Q-B -
Audio: Science Songs
Cameras 5
& 6: {Crowd Shots on A & C }
{Mute all as Peter walks out}
Welcome to the (223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232) presentation
of The Wonders of Physics...
Before the show begins, I would like to assure you that we make all of
our demonstrations as safe as possible provided you remain in your seats. Prof.
Sprott has asked me to find someone to entertain you
until he arrives, so I found a story-teller on
{Reid comes on stage with a duck puppet and tells some
duck jokes, managing to injure the duck in the process. -- 1-2 minutes}
Audio: Duck
{as Reaid comes on the stage}
{and at all the bad Jokes}
Reid: I think we need a doctor to fix this duck. Is there a
quack doctor in the house?
{Sprott enters through a side
door in disguise}
In come I that never cometh yet,
The best Doc Quackter you may bet.
Here I come from the Continent
To cure this duck which Reid Miller hath slain…
Reid: And how did you come to be a doctor?
Sprott: By my travels.
Reid: Where have you traveled?
I’ve been to Icky
Three times to Oconomowoc,
And now I’ve returned to
Reid: What can you cure?
Sprott: All sorts.
I can cast out 14 devils from one’s heart.
I can cast 21 out.
Reid: Well then, cure this duck.
Here, Duck, take three sips at this bottle,
Down thy thrittle throttle,
And arise and quack some more.
{Reid slumps over as if dead}
Reid: I think you’ve killed him!
Oh Reid, I quite forgot,
I took the wrong cork off the right bottle,
The right bottle off the wrong cork.
But in my inside outside backside pocket, I have another bottle.
In it there is some hokey pokey snokey;
And it’s sure to bring a dead duck back to life.
If you don’t believe these words I say,
Step in Dairy Dout, and clear the way.
{Dairy Dout enters in oversized
WoP shirt while Sprott
turns his back to the audience and removes his disguise.}
Dairy Dout (Cassie Narf):
In comes I, little Dairy Dout,
With my shirt lap hanging out,
Five yards in and five yards out.
Out goes little Dairy Dout.
gives Reid the antidote}
If you don’t believe these words I say,
Step in, Professor Sprott, and clear the way.
{Dairy Dout and Reid Miller
exit, while Sprott pivots around}
Audio: WOP Theme-Short
– Lectern Computer 1 {2011WOP-Slides.ppt}: “Play”
Sprott: Welcome to The Wonders of Physics. I have always wanted to be an actor and even played the Quack Doctor in Mummer’s plays
Peter: No, Who’s on second and What’s on first. But we did baseball last year… Motion is an important area of physics, and so I found a dancing scientist who recently appeared on America’s Got Talent. Give a welcome to Jeff Vinokur…
Sound Track to Dancing with the start
{Sprott sits at an artist’s
easel painting while others do their demos.}
(Jeff Vinokur): Dance
{Enters with fire extinguisher on
a skate board.}
Demo: {Fire
Extinguisher W/Skate Board}
Audio: Ta-Da
Vinokur: Welcome ladies and gentlemen! My name is Jeffrey Vinokur and I am a real life dancing mad scientist! I am here to tell you all about how the physics of motion plays such a big part in the arts.
– Lectern Computer 1 {2011WOP-Slides.ppt}: “
Vinokur: What I have here is a fire extinguisher filled with carbon dioxide gas. I used a skateboard to make it easier to slide, and then I just shoot carbon dioxide gas to propel me into motion!
Vinokur: A physicist named Issac Newton
- Camera 6:
On Stage for “MoonWalk”
Vinokur: Did you know that
6: On Stage for “MoonWalk”
Hit it DJ!
Audio: MoonWalk
Audio: Ta-Da
Vinokur: That was fun, but I have some
even more interesting physics to show you today. What I have here is an
“Airzooka:” It’s a children’s toy that shoots rings air vortex rings! I’m going
to shoot some air into the audience and if you feel a gust of wind go by, just
raise your hand. (Shoot air into audience).
Demo: {AirZooka}
Audio: Ta-Da
Vinokur: Now, I was thinking, wouldn’t
it be even cooler if we could see these air vortex rings? That is why I brought
a fog machine with me. OK, let’s try this... {Que:
Ghost Busters Theme Song. Shoot rings into audience.}
Audio: Ghost Busters
Audio: Ta-Da
– Lectern Computer 1 {2011WOP-Slides.ppt}: “Torus”
Vinokur: Wasn’t that awesome?! The physics here is pretty amazing too. A vortex is simply a fluid that is swirling, good examples are tornadoes, hurricanes and whirlpools and it all comes down to the physics of motion. When air moves really quickly out the hole in the front, the air on the sides encounters some friction from the hole and this makes it move slower, causing it to start swirling backwards in a special shape called a torus.
