5B10.00Electric Field
5B10.10hair on endPIRA 200While standing on an insulated stool, charge yourself up with a Van de Graaff generator.
5B10.10hair on end5B10.10While standing on an insulated stool, charge yourself up with a Van de Graaff generator.
5B10.10hair on endE-46Stand on an insulated stool and hold on to a terminal of a static machine. Disconnect the condensers.
5B10.13pithball plate and flying ballsEc-4Place a plate with pith ball hanging on strings on an electrostatic generator. Also place a cup filled with styrofoam balls on an electrostatic generator.
5B10.15Van de Graaff streamersPIRA 500
5B10.15Van de Graaff streamers5B10.15Attach ribbon streamers to the top of a Van de Graaff generator.
5B10.15Van de Graaff streamersEc-3A small stand with thin paper strips is placed on an electrostatic generator.
5B10.15Van de Graaff with streamersDisc 17-08Show Van de Graaff with paper streamers, then hair on end.
5B10.16recoiling tentaclesAJP 42(2),166Place the electrostatic plume made out of nylon rope near the other terminal of the Wimshurst machine.
5B10.21electric rosinE-42Melt rosin in a metal ladle and attach to a static machine. When the machine is cranked and the rosin slowly poured out, jets of rosin follow the electric field.
5B10.22electrostatic paintingAJP 46(4),435Clip the can to ground and a metal object to be painted to the Van de Graaff generator. Point out that the paint goes around to the back too, and it is thickest on the edges.
5B10.23MgO smokeAJP 34(11),1034Fill an unevacuated bell jar with MgO smoke and they will form three dimensional chain-like agglomerates between electrodes.
5B10.23orbiting foilAJP 32(1),xivThrow a triangle of aluminum foil into the field of a Van der Graaff and it comes to equilibrium mid-air. Give it a half-twist, and it will orbit in a horizontal circle below the sphere.
5B10.24charge motion in an electric field29-1.28A charged ball on a dry ice puck is launched toward a Van de Graaff generator. The motion is recorded with strobe photography.
5B10.25confetti (puffed wheat)PIRA 200Confetti (puffed wheat, styrofoam peanuts) flies off the ball of an electrostatic generator.
5B10.25styrofoam peanuts5B10.25
5B10.25confetti on electrostatic generatorEc-2Confetti flies off the ball of an electrostatic generator.
5B10.25streamers29-1.18Fray the end of a nylon clothesline and charge with an electrostatic machine to show repulsion.
5B10.26electrified stringsPIRA 1000
5B10.26eletrified strings5B10.26A bunch of hanging nylon strings are charged by stroking with cellophane causing repulsion.
5B10.26electrified stringsEa-8Charge a mop of insulating strings.
5B10.26shooting down chargeEa-10Use the piezoelectric pistol to discharge the electrified strings.
5B10.30electric chimesPIRA 1000
5B10.30electric chimesEb-9A ball bounces between charged metal chimes.
5B10.30electric chimes29-1.13Insert a metalized ping-pong ball between two highly charged metal plates.
5B10.30electric chimesE-39A small metal ball hangs on a thread between two bells attached to an electrostatic machine.
5B10.30electrostatic ping-pong ballsDisc 16-24Conductive ping pong balls bounce between horizontal plates charged with a Wimshurst.
5B10.31jumping particlesE-43Aluminum powder bounces between two horizontal plates 1 cm apart attached to a static machine. Metalized pith balls bounce between an electrode at the top of a bell jar and the plate.
5B10.32Van de Graaff chimeAJP 45(8),772Toss a small foil near the charged sphere (see AJP 32(1),xiv - 5B10.33) and then bring a grounded ball close to show the chime effect.
5B10.33electrostatic ping-pongEc-6A fluffy cotton ball travels back and forth between an electrostatic generator and a lighted cigar.
5B10.35electrostatic ping pongPIRA 500
5B10.35electrostatic ping pong5B10.35Bounce a conducting ball hanging between two plates charged with a Wimshurst.
