pressure in barometerPIRA 1000
4C33.10vapor pressure in barometer4C33.10Insert water or alcohol in a mercury barometer.
4C33.10vapor pressure of liquidsHj-1Set up a series of mercury barometers and insert a small amount of volatile liquid in each one.
4C33.10vapor pressure in barometerH-81Place four mercury barometers in a line and introduce different liquids into three to show vapor pressure.
4C33.11vapor pressure with a manometer27-3.7Three flasks containing water, alcohol, and ether are connected by stopcocks to the evacuated side of a mercury manometer.
4C33.12vapor pressure of waterHl-10A barometer is sealed off with liquid over the mercury.
4C33.13comparison of vapor and gasH-86Barometer tubes are moved up and down in a deep well of mercury. One contains air, the other alcohol vapor. The mercury level remains the same in the tube with alcohol vapor.
4C33.13vapor pressure tubeH-82Separate tubes are made up with a liquid sealed over mercury and with an evacuated tube extending out of the mercury to show the vapor pressure.
4C33.20addition of vapor pressuresPIRA 1000
4C33.20addition of vapor pressures4C33.20Add water and then alcohol to a mercury barometer
4C33.21addition of partial pressuresHj-2Measure the pressure change with a manometer when a vial of ether is broken in a flask of air.
4C33.25soda pop pressure27-3.1Attach a pressure gauge to a soda pop bottle and measure the buildup of pressure.
4C33.30vapor pressure curve for waterPIRA 1000
4C33.30vapor curve of waterAJP 29(10),xiiiBoil water in a flask attached to one side of a mercury manometer, remove the heat and seal off the flask from the atmosphere, take readings of the temp and pressure difference as the system cools.
4C33.30vapor pressure curve for water27-3.8A flask of boiling water is stoppered with a thermometer and mercury manometer. Readings are taken as the water cools.
4C33.31vapor pressure of water vs temp27-3.5Add a thermometer and pressure gauge to a pressure cooker the demonstrate the effect of temperature on partial pressure of water.
4C33.32vapor pressure of water at boilingH-74Insert a mercury filled J tube with water at the closed end into a boiling water bath and the mercury comes to the same level on both sides of the tube.
4C33.33vacuum by freezingTPT 2(4),178A table of vapor pressure values for water at standard bath temperatures down to -90 C. Some demo suggestions are included.
4C33.35vapor pressure curve for CCl4AJP 43(10),925Modification of a flexible tube manometer to measure the vapor pressure curve of CCl4.
4C33.50pulse glassPIRA 500
4C33.50pulse glassH-72A tube with a small bulb on each end partially filled with a volatile liquid is held by one bulb in the palm forcing the liquid into the other bulb.
4C33.50pulse glassH-2a.2Just a picture.
4C33.55vapor pressure fountainH-85Ether is introduced into a stoppered flask half full of water with a nozzle extending to near the bottom of the flask. The vapor pressure forces the water out the nozzle. Diagram.
4C33.56addition of vapor press. with ether27-3.9An apparatus is constructed of glass tubing to allow one to add ether to entrapped air at atmospheric pressure and measure the increased pressure. Reference: AJP 13(1),50.
4C33.57flask inverted over ether27-3.4When a flask is inverted over ether, bubbles form due to the partial pressure of ether.
4C33.58retarded evaporationH-84Introduce a volatile liquid into two flasks connected to mercury manometers, one evacuated and the other full of air. The final pressure is the same but the time to get there differs.
4C33.60beakers in a bell jar27-3.3Beakers of water and brine are placed in a bell jar and left for weeks. The brine gains water.
4C33.61lowering of v.p. by dissolved saltHj-6A manometer separates water and a salt solution in a closed system.
4C33.62vapor pressure of solutionsH-87Aqueous solutions of salt or sugar have a higher boiling point than water.

Ma-1Freier & Anderson
1A12.01University of Minnesota Handbook
AJP 52(1),85American Journal of Physics
TPT 15(5),300The Physics Teacher
Disc 01-01The Video Encyclopedia of Physics Demonstrations

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