6H35.10two calcite crystalsPIRA 200Use a second calcite crystal to show the polarization of the ordinary and extraordinary rays.
6H35.10two calcite crystalsOm-6Use a second calcite crystal to show the polarization of the ordinary and extraordinary rays.
6H35.15calcite and Polaroid on OHPIRA 1000
6H35.15birefringent crystal6H35.15Rotate a calcite crystal on an overhead projector covered except for a small hole. Use a Polaroid sheet to check polarity.
6H35.15ordinary and extraordinary rayOm-5Rotate a calcite crystal with one beam entering and two will emerge, one on axis and the other rotating around.
6H35.15birefringent crystalL-120Project a hole in a strongly illuminated cardboard onto a screen through a calcite crystal. Interpose and rotate a polarizing plate to make the two images disappear alternately, or use a Wollaston prism.
6H35.15double refraction in calciteDisc 24-16Place a calcite crystal over printed material or a metal plate with a small hole.
6H35.17plexiglass birefringencePIRA 1000
6H35.17plexiglas birefringence6H35.17Same as AJP ,(12),1086
6H35.17plexiglas birefringenceAJP 59(12),1086Show birefringence of a Plexiglas rod directly with a linearly polarized laser. Also easily construct half and quarter wave plates.
6H35.20birefringence crystal modelOm-3A flexible crystal model is used to show how index of refraction can vary in a crystal.
6H35.21pendulum modelL-118Strike a pendulum with a blow, then wait 1/4, 1/2, or 3/4 period and strike another equal blow at right angles to the first.
6H35.21model of double refractionL-119A double pendulum displaced in an oblique direction will move in a curved orbit.
6H35.22wood stick polarization wave modelsAJP 53(3),279Stick models of plane and circular polarized light.
6H35.23retardation plate modelsO-8cFifteen models of retardation plates. Reference: AJP 21(9),466-7.
6H35.24wavefront modelsOm-4Wire models show spherical and elliptical wavefronts in crystals.
6H35.25birefringent crystal axes35-6.11Examine calcite crystals cut perpendicular, parallel, and along the cleavage axis under a microscope.
6H35.30Nichol prismOm-8One of a pair of Nichol prisms is rotated as a beam of light from an arc lamp is projected through.
6H35.31Nichol prism modelOm-7Construct a wire frame model to show how calcite crystals are cut to form a Nichol prism.
6H35.32polarizing crystalsL-121Explain the action of tourmaline crystals and the Nicol prism with models.
6H35.40quarter wave platePIRA 500
6H35.40quarter-wave plateOm-11Insert a quarter-wave plate between Nichol prisms at 45 degrees giving circular polarization.
6H35.40quarter wave plateDisc 24-15Place a quarter wave disc between a Polaroid and a mirror.
6H35.41mechanical model half wave plateAJP 54(5),455An anisotropic spring and metal ball system is the mechanical analog of a half-wave plate.
6H35.44half and quarter wave plates35-6.16Use half and quarter wave plates with polarized sodium light.
6H35.45half wave platePIRA 1000
6H35.45half-wave plateOm-10Insert a half wave plate between Nichol prisms at 45 degrees giving plane polarized light.
6H35.45half wave plate35-6.15Use a quartz wedge to show the effect of a half wave plate.
6H35.50stress plasticPIRA 200A set of plastic shapes are bent between crossed polariods.
6H35.50stress plastic6H35.50A set of plastic shapes are bent between crossed Polaroids.
6H35.50stress plastic6H35.50A commercial squeeze device and little plastic shapes are used between crossed Polaroids.
6H35.50stress plasticAJP 44(11),1138Plastic shapes on the overhead between crossed Polaroids
6H35.50stress plasticOm-15Various shapes of plastic fit in a squeezer between crossed Polaroids in a lantern projector.
6H35.50stress plasticL-134Plastic is stressed between crossed Polaroids ALSO - Stroke a strip of glass longitudinally between crossed Polaroids and standing waves are apparent.
6H35.50photoelastic stress figuresDisc 24-13Stress a plastic bar between crossed Polaroids
6H35.51crystal structure of iceOm-12A thin slab of ice is placed between crossed Polaroids
6H35.51quartz wedge35-6.12Interference colors are shown with a quartz wedge in red, green and white light polarized light.
6H35.52color with micaOm-14Rotate a mica sheet between crossed Polaroids
6H35.52quartz wedge35-6.13A setup to show the spectral analysis of the colors of a quartz wedge.
6H35.53butterfly. etc.PIRA 1000
6H35.53butterfly. etc.6H35.53
6H35.53sign on crystals35-6.17A setup using a quartz wedge or sensitive plate to determine the sign of crystals.
6H35.53butterflyL-136Mica, cellophane, etc. are placed between crossed Polaroids
6H35.54various crystal thicknesses35-6.14Various crystals are placed between crossed Polaroids including etchings.
6H35.55cellophane between polarizersPIRA 500
6H35.55cellophane between polaroids, etcAJP 49(9),881A nice short explanation of interference colors and a kitchen table variation where the polarizer and analyzer are not obvious.
6H35.55cellophane between polaroids35-6.4A doubly refraction material between fixed and rotatable Polaroid sheets demonstrates color change with Polaroid rotation.
6H35.55optical activity in cellophane tapeDisc 24-09Interesting designs show up when plates with layered cellophane are placed between crossed Polaroids
6H35.56polarized lionDisc 24-10The second polarizer is reflected light from a horizontal plate of glass.
6H35.57polageDisc 24-12Optically active art work - metamorphosis of a cocoon into a butterfly as one Polaroid rotates.
6H35.60Kerr effect with optical ceramicsAJP 54(7),625Replace the nitrobenzene in the Kerr cell with an optical ceramic. An interesting welding goggles application is discussed.
6H35.61Kerr effect - electrostatic shutterL-135Halowax oil is used between the plates of a capacitor set between crossed Polaroids Charge the capacitor with an electrostatic machine and the transmitted light will vary.
6H35.62nematic liquid crystalsAJP 41(2),270Directions for making cells with thin layers of the liquid crystal MBBA and various optics experiments with the material.
6H35.65LCD ellement between polaroidsPIRA 1000
6H35.80flow birefringence17-8.3A colloidal solution demonstrates birefringence accompanying flow. Preparation instructions.

Ma-1Freier & Anderson
1A12.01University of Minnesota Handbook
AJP 52(1),85American Journal of Physics
TPT 15(5),300The Physics Teacher
Disc 01-01The Video Encyclopedia of Physics Demonstrations

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