- Camera 6:
“On Pool”
Vinokur: For my last demo on motion I want to show you an amazing material that you can make at home. It’s called a non-Newtonian fluid and it’s made only from household corn starch and water. I actually have a big tank of this stuff which required 200 pounds of corn starch. This material is a liquid, but when you apply a force to it though motion, it becomes more like a solid.
Camera 6: “On Pool”
Vinokur: If I were to apply a force
onto the surface of the liquid through motion, such as... Dancing, then I might
be able to “Dance on water!” As long as I move my feet fast enough I should
stay afloat and dance on the non-Newtonian liquid. {(Que Music) Dance. Sink into
fluid at end of dance routine.}
Demo: {Non-Newtonian
Audio: Dance Music
Audio: Ta-Da
Vinokur: I hope you enjoyed learning
about the physics of motion and how it relates to the arts. Hey Professor
Sprott, do you like to dance too? {Exit:
– Lectern Computer 1 {2011WOP-Slides.ppt}: “Sprott Dance”
Sprott: I do like to dance. I even had a dancing photo in the newspaper once
Peter: A poet, you’re not, but I do know someone who has been looking into heat with regards to special effects. Let’s have a warm welcome for Big Bang Boomer George!
Camera T2V1:
“On Kinetic Simulator”
Camera 5:
“On Stage of Bottle Bomb”
Big Bang Sound Track
(George Hrabovsky): Theater
Big Banger?
George: Hello, everyone! You’ve all seen movies and TV shows that have spectacular effects of things exploding and burning. Since many people consider movies and TV to be a form of art, would you like to see me blow stuff up and light things on fire for you?! (BIG Grin here!) For those of you who don’t enjoy loud noises or have heart conditions, now might be the time to leave the room or cover your ears!
{Peter sticks fingers in his ears}
George: [Walking over to the table with the dewar and the pop bottle] What is an explosion? An explosion is when something expands really fast. We often think that something has to be hot when it explodes. Of course, [indicating the Dewar] here is something really cold! Liquid Nitrogen! Now, I would have be some sort of nut to put some of this into a pop bottle and seal it up [Evil Grin to the Audience as I pour a small volume into the bottle, seal it up, fix it into the frame and then put the trash can over it.] We will hear from that a little bit later, it will be quite loud, so you folks (indicating the front row) might want to move back up the stairs a bit. Now I put about a cup of liquid Nitrogen into the pop bottle and it will expand to nearly 700 cups of gas; I doubt that the bottle will hold it all. I could have made a joke about it being a bad idea to put it into a Pepsi bottle, but it’s OK since it was a Mountain Dew bottle, but I will spare you THAT joke.
5: “On Stage of Bottle Bomb”
Demo: {2L Bottle Bomb } (up to 5 min) {Leave up
George: Before we get to more of the good stuff, I have to explain how this is going to work; this is educational after all... So I have rigged up this to demonstrate how heat works.
T2V1: “On Kinetic Simulator”
Demo: { Kinetic Theory Simulator}
Audio: Ta-Da
George: Here we have a bunch of ball bearings in a box, think of the bearings as atoms in a substance, say water. [Turns on the apparatus and gets then to vibrate a little]. As they are here we can think of it like the atoms in a solid, sort of like they are frozen. As we turn up the heat the atoms move around more freely, this is like melting something. As we turn up the heat even more, we have boiled the liquid into a gas. Here the energy of motion is the temperature. The more the atoms move the higher the temperature. And you can see how the volume expands.
Q-C -
George: Another way to get things to explode is to burn them really fast. What happens is we burn things so fast that the atoms start moving so fast that the gas expands rapidly. For this you need something that combusts, like Hydrogen. Of course, what can possibly go wrong with Hydrogen?
Play -
George: Here we have a couple of balloons.
Demo: {Exploding Balloons}
Audio: Ta-Da
I just happen to have a stick with a match on it; why I have a stick with a match on it is up to your imagination... This first balloon has Hydrogen, and when I light it it will explode, and you will be able to feel the expansion of gas as it passes through the room; that will be what we call a shock wave.
– Camera 5:
“Fire Tornado”
Q-C -
George: Would you like me to do that again?
Demo: {Exploding Balloons}
Audio: Ta-Da
George: [At
some point the N2 bomb goes off.] Wow! That was spectacular!
George: I have been studying and chasing tornadoes for nearly 35 years.
