5B30.00Electrostatic Potential
5B30.10surface charge density - ballsPIRA 500
5B30.10surface charge density - balls5B30.10Separate several pairs of balls of different diameters attached to a Wimshurst by the same distance.
5B30.10surface charge densityEa-23Sets of balls of different radius but the same separation are simultaneously attached to a Wimshurst.
5B30.20charged ovoidPIRA 1000
5B30.20charged ovoid5B30.20Proof planes of the same area take charge off the round or pointed end of a zeppelin shape.
5B30.20surface charge densityEa-18Proof planes of the same area take charge from the flat or pointed end of a charged zeppelin shaped conductor.
5B30.20charged ZeppelinE-29Use a proof plane and electroscope to compare charge densities at different points on a egg shaped conductor.
5B30.22charge distribution on spheresE-60Read this one. Determine the charge distribution as spheres are brought close to a charged sphere.
5B30.24surface charge density with cans29-2.8Transfer charge from the edge of a can on a source to the inside of a second can.
5B30.25charge on spheresE-61Spheres of different diameters are brought to the same potential and inserted into a Faraday ice pail to show different charges.
5B30.26spark gapsE-49Connect an electrostatic voltmeter to the terminals of an static machine and observe the voltage while varying the spark gap.
5B30.27measure the second derivative of pot29-3.2A two point probe measures potential, and a five point probe measures the second derivative of potential. Diagram.
5B30.28potential during dischargeE-59An electroscope is connected to the ball of the electric chime to observe the decrease on potential as the ringing diminishes.
5B30.30lightning rodPIRA 200Insert a sphere and point of the same height between horizontal metal plates charged by a Wimshurst.
5B30.30lightning rod5B30.30Insert a sphere and point of the same height between horizontal metal plates charged by a Wimshurst.
5B30.30lightning rodEb-7Sparks jumping from a plane to a sphere will stop when a point is inserted.
5B30.30lightning rodDisc 17-11Sparks discharge from a large ball suspended over a model house with a small ball in the chimney until a point is raised above the small ball.
5B30.35point and ball with Van de GraaffPIRA 500
5B30.35point and ball with Van de Graaf5B30.35Hold a ball close to a Van de Graaff generator and then bring a point close.
5B30.35Van de Graaff and wandDisc 17-09With paper streamers as a field indicator, bring a ball and point close to the Van de Graaff.
5B30.40electric windPIRA 500
5B30.40electric wind5B30.40A point attached to a Wimshurst blows a candle flame.
5B30.40electric windEb-3A candle between pointed and plane electrodes attached to a Wimshurst will blow the flame.
5B30.40electric windE-37A candle flame held near a point connected to the positive side of an electrostatic generator will repel the flame as if there is a breeze of ions.
5B30.40point and candleDisc 17-13Attach a sharp point to one terminal of a Toepler-Holtz generator and point it at a candle flame.
5B30.41history of the electric windAJP 30(5),366Covers discovery and early investigations, the dust controversy, and recent studies and applications.
5B30.42corona discharge in airA-6The corona discharge from a point towards a candle flame and a pinwheel spinning.
5B30.43cooling with electric windEb-6The electric wind from needle points cools a glowing nichrome wire heater.
5B30.44corona currentE-36A 1/2 Meg resistor in series with a galvanometer measure the current in a corona discharge from an electrostatic machine.
5B30.45corona dischargeEb-2A charged aluminum rod with a needle at one end will charge a nearby sphere with like charge if the needle is pointed to the sphere and with opposite charge if the needle is pointed away.
5B30.45escape of charge from a pointE-32When charge is induced on an electrode with a point, the induced charge will escape and the charge on the induced electrode will be the same as on the inducing electrode.
5B30.45charge by pointingE-35Charge a conductor by proximity to a point attached to a static machine.
5B30.46discharging from a point29-1.10Three balloons filled with illuminating gas are suspended from a point and charged. The blunt end of a brass rod has little effect but the pointed end discharges the balloons when pointed at them.
5B30.46darning needle dischargeE-33The blunt end of a darning needle is placed on the charged conductor of an electroscope and the electroscope is discharged.
5B30.47collapse the fieldE-34The point of a grounded needle is brought near a charged tinsel tassel and the tassel collapses.
5B30.48electrical discharge from water dropEb-13A drop of water placed on the positive electrode of a Wimshurst will form a corona but spit droplets when placed on the negative electrode.
5B30.49point cathode effectAJP 32(9),713A point 1s biased to 1200 V in a Wilson cloud chamber.
5B30.50pinwheelPIRA 500
5B30.50pinwheel5B30.50A pinwheel spins when attached to a Wimshurst generator.
5B30.50electrostatic pinwheelEb-10A conducting pinwheel spins when connected to a Wimshurst.
5B30.50pinwheelE-38A pinwheel rotates when connected to either terminal of a static machine.
5B30.50pin wheelDisc 17-12Place a pinwheel on a Van de Graaff generator.
5B30.51electrostatic solar systemEb-11A double pinwheel rotates when connected to a Wimshurst.
5B30.60Cottrell precipitatorPIRA 500
5B30.60Cottrell precipitator5B30.60
5B30.60electrostatic precipitatorEb-12Clear smoke in a chimney with points are connected to a Wimshurst.
5B30.60Cottrell precipitator30-4.5Clear a smoke filled tube by a discharge from wire points.
5B30.60smoke precipitationA-5Demonstrate smoke particles precipitating in a strong electric field in an artificial chimney.
5B30.60smoke precipitationDisc 17-16Attach a Wimshurst to terminals at each end of a glass tube filled with smoke.
5B30.90energy in the dischargeE-53Light some alcohol or a Bunsen burner with the spark from a static machine.
5B30.91gas explosion by sparkE-55A spark plug hooked to a static machine is used to explode a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen in a closed container.
5B30.95human chainE-48All students hold hands with one student holding one knob of a static machine and the other holding a metal rod near the other knob.
5B30.96discharge through bodyE-47A student standing on the floor touches other students standing on insulated stands holding on to the two knobs of a static machine.

Ma-1Freier & Anderson
1A12.01University of Minnesota Handbook
AJP 52(1),85American Journal of Physics
TPT 15(5),300The Physics Teacher
Disc 01-01The Video Encyclopedia of Physics Demonstrations

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