5M10.10Hall voltagePIRA 200Measure the transverse potential of a large rectangle of biased N-doped germanium in a magnetic field.
5M10.10Hall effect5M10.10The transverse potential of a large rectangle of biased N-doped germanium is measured when inserted into a magnetic field.
5M10.10Hall voltageEi-16Current is passed through a N doped germanium crystal while in a strong magnetic field and the voltage at the sides is monitored.
5M10.10Hall effect40-1.16Measure a voltage difference in a germanium sample perpendicular to the current flow when placed in a magnetic field. Picture Diagram, Construction details in appendix, p.1367.
5M10.10Hall effectDisc 20-10A Hall effect probe in a magnet, animation.
5M10.11Hall effect magnetAJP 29(1),29Apparatus Drawings Project No. 12: A small electromagnet for use with an indium-antimonide device.
5M10.12Lorentz force on conduction electron40-1.13A voltage is induced on a moving metal in a magnetic field.
5M10.15an electron in a periodic potentialAJP 52(9),807The interaction of an electron with a crystal periodic potential is demonstrated with an air track cart mounted magnet moving past a magnet array.
5M10.19model of a semiconductor40-1.2A model made of pegboard and balls that shows a hole moving along a preselected path.
5M10.20hot point probe40-1.3A hot point probe consisting of a soldering iron and a microammeter tests for the two types of conductivity.
5M10.30color centers40-1.5Electrons or holes are injected into a large transparent alkali halide crystal in an oven resulting in the formation of color centers. Pictures, Diagrams, References: AJP 25,5 ,306.
5M10.32color centers40-1.6Injection of electrons into a transparent potassium chloride crystal at high temperatures results in the formation of color centers. Pictures.
5M10.34Shockley-Haynes experiment40-1.7A difficult but worthwhile demonstration illustrates diffusion and drift phenomena.
5M10.40Josephson weak link modelAJP 41(7),878A rigid pendulum and aluminum disc are mounted on a shaft driven by a weight hanging on a thread wrapped around the shaft and damped by eddy currents.
5M10.50diodePIRA 1000
5M10.50diodeDisc 18-10Positive and negative voltages are applied to a lamp in series with a diode.
5M10.60PN junction40-1.12Demonstrate a PN junction with a battery.
5M10.61transistor curve tracerAJP 29(5),287Circuits for constructing instruments to display transistor curves on an oscilloscope.
5M10.62Fermi level modelAJP 29(8),529A model with ball bearings representing electrons and holes in Plexiglas representing states.
5M10.70brillouinAJP 53(1),90View a waveform on an oscilloscope through a cardboard with slots cut out.
5M10.71brillouin/compass arrayPIRA 1000
5M10.71brillouin/compass array5M10.71
5M10.90transistor amplifierPIRA 1000
5M10.90transistor amplifierDisc 18-12A transistor circuit board shows simple amplification.
5M10.92integrated circuitsA-10bShow transistors and integrated circuits including slides of integrated circuit blow ups.

Ma-1Freier & Anderson
1A12.01University of Minnesota Handbook
AJP 52(1),85American Journal of Physics
TPT 15(5),300The Physics Teacher
Disc 01-01The Video Encyclopedia of Physics Demonstrations

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