Play -
5: “Fire Tornado”
Demo: {Fire Tornado }
We begin by lighting this stuff here on fire. Now when we rotate this nothing happens. Notice how the flame wavers and gutters, this is because fresh oxygen to feed the fire is competing with combustion byproducts trying to get away from the fire
screen around the burning element]
Audio: Marry-go-Round
A vortex works by spinning the heavier combustion products outward and upward in an updraft, this allows fresh oxygen into the base, keeping the fire going.In a tornado we get rotation and we get an updraft column; we will use this cylinder of mesh to both act like a chimney and get a good updraft going, and to get the vortex going by spinning the air. Here it is (spins the screen and the vortex rises)...
Audio: Ta-Da
George: Thank you Professor Sprott, for inviting me to give these demos, and [turning to audience] I hope you will be inspired to study both physics and the arts.
Audio: Ta-Da
Proud - EXIT
{Sprott does the Ruben’s Tube
demo here as a transition of heat to sound.}
Sprott: ?????
??Make a PPT slide for Ruben??
{ Ruben’s Tube}
Audio: Ta-Da
(Don Brandl): Music
– T1 Computer 1 {
Entrance: Don enters, searching for the source of sound (Ruben’s tube).
Brandl: He explains standing waves (?) and how big instruments can make low sounds while small instruments can make high sounds. Sound as wave --> show on Oscilloscope
Brandl: different instruments, different voices, consonance, dissonance, crowd participation - Ah vs Eee to transition into dissonance
Demo: { Beats, Tuning
Forks }
– Camera T1V1:
“Wine Glass”
Q-C -
Brandl: (interference) - The two waves are not quite the same, and we hear these two waves interfering together in the beating.
Audio: Ta-Da
{Breaking a Glass
T1V1: “Wine Glass”
Like in these tuning forks, we have
a certain frequency, or note, that an object can make. The same thing happens
with other objects, like a string in a guitar or in... a
wine glass! as a matter of fact, if we happen to play
that sound INTO the object, we can get it to vibrate. Let’s try it out with
this wine glass... [Safety Glasses] Break glass. Explain it resonated so much
that it broke - it couldn’t take how far we were trying to make it bend!
Audio: Ta-Da
Play -
{ Making Sound }
Brandl: (membranes, tubes, etc.) - get
audience to name some ways we can make some sounds. Will
bring out instruments used for exit. Will construct, with Ella’s help,
the Improv-o-tube
Audio: Ta-Da
Brandl EXIT: Don finishes up by talking about various ways that you can make sound. He demonstrates by getting various people to play instruments They all leave, having all they need to make a band. -> Ella’s Improv brass, Reid with Banjo, Don with drum
Audio: Ta-Da
??Make a PPT
Slide of Theremin??
Q-C -
- Camera 5:
Sprott: There are a lot of ways to make music These days we often use electronic instruments. In fact, I happen to have a very unusual electronic instrument called a “theremin.” It was invented in 1920 by a Russian physicist and musician, Leon Theremin
Demo: {Theremin }
Audio: Ta-Da
Sprott: Unfortunately, I’m not very good at playing it, but here’s what it sounds like when played by its inventor
Play -
– Lectern Computer 1 {2011WOP-Slides.ppt}: “Circuit
Sprott: Here’s another electric circuit
Demo: {Chaotic Circuit}
Audio: Ta-Da
Q-C -
Sprott: To show you some other examples of how electricity is used in the arts, I’d like to introduce my esteemed colleague, Professor Michael Winokur...
Heat Sound Track
(Michael Winokur): Movies
Thank you Professor Sprott... Well I've
just come from the electricity laboratory and, if the sound of physics isn’t
scary enough for some, then perhaps you would like to watch a horror show
(hopefully not this one).
Play -
– Lectern Computer 1 {2011WOP-Slides.ppt}: “Frankenstein”
Winokur: From early times (well before color
and sound) electricity has been used to shock and frighten audiences.
a PPT Slide of Tomas Edison??
You may not know it but Thomas
Edison, the inventor of the light bulb and the phonograph (ask your
grandparents), was associated with the movies (Powerpoint from
1910). His name even
appears in the 1st Frankenstein movie. This theme is often revisited, here in the 1930's and the 1950's, and you
will notice that electricity, the ability to move electrons, always plays a
It seems amazing to me
that one of nature’s smallest things, the lowly, unseen electron and the
electric force, gives rise to some of the most dramatic displays of energy and
A single electron's
force is small, too small to feel. But, like the many molecules of water
forming a river, there is strength in numbers.
