5C10.10sample capacitorsPIRA 500
5C10.10sample capacitors5C10.10Show many capacitor examples.
5C10.10capacitorsE-4aSeveral types of capacitors are shown.
5C10.15simple spherical capacitorE-62Charge a 8" sphere several times with an electrophorus, then repeat with a insulated conductor near, then repeat with a grounded conductor near. The number of sparks required to reach a potential varies.
5C10.20parallel plate capacitorPIRA 200Change the spacing of a charged parallel plate capacitor while it is attached to an electroscope.
5C10.20parallel plate capacitor5C10.20Change the spacing of a charged parallel plate capacitor while attached to an electroscope.
5C10.20field and voltageEd-1Vary the spacing of a charged parallel plate capacitor while the voltage is measured with an electroscope.
5C10.20parallel plate capacitorE-69Charge a simple capacitor of two parallel movable plates and the divergence of electroscope leaves varies as the plates are moved.
5C10.20capacitance and voltageE-4dSeparate charged plates while an electroscope is attached.
5C10.20parallel plate capacitorDisc 18-19Charge parallel plates with a rod, watch the electroscope as the distance between the plates is changed. Animation sequence.
5C10.21battery and separable capacitorPIRA 1000
5C10.21battery and separable capacitorDisc 18-22Charge a parallel plate capacitor to 300 V, then move the plates apart until an electroscope deflects.
5C10.30dependence of capacitance on areaPIRA 1000
5C10.30dependence of capacitance on areaE-73As a chain is lifted out of a hollow charged conductor on an electroscope, the deflection decreases. When let back down, it increases again.
5C10.31dependence of area on capacitanceE-74A long rectangular sheet of charged tin foil is rolled up while attached to an electroscope.
5C10.32dependence of capacitance on areaE-75Hook up a charged radio tuning condenser to an electroscope.
5C10.33Chinese lantern capacitor29-4.5Vary the length of an aluminum painted Chinese lantern to show the change of capacitance.
5C10.35rotary capacitorPIRA 1000
5C10.35rotary capacitorDisc 18-21Charge a large rotary capacitor with a rod and watch an electroscope as the overlap is changed.
5C10.40C=i/(dv/dt) demonstratorAJP 28(7),675Vary a potentiometer so that a constant current is maintained while charging a capacitor from a 90 volt battery. Measure the time.
5C10.50inducing current with a capacitor29-1.30A charged ball moving between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor will induce a current in the external circuit.

Ma-1Freier & Anderson
1A12.01University of Minnesota Handbook
AJP 52(1),85American Journal of Physics
TPT 15(5),300The Physics Teacher
Disc 01-01The Video Encyclopedia of Physics Demonstrations

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