5C30.00 | Energy Stored in a Capacitor | | |
5C30.10 | Leyden jar and Wimshurst | PIRA 1000 | |
5C30.10 | Leyden jar | Eb-8 | Sparks from a Wimshurst are no longer but are much more intense when a Leyden jar is connected. |
5C30.10 | Leyden jars on Toepler-Holtz | Disc 18-18 | The Topler-Holtz produces weak sparks without the Leyden jars and strong less frequent sparks with the jars connected. |
5C30.15 | exploding capacitor | PIRA 1000 | |
5C30.15 | grounded Leyden jar | Disc 18-26 | Charge a capacitor with a Wimshurst, ground each side separately, spark to show the charge is still there. |
5C30.20 | short a capacitor | PIRA 200 | Charge a large electrolytic (5000 mfd) capacitor to 120 V and short with a screwdriver. |
5C30.20 | short a capacitor | 5C30.20 | A 5600 microF capacitor is charged to 120 V and shorted. |
5C30.20 | exploding capacitor | Disc 18-23 | Four 1000 microF capacitors are charged to 400 V storing about 320 Joules. Short them with a metal bar. |
5C30.25 | capacitor and calorimeter | AJP 37(5),566 | Discharge a capacitor into a resistor in an aluminum block with an embedded thermistor to measure the temperature increase. |
5C30.30 | light the bulb | ref. | see 5F30.10 |
5C30.30 | light a bulb with a capacitor | PIRA 200 | Charge a large electroylitic capacitor and connect it to a lamp. |
5C30.30 | light the bulb | 5C30.30 | A 5600 microF capacitor is charged to 120 V and discharged through a light bulb. |
5C30.35 | lifting weight with a capacitor | PIRA 1000 | |
5C30.35 | energy stored in a capacitor | Ed-8 | A capacitor is discharged through a small motor lifting a weight. |
5C30.35 | lifting a weight with a capacitor | 29-4.10 | A DC motor lifts a weight powered by a charged capacitor. |
5C30.36 | discharge a capacitor thru wattmeter | 29-4.11 | A high impedance low rpm dc motor (wattmeter) is used to discharge a capacitor. |
5C30.37 | charge on a capacitor | Ed-7 | A capacitor is discharged through a ballistic galvanometer. |
5C30.37 | capacitors and ballistic galv | E-262 | Charge different capacitors to different voltages and discharge through a ballistic galvanometer. |
5C30.40 | series/parallel Leyden jars | PIRA 1000 | |
5C30.40 | addition of potentials | E-67 | Charge
Leyden jars in parallel and discharge, charge in parallel again and connect
in series before discharging. Compare length and intensity of the sparks. |
5C30.41 | series and parallel condensers | E-68 | Charge
four Leyden jars in parallel and discharge singly and with three together.
Next charge three in series with one in parallel and discharge singly and
three in series. Compare length and intensity of sparks. |
5C30.42 | series/parallel capacitors | PIRA 1000 | |
5C30.42 | series/parallel capacitors | Disc 18-27 | Charge
a single capacitor, two series capacitors, and two parallel capacitors to
the same potential and discharge through a ballistic galvanometer. |
5C30.50 | Marx and Cockroft-Walton | PIRA 1000 | |
5C30.50 | Marx and Cockroft-Walton circuits | AJP 56(9),822 | Intentionally
low voltage models of the Marx generator and the Cockroft-Walton circuit
allow the waveforms to be shown as a demonstration without high voltage probes
or danger. |
5C30.50 | Marx generator | Ep-1 | Switching capacitors from parallel to series to generate high voltages. |
5C30.50 | Arkad'ev capacitor-bank transformer | 29-4.4 | Switching of charged capacitors from parallel to series. |
5C30.60 | residual charge | PIRA 1000 | |
5C30.60 | residual charge | E-63 | Charge and discharge a Leyden jar, Wait a few seconds and discharge it again. |
5C30.61 | residual charge | 29-4.6 | After discharging
a Leyden jar, light a neon tube up to 100 times. Also - show the polarity
of charge on the dielectric with a triode. |