The electric force keeps you from falling into the ground. Notice that, you don't feel it until you get
close, really close, less that the width of one of your fine hairs away.
– Camera 5:
“Jacob’s Ladder”
{ Jacob’s Ladder}
Winokur: In our electricity laboratory have
harnessed the electron's power to do more, much more. Here is a device called the “Jacob’s Ladder”.
Audio: Frankenstein
For it to work we need to push the electrons from one metal
electrode to the other (scientist call this push VOLTAGE or ELECTRIC
POTENTIAL). Eventually these electrons find the weak link in the air gap and
jump across to the other side. This turns the air in between into an electric
conductor. (You can do this at home
with a nine volt battery and your tongue....ask your
parents....if can be a tad unpleasant).
Q-C -
Once the electricity flows in
the gap it heats the air and as the as rises the electric arc moves up. The pretty colors come from the air molecules
that are excited by the electricity.
But I suppose you want to see a bigger example of pushing
electrons around.
Is that so?
(Listen for audience).
Here we have the ability to create
lighting in our laboratory
Play -
Demo: {Tesla Coil}
Winokur: With this device, the Tesla coil,
Audio: Shocking
we are able to push more electrons even
harder. Eventually they will escape and generate lightning.
Shall we try?
a PPT Slide of Tesla??
Audio: Ta-Da
– Camera 6:
“Foil & Metter”
the But I’ve forgotten something....something that goes with
(Ask for what this is.)
Can someone help me?
Audio: Thunder
Yes, thank you, thunder....we need thunder!
In the next device, a “CAPACITOR” we will push about one
thousand million million electrons from one metal
plate to another. Then will we will let
them all go back by way of this thin piece of aluminum foil. This meter keeps track of the VOLTAGE
(remember the “push”).
If all goes according to plan it might be loud, just like
Are you ready?
{ Exploding Foil}
Audio: Ta-Da
Winokur: Electricity may even seem like magic....but there are others that know
something about that....
(Ella Braden): Magic
{When the Tesla Coil crowd noise has died down, Ella
walks on stage carrying a magnet and explains that her magnet was acting up
backstage due to the changing currents from the Tesla Coil. Banter needs to be
added to help Michael’s exit.}
Camera T3V1:
“Doc Camera”
Ella: You know, I came here to tell you all about how physics is a part of performance art, especially magic. There are several demonstrations up here that demonstrate principles of magnetism, but look like magic.
T3V1: “Doc Camera”
Camera T3V2:
{ Magnetic Field Lines}
Switch Cameras
Ella: ….
T3V2: “Levitron”
Camera 6:
Demo: {Levitated Ball}
Audio: Ta-Da
Ella: ….Talk about Eddy Currents
6: “Pendulum”
Camera T3V2:
???Make a PPT Slide of Eddy???
Demo: {Eddy Currents Pendulum}
Audio: Ta-Da
Ella: ….Talk about Superconductors
T3V2: “Superconductor”
???Make a PPT Slide of YBCO???
Demo: {Superconductors}
Audio: Ta-Da
That does
remind me of magic! You’ve all seen a magician levitate a lady haven’t you? I
wonder why they always use a lady?
Sprott: Actually, I’m a bit of a magician myself. Just the other day I went to the hardware store and asked for a 3-foot long piece of rope, and they said “we don’t have a 3-foot piece of rope, but we do have these 2 little short pieces.” And I said, “heck, that’s no problem because I’m a magician, and any magician can change 2 short pieces into one long piece...”
Demo: {Rope Tricks} {Applause}
Audio: Ta-Da
Actually, I just made that up, but I did go to the hardware store and
asked for a piece of rope, and they said “do you want the kind of rope that has
2 ends on one end and 2 ends on the other end? Or maybe you want the kind of
rope that has 2 ends on one end and one end on the other end?” And I said “no,
no, I just want the regular kind of rope---the kind where you tie a knot in the
middle, you have a rope with 3 knots in it...”
Demo: {Rope Tricks} {Applause}
Audio: Ta-Da
Camera 6:
“Talking Head”
Ella: You know Prof. Sprott, there’s one more demonstration up here that looks a lot like magic, and I’d like to bring out another one of the physicists from the Department to help with it. Everyone please welcome Marty Lichtman!
Demo: {Talking Head} Marty as assistant to the talking head - Talking head is from the crowd
6: “Talking Head”
Audio: Ta-Da
(Marty Lichtman): Art
Camera 6:
“On Laser Unit”
As Ella said, my name is Marty Lichtman, which is
Hungarian for Marty “Man of Light”, so that’s what I’m here to talk to you
about! We started off the evening with
some stories, and today most of us get our stories through movies and
television. And of course, those
art-forms wouldn’t exist without LIGHT!
