6H30.00 | Circular Polarization | | |
6H30.01 | circular polarization model | AJP 51(1),91 | One vector moves along with a fixed orientation in space while five others, at quarter wavelengths, rotate. |
6H30.10 | three Polaroids | PIRA 500 | |
6H30.10 | three polaroids | 6H30.10 | Three sheets of Polaroid are provided with an overhead projector. |
6H30.10 | rotation by polarizing filter | Disc 24-03 | Stick a third sheet between crossed Polaroids |
6H30.30 | barber pole | PIRA 500 | |
6H30.30 | barber pole | 35-6.6 | A beam of polarized light is rotated when directed up a vertical tube filled with sugar solution. |
6H30.30 | barber pole | L-129 | Show a beam of
polarized light up through a tube with a sugar solution and scattering centers.
The beam rotates and colors are separated. |
6H30.30 | barbershop sugar tube | Disc 24-14 | Illuminate a tube of corn syrup from the bottom. Insert and rotate a Polaroid filter between the light and tube. |
6H30.35 | laser and quinine sulfate | AJP 39(12),1536 | Pass a polarized laser beam through a cylinder filled with a quinine sulfate solution. |
6H30.40 | Karo syrup | PIRA 200 | Insert a tube of liquid sugar between crossed polaroids. |
6H30.40 | karo syrup tank | AJP 43(11),939 | Fill
an aquarium with karo syrup and insert glass objects - prism, block, balls.
View the collection through motorized crossed Polaroids |
6H30.40 | karo syrup | Om-16 | Place a bottle of Karo syrup between crossed Polaroids |
6H30.40 | rotation by sugar solution | L-130 | Insert a tube of sugar solution between crossed Polaroids |
6H30.40 | optical activity in corn syrup | Disc 24-11 | A bottle of corn syrup between Polaroids, three overlapping containers of equal thickness between Polaroids |
6H30.41 | Karo syrup prism | Om-19 | Colors change as one Polaroid is rotated in a Karo syrup prism between crossed Polaroids |
6H30.42 | three tanks | 35-6.5 | Compare the rotation of plane polarized light in tanks containing sugar solution, turpentine, and water. |
6H30.45 | quartz "biplate" | L-131 | A quartz "biplate"
is set between two crossed Polaroids at 45 degrees, then a tube of sugar
solution is also inserted and rotated. |
6H30.60 | ? | AJP 50(11),1051 | ? |
6H30.70 | microwave optical rotation | PIRA 1000 | |
6H30.70 | microwave optical activity | 33-7.16 | A styrofoam box contains 1200 coils of wire aligned in an array and wound in the same sense will rotate microwave radiation. |
6H30.71 | microwave optical rotation | AJP 39(8),920 | A
microwave analog of optical rotation in cholesteric liquid crystals. Plastic
sheets with small parallel wires are stacked so the wires on successive layers
vary in a screw type fashion. |
6H30.80 | Faraday rotation | PIRA 1000 | |
6H30.80 | Faraday rotation | L-132 | Polarized
light is passed through holes in an electromagnet bored parallel with the
magnetic field. a specimen is placed in the magnet and the rotation is determined
when the magnet is energized. |
6H30.81 | Faraday rotation | L-133 | Insert a partially
filled glass container of Halowax or carbon tetrachloride into the core of
a solenoid between crossed Polaroids |
6H30.82 | rotation by magnetic field | 35-6.18 | A CS2 cell placed in a solenoid rotates the plane of polarization on light. |