5B10.40fuzzy fur field tankPIRA 500
5B10.40fuzzy fur field tank5B10.40"Fur" in mineral oil aligns along field lines from charged electrodes.
5B10.40"velveteens"AJP 32(5),388Fine black fiber clippings in castor oil are used to show electric field between electrodes.
5B10.40electric fields between electrodesEb-1Charged electrodes are placed in a tank of mineral oil containing velveteen and the pattern is projected on the overhead.
5B10.40fuzzy fur field tank29-2.1Bits of material suspended in oil align with an applied electric field. Several pole arrangements are shown.
5B10.40electric fieldDisc 17-10A pan on the overhead projector contains particles in a liquid that align with the electric field.
5B10.41repelled air bubbles29-2.2A stream of air bubbles in an oil bath are repelled in the region of an inhomogeneous field.
5B10.42epsom salt on plateE-44Sprinkle Epson salt on a glass plate with two aluminum electrodes. Tap to align the crystals.
5B10.43ice filament growthAJP 39(3),350An ice filament pattern shows the electrical field configuration. Place a PZT transducer on a block of dry ice.
5B10.50mapping force with "electric doubletE-45Two pith balls charged oppositely and hanging from a rod are used to map out the field in the region of charged conductors.
5B10.51plotting equipotential lines29-3.1A method for plotting equipotential lines from electrodes in a pan on water.
5B10.52finger on the electrophorusAJP 30(1),71Charge and electrophorus., then trace a circle on it with your finger and probe the resulting field with a pith ball on a long thread.
5B10.53extent of electric fieldE-52Hold an electroscope several feet away from a static machine and observe the electroscope leaves rise and fall as sparking occurs.
5B10.54mapping field potential, voltageAJP 31(2),xiiA wire held in the flame of a candle and attached to a grounded electroscope is held near a Van de Graaff generator. Mount two candles on a insulator and attach the second to the case of the electroscope to measure voltage.
5B10.54mapping potential fieldE-57A small alcohol lamp attached to an electrostatic voltmeter can be used to map potential fields.
5B10.55liquid crystal mappingAJP 41(12),1314An electrode configuration is painted onto a conducting paper with temperature sensitive encapsulated liquid crystals. Joule heating causes color changes.
5B10.55liquid crystal mappingAJP 42(12),1075An alternate method (to AJP 41(12),1314) of preparing liquid crystal displays of electric fields.
5B10.57double brass plate measurement29-2.3The field around a large sphere is measured by separating two brass plates and measuring the charges with a ballistic galvanometer.
5B10.58electric field indicatorEc-7A point on the end of a 500 Mohm resistor connects to a neon bulb in parallel with a small capacitor.
5B10.60electric fields of currentsAJP 30(1),19Current carrying conductors are made of transparent conducting ink on glass plates. Sprinkle on grass seeds to demonstrate the electric lines of force inside and outside the conducting elements.
5B10.61electric fields of currentsAJP 38(6),720Draw a circuit on glass or mylar with a soft lead scoring pencil. Dust the glass with small fibers while the current is flowing.
5B10.62water drop model of charged particle29-2.4A water drop model demonstrates the motion of a stream of charged particles in an electric field.
5B10.70other surfacesref.see 8C20.20,1L20.10
5B10.70rubber sheet field modelPIRA 1000
5B10.70rubber sheet model for fieldsAJP 28(7),644Roll balls over a 6'x4' frame with a stretched rubber surface, distorting it with dowels to represent charges.
5B10.70model of field potentialE-58A sheet of rubber is pushed up and down with dowels to represent positive and negative charges.
5B10.71stretched membrane field model29-5.1A rubber sheet stretched over a large quilting hoop models electric fields.

Ma-1Freier & Anderson
1A12.01University of Minnesota Handbook
AJP 52(1),85American Journal of Physics
TPT 15(5),300The Physics Teacher
Disc 01-01The Video Encyclopedia of Physics Demonstrations

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