There are two features of light that make movies and television work,
color mixing, and persistence of vision.
Movies are shown to you at 24 individual frames per second. But when we watch them, we see continuous
motion. To demonstrate this I have here
Demo: {Laser
Audio: Ta-Da
Marty: The laser produces a single dot, and bounces off two mirrors. By moving the mirrors, I can move the dot, and if I turn on these motors, I can move the dot very fast. It moves so fast that when the light stimulates the photoreceptors in your eye, they stay stimulated long enough that you see a continuous line. That’s persistence of vision.
– T3 C1 {
{Kenny jumps out.}
I’ve been following you!
Oh no! It’s my evil nemesis, my shadow! I can’t seem to ever get rid of you!
Kenny: That’s because you are limited by the speed of light! Whereas I, the shadow, can travel as fast as I like!
Ah, but shadow, you can’t seem to convey information very fast! (HAHA.) Have you ever wondered how fast light can
really travel? We have here a laser
beam. The fan in front creates pulses,
which are then split in two by the beam splitter
T3 C1 {
Demo: {Speed of light
Audio: Ta-Da
Demo: {1ns Stick}
Marty: One beam is measured immediately, but the other flies over your head, bounces off a mirror at the back of the room, and then comes back. We can see both pulses on this oscilloscope. The time of flight of the beam is shown by the difference in these pulses. We can see the difference is 100ns, and I know that the round-trip distance to the back of the room is 30m. Speed=distance/time, so the speed of light is 300 million meters/second!
Today most of us get our stories from television. And wouldn’t television be very boring
without color?
Prof. Sprott has been doing some painting back there, and I want to tell you
about how painting will work in the future!
Demo: {Light Mixing}
Audio: Duck
Demo: {Rainbow}
Audio: Over the Rainbow
Demo: {Colors on TV
from 3 basic colors}
Audio: Ta-Da
And I can
even make an image without a screen, by exploiting persistence of vision again!
Demo: {Tubeless TV}
Audio: Ta-Da
But that’s in the future, how do normal paints work?
Camera 5:
“On Color Water” [Use if
Demo: {Paint Mixing}
(Pocahontas) Paint with all the Colors of the Wind
Well Prof. Sprott, now that you know all about paint
mixing, you should make a great artist.
Good luck with your painting!
{Marty and Kenny exit}
***Audio: Me and my
Audio: Ta-Da
Audio: Ta-Da
– Lectern C2 {2011WOP-Slides.ppt}: “Fractals”
Professor Sprott, I notice you have been painting
something for the whole hour. Can we see what you’ve done?
I’ve been doing something that demonstrates both art and physics. Would you
like to see it?
{Sprott turns the
easel toward the audience revealing an apparently blank canvas}
Peter: It looks like you didn’t even start yet.
Sprott: Ahhh, but that’s where the physics comes in.
Demo: {Fluorescence}
{Sprott puts on his artist’s hat, and the UV light comes
on revealing a vivid sunset, then he takes it off and the light goes out. He
explains fluorescent paints, shows some fractal artwork,
and plugs his poetry/art book}
Sprott: To
conclude the show, we have a special treat. Twenty-one years ago this month,
while doing one of these shows, I noticed in the audience Professor Jim Latimer
from the
Sprott: In honor
of the Year of the Arts, Jim, in collaboration with Frank Ferriano,
has arranged a new version of The Wonders of Physics that was premiered by the
Madison Marimba Quartet this past Christmas
Q-C&A -
– Lectern C2 {2011WOP-Slides.ppt}: “Thanks
The theme music lasts about three minutes, and we we’ll play it at the end of
the show for any of you who want to stay around and listen.
Sprott: Sometimes science is portrayed as being in competition with the arts. But I hope we have convinced you that the two are very closely related. All of the arts rely on principles of physics, and scientists enjoy and profit from the arts just as much as anyone else. Thus I encourage you to learn all you can about science, but also to develop your talents in the arts, and even if you are like me, and have limited artistic skills, you can still appreciate and enjoy the talents of others.
Sprott: And now I’d like to end the show in the same way we have ended every one of the shows over the past 28 years, by making for you a cloud...
Play – DVD-Clip 7 {New Theme}
{Sprott goes out with the usual
liquid nitrogen cloud and the new theme music.}
Q-C -
Audio: Science Songs
{Cast members come on stage through the side door and bow
in unison.}
Old Power Point Slide Shows: