Room 2241 Chamberlin Hall |
7:45 to 9:40 |
{ Phys:107 setup} |
{ Phys:107 setup} |
{ Phys:107 setup} |
Phys: 107 |
Phys: 951 |
{ Phys:103 setup} |
{ Phys:109 setup} |
{ Phys:109 setup} |
Phys: 103 |
Phys: 109 |
Phys: 103, |
Phys: 109 |
Phys: 109 |
Phys: 103, |
Phys: 109 | |
2:25 to 5:25
3:30 to 4:45 Agron: 375 Posner |
Phys: 900, |
Phys: 900, |
7:00pm |
7:00 to 8:15 Geography: 170 Buckingham |
7:00 to 8:15 Geography: 170 Buckingham |