7B10.10line spectra and student gratingsPIRA 200Have students view line sources through replica gratings.
7B10.10student gratings and line sourcesPIRA 1000
7B10.10line and cont. spectra with gratings7C10.10Students look at a carousel of line spectra lamps and a line filament with replica gratings.
7B10.10line spectra and student gratingsL-102Replica gratings are passed out, sources can be connected in series with an induction coil.
7B10.10emission spectraO-9bLine spectra are viewed through 13,400 lines/inch gratings.
7B10.10emission spectraDisc 25-01Four spectral tubes and white light through a grating.
7B10.11discharges in gasesAJP 29(12),857Rub various tubes with plastic foil to see spectacular discharges produced by the static electricity.
7B10.11bright line spectrumL-104Sources for bright line spectra: high melting point metals are used as electrodes in an arc lamp, the salts of low melting point metals are burned in a flame, gases are heated in discharge tubes.
7B10.12band emission spectraL-105Nitrogen, cyanogen, water vapor, and hydrogen show molecular band spectra.
7B10.15line spectra with large gratingPIRA 1000
7B10.15line spectra tubes and large grating39-1.1A box with five Pluecker line spectra tubes are mounted in a box with a replica grating front.
7B10.17prism spectrometerO-9cStudents can view emission spectra individually with a spectrometer.
7B10.20project spectral linesPIRA 1000
7B10.20project spectral lines7B10.20Project high intensity Na and Hg lamps through 300 or 600 lines/mm gratings.
7B10.25spectral chartPIRA LOCALAdd abstract in Handbook.FM
7B10.30salt electrode arcsA-8Pinhole project a carbon arc onto a screen, pack an electrode with a salt, project a spectrum through a prism.
7B10.40emmision spectra - Balmer seriesA-69Measure the deviations of the Balmer series of a projected spectrum of hydrogen.
7B10.42Balmer series spectrum tubeAJP 28(1),35Apparatus Drawing Project No. 1: report on constructing and filling a reliable Balmer series tube with a useful life of greater than 1500 hours.
7B10.50X-ray line spectra modelA-110Pour lead shot into a pan.
7B10.60Raman effect - simple apparatusAJP 58(9),893A simple double cell apparatus that can be inserted into a 200 mW argon laser for direct observation of the virtual image of the spectra of the scattered light.

Ma-1Freier & Anderson
1A12.01University of Minnesota Handbook
AJP 52(1),85American Journal of Physics
TPT 15(5),300The Physics Teacher
Disc 01-01The Video Encyclopedia of Physics Demonstrations

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