The Broadcast side of the Physics Colloquium.
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Colloquiums that were recorded in Spring Semester of
Feb. 11th |
Sridhara Rao Dasu, University of Wisconsin, Madison |
"Experiments to understand the origin of mass and matter excess in our universe" | |
In spite of the amazing success of the Standard Model in explaining phenomenon ranging from few hundred MeV Pi meson production up to several hundred GeV top quark pair production, there are left some important questions that require experimental investigation. The most fundamental of these questions that beg for further research involve the Higgs mechanism that explains the origin of mass and the CP violation phenomenon that results in matter-antimatter asymmetry. The BaBar experiment at SLAC B-Factory that is collecting data at the Upsilon 4S resonance now, is gearing up to understand CP violation phenomenon. The CMS experiment at CERN Large Hadron Collider that will investigate proton-proton collisions at 14 TeV center of mass energy is designed to investigate the energy frontier and address the question of the origin of mass. Initial performance of the BaBar experiment and the physics potential of both these experiments will be discussed. | |
March 3rd |
Deborah Jin, JILA & National Institute of Standards of Technology |
"Degenerate Atomic Fermi Gases" | |
Fermions are ubiquitous in nature and their quantum behavior is responsible for the periodic table and the stability of matter. However low density, weakly interacting Fermi systems are exceedingly rare. Building on the technologies that were used to produce the first dilute gas Bose-Einstein condensates in 1995, we have cooled a million potassium-40 atoms to temperatures below a microKelvin and observed effects of the Fermi-Dirac quantum statistics. The atoms are first laser cooled and trapped out of a room temperature vapor. Following this initial cooling, the atoms are magnetically confined and further cooled via forced evaporation. I will discuss the consequences of the fermionic nature of the atoms on the evaporative cooling process and present measurements of the quantum statistics at our lowest tem. | |
Mar. 31st |
Dale Meade, Princeton University |
"Confining a Fusion Fire - A Grand Challenge for Science and Technology" | |
Fusion is the primary source of energy for the universe, and represents a potentially attractive source of abundant and environmentally benign energy for the world. For decades scientists have searched for techniques to heat the plasma fuel to fusion temperatures (>100 million C) and confine this fusion fire for the time necessary to produce net energy. During the last decade, plasma temperatures of >300 million C have been produced in the laboratory using systems with strong magnetic fields and the confinement is approaching that needed for net energy production in the plasma. Nonetheless, tremendous technical challenges in science and technology remain that must be overcome to make fusion power a practical reality. ( | |
April 21st |
Brenda Dingus, University of Wisconsin, Madison |
"The Highest Energy Gamma-Rays from Gamma-Ray Bursts" | |
Oct. 13th |
Prof. J. C. Séamus Davis, Univ. of California-Berkeley |
"Exploring High-TC Superconductivity: One Atom at a Time" | |
Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) at individual impurity atoms is
a new tool[1] with which to probe high temperature superconductivity. Impurity
atoms in conventional materials like semiconductors are well known to create
bound quantum states for the conduction electrons. Theory predicts that
a new type of bound quantum state, characteristic of d-wave superconductivity,
will exist at impurity atoms in the high temperature superconductors [2].
Microscopic theories of the mechanism of superconductivity could be tested
with atomic-scale information about such states. I will describe a series
of experiments on the high-Tc superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2Od-? in which these
states were discovered [1]. I will then discuss measurements of their properties
at individual Ni and Zn impurity atoms in Bi2Sr2CaCu2Od- ? [3].
Finally, I hope to discuss newly emerging phenomena associated with the
O dopant atoms (which convert the materials from antiferromagnetic insulators
to superconductors) and the implications of these phenomena for the mechanism
of superconductivity. This project was carried out in collaboration with
K. M. Lang and V. Madhavan (Berkeley), E. W. Hudson (NIST Gaithersburg)
S. H. Pan (Boston University), H. Eisaki (Stanford) and S. Uchida (Tokyo
[1] Science 285, 88 (1999) [2] Phys. Rev. B 51, 15547 (1995) [2] Nature 403, 746 (2000) |
Nov. 10th |
Carl Anderson, IBM |
"Design of the IBM Power4 Processor" | |
The POWER4 processor chip is one of the most complex processor chips to date with 2 microprocessor cores, a shared L2, and L3 directory and a switch fabric for large SMPs. The system and physical design will be described. | |
Nov. 17th |
Robert Brandenberger, Brown University |
"Inflationary Cosmology: Progress and Problems" | |
Inflationary cosmology has become a cornerstone of modern cosmology.
In addition to explaining some of the puzzles of standard big bang cosmology,
the inflationary Universe scenario makes predictions for observables, some
of which have been spectacularly confirmed by recent experiments. In spite
of this success, inflationary cosmology is plagued by important conceptual
problems. After reviewing the basics of inflationary cosmology, the colloquium
will focus on some areas of recent progress (such as reheating and the
theory of cosmological perturbations), and on some of the conceptual problems
(e.g. the singularity and cosmological constant problems). Some new approaches
to addressing the conceptual problems will be mentioned.
More |
Dec. 1st |
Jim Truran, University of Chicago |
"Abundances as Tracers of the Star Formation Histories of Galaxies" | |
To the extent that the history of the Galaxy is to be found written in the composition of its component stars and gas, its abundance history can be used to probe and to constrain its dynamical and star formation history. Since distinctive abundance patterns are characteristic of nucleosynthesis occurring in stars of different masses and corresponding lifetimes, interesting constraints on the star formation and nucleosynthesis histories may be contained in the abundance histories of halo and disc population stars and QSO absorption line systems. A brief review will be presented of our knowledge of abundances in low metallicity populations, in light of current predictions of nucleosynthesis theory. Questions to be addressed include: Is there a need for a Population III? Do normal stars suffice to explain all observed abundance features in our Galaxy and other galaxies? What were the star formation histories of the halo, bulge, and disk of our Galaxy? |